Love your neighbor as yourself 
Servant to Servant                                    5-18-2018

56th Regular Convention of the
English District LCMS
June 19-21, 2018
Concordia University
Ann Arbor, MI
Important reminder from Bishop Jamison Hardy
If you have not registered for the English District Convention, please do so today. In addition, if your congregation hasn't chosen a delegate to attend the convention, please select someone promptly.

The 2018 Convention Workbook is available on the English District website. Click the link below to download the full workbook or specific sections of the workbook.

Thanks to all who have signed up to be a 
Prayer Partner for the upcoming 56th English District Convention, June 19-21, 2018 at Concordia University in Ann Arbor, MI. There are still many time slots available. We are asking for prayer for all aspects of the convention: safe travel, business sessions, elections, activities, discussions, theological presentations, fellowship and to celebrate the English District's ministries and missions. Just choose a time slot and then lift the needs of our delegates, presenters, guests, staff, and convention in prayer. Choose as many time slots as you would like and pray! Sign up for a time slot  here . Thank you!

Convention participants are invited to tour the Papyrus Collection at the University of Michigan Library, located in Ann Arbor, MI, at 10:00 AM on Friday, June 22, 2018. The collection contains 30 leaves of the P46 codex, one of the oldest extant New Testament manuscripts in Greek, dating from around AD 200. The tour will be led by collection archivist Dr. Brendan Haug, who will speak to us about the codex and other early Christian documents. Reservations are required. If you would like to attend or want more information, please email the Rev. Martin Erhardt , pastor at Lutheran Church of the Messiah, Princeton, NJ.  

Musicians are needed to play during the worship services at the English District Convention. If you sing or play an instrument and would be willing to lend your talents, please contact the Rev. Ryan Beffrey. Rehearsal time is limited, so you will need to be able to read music well. 

Convention offering
The Love Your Neighbor as Yourself 2018 Convention offering will provide financial support for Concordia Lutheran Mission.  Concordia Lutheran Mission is a fresh outreach of Mount Calvary, Lititz, PA to share the gospel of Jesus with the 185,000 people who live in Lebanon County, PA, where there is no LCMS congregation. We're convinced the best way to reach as many people as possible with the gospel is for churches to plant churches. With members from Mount Calvary and Calvary, Mechanicsburg, we are building community awareness and engaging in gospel conversations for a public launch this October. Would you join us in reaching the lost for Christ right here in America? Find out more at , and consider sharing through your prayers and your gifts in this mission to bring light into the darkness!
Please let your members know about this new mission of the English District and how they can support it by offering prayer and financial support for this new church plant. Financial donations can be brought for offering at the English District Convention worship service - or donations can be made payable and mailed directly to the English District-LCMS, 33100 Freedom Road, Farmington, MI 48336. Online donations are also accepted on the English District's website . Be sure to indicate "convention offering" in the space provided.
For families looking for an option for their children grades 5-8 while they are at the upcoming 56th English District Convention
Camp Concordia is the year-round staffed LCMS children's residential summer camp in Michigan just two hours west of Ann Arbor. Consider sending your 5-8th grader to overnight camp while you attend the English District Convention. Check-in begins on Sunday, June 17, 2018 and check-out is on Friday, June 22, 2018. For sixty summers, hundreds of parents have trusted Camp Concordia with their children.  They'll bring home a growing Christian faith, new-found friends, increased self-confidence and skills, lived-out values, and a suitcase full of lifelong memories!  Check out the opportunities available for families as well as grades K-12 at or call 616-754-3785.
Looking for "Every One His Witness" Workshop Testimonials
Our English District Evangelization Team is seeking 2-3 sentence testimonials from individuals who attended one of the many Every One His Witness workshops held across our District. Tell us about your experience with the workshop, how it may have changed your view and understanding of Evangelism, and any possible new awareness it brought into your thoughts and life. Please forward these to Rev. John Diener, Chair of our Evangelization Team . Many of these will be shared with those attending our English District Convention in June this summer.
Divine Call
Call Received
The Rev. Daniel E. Grams, Ascension of Christ, Beverly Hills, MI has received a call to serve Calvary, Parma, OH.

Call Returned
The Rev. Daniel E. Grams, Ascension of Christ, Beverly Hills, MI has returned the call to serve Calvary, Parma, OH.
Welcome, Ron!
The English District is pleased to announce Ron Grimm as our Gift Planning Counselor serving in partnership with the LCMS Foundation.
Ron began his service in March with training with the LCMS Foundation and will be attending the District Convention in June. Ron holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree and an Advanced Degree, both in Architectural Studies. He has been employed for the past twenty-eight years at DRS Architects in Pittsburgh, PA. Ron is active in his church, Peace, McMurray, PA, bringing experience gained there over the years as congregational president, board member, stewardship advocate and ministry program leader to this gift planning position. Ron is married and has one adult child. He lives in Pittsburgh and will work out of his home.
Please contact Ron at [email protected].

