The Poison Post ®
Brought to you by Poison Control Centers
June 2018 Edition
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Introduction to the Opioid Epidemic
Opioids are powerful drugs that can relieve pain but also impair breathing, leading to brain injury and death in overdose. US deaths involving opioids are rising, and the resulting health crisis is referred to as the opioid epidemic.  Learn more...
History of the Opioid Epidemic
The opioid epidemic has evolved rapidly in recent years starting with an increase in opioid prescriptions to treat chronic pain. To reduce risk and maximize the benefits of pain treatment options, the CDC issued guidelines for opioid prescribing.   Learn more...
The Opioid Pendulum: A Balancing Act
Appropriate use of opioids for pain relief requires delicately balancing of risks and benefits. Too much of an opioid can be dangerous or even deadly, but too little leaves the patient in pain. Learn more...
Treating and Preventing Opioid Overdose
When it comes to the opioid epidemic, we can all have a positive impact. It is important to practice safe medication use, storage, and disposal to prevent poisoning. By learning how to use the opioid reversal agent naloxone, you could save a life.  Learn more...
How Do We Stop the Opioid Epidemic?
Our current responses to the opioid epidemic are inadequate. Effective treatments are underutilized, and the result is a cycle of drug use, inadequate treatment, and return to drug use. Breaking this cycle will require a lot of individual and community effort. Learn more...
Two ways to get help for a poison emergency:

Both are free and confidential. Both provide expert guidance based on age, weight, and amount.