Eagles in Action
Seventh Grade Eagles in Action Project

During the month of October, seventh graders are collecting stocking stuffers for service members in harm’s way during Christmas. A grocery bag will be placed in each classroom to collect items needed for stocking stuffers during the month of October. Below is a list of the items we will collect as they are urgently needed at Operation Support Our Troops (OSOT) – America, Inc. On October 29, the seventh graders will bring your offerings and volunteer their time stuffing stockings for United States Service Members. Please bring the items listed below to school on Wednesdays during the month of October:

*Trail Mix (Individual Packs)
*Slim Jims / Beef Jerky (Individually Wrapped)
*Individual Cold Drink Mix (Gatorade, Propel, Lemonade Singles, etc.)

Thank you for your support!
3rd Grade Eagles in Action Recap for September 2020
Thank you for your support of the LaGrange Area Food Pantry through your chapel offerings in September and the support or our church members, as well. We collected donations at our Meals to Go on September 20, and received money the 5th graders collected at the Wykert Mall project they did for Social Studies. We are excited that the chapel offerings totaled $770.16! If we divide that by ten months, we will use $77.00 each month this school year to buy the monthly featured item and shop for sales with the help of church member, Bonnie Mielke, through June. Your generosity is gratefully appreciated! Thank you!
Guidelines for Keeping Students Home
As a reminder, we are required to follow IDPH and ISBE regulations in order to remain open for in-person instruction.

If your student has ANY of the following symptoms, your student and all siblings must stay home from school:
  • fever (100.4 or higher)
  • new onset of moderate to severe headache
  • shortness of breath
  • new cough
  • sore throat
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • abdominal pain from unknown cause
  • new congestion/runny nose
  • new loss of sense of taste or smell
  • nausea
  • fatigue from unknown cause
  • muscle or body aches

Your student may return to school after receiving a negative COVID test or receiving an alternative diagnosis from a doctor. Asymptomatic siblings may also return at this time.
If you do not obtain either a negative COVID test or alternative diagnosis, your student, and siblings, must stay home for 10 days from onset of symptoms AND have been symptom free for 24 hours.

Thank you for continuing to be vigilant as we navigate this school year together!
We congratulate the following students for earning Accelerated Reader Certificates:

Independent 1: Jacob Mendez
Independent 2: Jaxson Garbarz
Independent 3: Diego Santiago
Independent 4: Alex Toledano, Katie Wozniak
Rising 1: Mason Zeman
Super 1: Isaac Carey, Diego Santiago
Super 4: Katie Wozniak
Advanced 1: Eva Borges, Dean Daly, Katie Wozniak

Keep up the good work!
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/teacher conferences will be done via Zoom. Look for a signup genius invitation from your student's teacher coming soon!
Charleston Gift Wrap Fundraiser

Family, Friends, and Supporters of St. John's Lutheran School, 
our Fundraiser is half-way through and we're counting on your support!
If you received a notification about a deadline this weel, disregard - that end date is incorrect. The fundraiser is still going, and we need your help.
This is an important way to help support our school!

Our Fundraising Goal: CLICK HERE to watch our kick off video! 

Here’s how to help us reach our fundraising goal:
  1. Please click here to register today! Use our ORGANIZATION ID 20078 to register!
  2. Send 10 unique and valid shopping email invites to your friends & family using our invite tool at registration.
  3. Shop! With over 2,500 gift ideas, you can check-off your holiday gift-list and support our important cause, too.

PRO TIP: The more email invites you send, the more supporters we’ll get! So, break out your email contact list, share on social media, and help spread the word!

Will you take a few minutes and register now?

Questions about registration? Call CW Customer Support at 1-866-395-2926

Thank you for your help!
Virtual Scholastic Book Fair is near!!!! 
Begin shopping from the comfort and safety of your own home, car, or wherever you may be!

Dates are 10/15/2020-10/28/2020 
If you would like to purchase a book for any of the wonderful teachers, a list will be sent out! See below for the shopping link and popular book videos.
Happy Shopping!
Family Fall Fest Candy Donations

Please send to school with your student October 1-15! Thank you!
Please join us for livestream chapel Wednesdays at 8:20am at our Youtube channel via the link below:
You should have received an email about St. John's Ministries on Monday.
Inside you will find more information about the following exciting events:
St. John's School Fundraiser
Meals To Go
Candy Donations Needed
Q-BBQ Fundraiser
Family Fall Fun Fest

You can access that email via the button below:
Walther Christian Academy Open House
Walther Christian Academy will have an In Person Open House on Thursday, October 15th at 7:00 p.m.  Families can tour the campus, meet teachers, speak with coaches, learn about scholarship and financial aid opportunities and see what it means to be a part of the Walther Family. Please help spread the word! Contact Mrs. Calleros at 708-344-0404 xt.245 or alma_calleros@waltheracademy.org with any questions. 
Due to COVID guidelines RSVP is required. 
Earn money towards next year's tuition! And support our school! Why not receive a tuition reimbursement and take care of your household shopping needs at the same time? October is here! Time to start shopping for costumes and candy, along with cooler weather clothing! If you just plan on dining out or treating yourself, take time to evaluate your shopping needs and order your TRIP cards! If you are hosting or attending any fall gatherings, start your shopping with TRIP cards.
To learn more, ask me: Amy Buonassisi (amybuonassisi@gmail.com). Here’s how it works: you buy a $25 gift card or $100 gift card for the retailer of your choice and receive that gift card AND it’s easy! You can take advantage of this program for your own family or you can donate it for another family - - it’s simple.  

We will be placing TRIP orders for your shopping needs on these upcoming dates:
·       October 19th
·       October 26th

Please text me (Amy Buonassissi) if you have an order & are coming 630-290-0268
   OR if you would like to connect with me somewhere before the order is due OR via the new app.