Sharing shoes
Hope, Hastings, MN, collected 2,675 pairs, which amounted to 107 bags, of new and gently used shoes! The church worked with Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) as well as the non-profit Funds2Go . The shoes are sent to developing nations like Haiti, Colombia, India, and Tanzania to support building their economies. Families in those countries set up shops to sell the shoes. The monies raised by collecting the shoes will help support Lewis House, a women's shelter, and Hastings Total Life Care, a pregnancy resource center.
Providing the basics
Prince of Peace, Stroh, IN collected 64 bars of bath soap, 116 rolls of toilet paper, 182 pairs of socks, 33 bottles, cans and packages of cleaning products, 81 toothbrushes, and much more as part of their Lenten almsgiving. The items were donated to Elijah Haven Crisis Intervention Center which meets the needs of victims of domestic violence in the community.
Sharing time
The handbell choir of Redeemer, Elmhurst, IL, packed up their equipment and visited Lexington Square where they held a concert for the residents of this senior living community. It was a joy to spread Christ's love through music. Following the concert, the adult ringers enjoyed conversation with the residents while the youngest ringers tried their hand at a game of chess. Afterwards, the choir went to get ice cream and enjoyed additional fellowship together.
Sharing with our communities
The Rev. Reinald Kaufmann, Risen Christ, Plymouth, MI, was asked to lead the prayer at the Wayne County First Responder's Memorial on May 15, 2018. It was a rainy day, but that did not stop the honoring of the First Responders who gave the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. A special thanks to Pastor Rennie for being an active part of local, state and international communities, and for sharing your faith in all of those arenas.
In our churches
On Sunday, May 13, 2018, The Rev. Ronald Millard was installed at Peace, O'Fallon, MO. The Rev. J. Derek Mathers, Assistant to the Bishop and Mission Executive, officiated the service.
Congratulations and God's blessings to the confirmands at West Portal, San Francisco, CA.

Ascension Day celebration
On Sunday, May 13, 2018, Christ, Lake Mills, WI and The Rev Aaron Boerst celebrated Ascension Day with a special butterfly release of 40 "painted lady" butterflies. In addition, the worship service included a baptism and the addition of two new adult members.
Contemporary Worship
Bethesda Asian Indian Ministry (AIM), Chicago, IL, has taken a bold step to introduce contemporary worship once a month, led by their young adults. The second generation of the Telugu community has grown up with American culture and education, so AIM developed a way to keep the Telugu culture connected to their kids. The young adults lead with contemporary Gospel music without forgetting their core Lutheran values and theology. It is a wonderful way for the community's children to grow up in true knowledge of salvation within their cultures.

Messiah, Danville, CA, hosted two celebrations. First, the OWLs celebrated Cinco de Mayo with a fiesta full of delicious Mexican food and music. Then the congregation celebrated Vicar Andrew Mundinger's birthday.

In our schools
Congratulations to the students who participated in the Knowledge Bowl!
Hales Corners, Hales Corners, WI
West Portal, San Francisco, CA
Good, clean fun
Preschoolers at Faith of Jacob's Well, Ft. Wayne, IN, had a blast playing with shaving cream.
Game day!
Kindergarten students at Fairlawn, Fairlawn, OH, enjoyed game day with special guests.
Critter visit
Preschoolers at Concordia Church and Little Lambs Academy, Berwyn, IL, had an awesome day during their in-house field trip with David Stokes and all his critters. David brought turtles, tadpoles and snakes, oh my!
Celebrating moms
Christ the King Preschool, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI, celebrated all their wonderful moms with a Mother's Day Tea, and showered them with songs, snacks and love.
Lessons by parable
During Chapel Service at Bethesda International Academy, Chicago, IL, the parable of the Good Samaritan was shared. The story has profound lessons applicable in students' lives today. The fifth and sixth grade grade students did a phenomenal job reminding everyone of those important lessons.
Camp and creation
The fifth and sixth grade students at Redeemer, Oakmont, PA, enjoyed two great days out in God's creation at Lutherlyn.
Outdoor learning
Science and PE lessons are plenty at Chain 'O Lakes State Park for the sixth and seventh grade classes at Emmanuel - St. Michael Lutheran School, Ft. Wayne, IN. It was a beautiful day in God's creation!


Sweet gesture
The staff at Ascension of Christ Early Childcare Center, Beverly Hills, MI, enjoyed special donuts made in their honor for Teacher Appreciation week.

Z is for zoo
Little learners at Shepherd King Preschool, West Bloomfield, MI, learned about zoo animals. Lessons included painting with feathers, touch boards with various sensory elements to explore how different animals may feel, and using doctor toys to give vet check-ups to their zoo-themed reading buddies.  
Fond Farewell
Students at Ascension Early Childcare Center, North Olmsted, OH, bid a fond farewell to the classroom's butterflies. They had eagerly waited with wonder as their caterpillars made the Spring transformation.
Reformation 500
The latest Reformation 500 Anniversary profile, "Free in Christ: Hans Sachs and Katie Schuermann," written by Dr. Roni Grad and Rev. Jonathan Sachs, is available on our website. Click here to read it.
Preach the Word
Preaching is challenging business. Everyone can use some encouragement and fresh ideas.
Preach the Word will help pastors work together to improve their preaching through video modules with accompanying resources and by interacting with seminary professors and fellow preachers. Watch the video below to find out more.
Communication Corner

Tag us, please!
Facebook has eliminated "interest lists," and in doing so, has made seeking our churches' and groups' Facebook feeds akin to a modern day "needle in a haystack." If you would like us to see your posts, please "tag" us. You can do this by posting your photos/status, typing @EnglishDistrictLCMS in the comment section, and then hitting "enter." Additionally, you can tag us on Twitter, @EngDistLCMS, as well as e-mailing us directly. Thanks so much for helping us keep the communication going in the English District!
Lynne Cobb, Communications Coordinator
Knowledge is Power
Now, a new, free tool to increase your financial knowledge!

Because we know you care for those you serve in ministry, we invite you to share the new LutheranFCU Financial Education Center so that they can learn more about everyday and extraordinary financial decisions.  The  LutheranFCU Financial Education Center provides short, online education modules on nearly 40 different financial topics that can be taken at your convenience and pace.  Each topic fits into one of the following "playlists": Financial Basics, Major Life Transactions, Paying for College and Planning for Retirement.
2018-2019 English District Financial Aid

Dear Future Church Worker,

Below are links to important information about the 2018-2019 English District Financial Aid Applications. Please read the information carefully and note that the deadline for submission is Friday, June 1, 2018.

Please note that the first time you apply for aid, there are two forms to complete. They are the Financial Aid Information Form and the District Financial Aid Application.   In subsequent years, you only need to complete the application unless your financial or personal situation has changed.

Scholarships are not given to interns, vicars, or graduate students.

The following information and forms can be found on the English District website:
  • Financial Aid Instructions
  • Financial Aid Information Form
  • District Financial Aid Application
  • Colloquy Financial Aid Application

In Christ,

Gail Holzer, Executive Director of Schools
Rev. J. Derek Mathers, Assistant to the Bishop/Mission Executive
CUEnet recently received a significant scholarship grant and they are very excited to share it with students. This gift, combined with those from many other donors who support teachers in colloquy, is going to allow CUEnet to provide each new student who enrolls in the next round of colloquy classes (starting in June or July) with an Old Testament Scholarship of $769.00 for the first class in colloquy, as well as the Borland Scholarship of $275.00 for each subsequent class in the program. For Old Testament, the "Total Due" on the invoice to the student will read $0.00. For the other seven courses in the program, the "Total Due" on the invoice will read just $494.00.
More information at | 1-800-238-3037 | [email protected]
Communications Workshop - Less Chaos. Less Noise.
There will be a workshop hosted by Kem Meyer and the Michigan District, LCMS, on Wednesday, June 6, 2018, 9 AM to 4 PM, at Concordia University, North Building, Ann Arbor, MI. Tickets are $75/person. For more information and to register, click  here.
The Kaleidoscope Fund
The Kaleidoscope Fund is a granting program designed to help support eligible LCMS ministries as they make known the love of Christ. These grants help strengthen congregations, Lutheran schools, church workers and the communities they impact.
Qualified grant purposes are:
  • Ministry Outreach and Expansion
  • Education (K-12 Lutheran Schools)
  • Church Worker Wellness
Your grant proposal summary must be submitted by June 15, 2018. Visit
to learn more. Click here  to read about past grant recipients.
If you have any questions contact David Thiele at [email protected]  or (517) 980-2857.
Previous issues of the Servant to Servant eNewlsetter are available on the English District website.   You are encouraged to share the information from Servant to Servant with members of your congregation.
All are invited to subscribe to this weekly publication. Forward the newsletter to members of your church using the "Spread the Word" link at the bottom left of this newsletter. They can subscribe by clicking on the link at the bottom right titled, "Sign up for our emails." Thanks for spreading the word!
Please share your congregation's or school's unique ministries with the rest of the District. Send pictures and stories for consideration to  Lynne Cobb by Wednesday, 12:00 pm ET.

We want to see how YOUR congregation or school is "loving your neighbor as yourself."

[email protected]

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