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Penn State National Science Foundation Center for Health Organization Transformation
(Penn State CHOT) - An Industry-University Cooperative Research Center
The CHOT Translational Science meeting was held on September 26, 2018. The primary objective of the meeting was to connect CHOT Scholars working to advance CHOT projects with undergraduate student programmers seeking to translate basic research into practice. In the picture above, undergraduate students met with CHOT Scholars to learn more about the projects and share their technical background and expertise.

CHOT Scholars will collaborate with the undergrad programmers to introduce undergraduates to NSF and industry-funded research and ensure that basic research outputs from CHOT projects are translated into value-added health care solutions (e.g., software solutions, service systems, visualization platforms, etc.) that can be directly integrated into health care practice.
September 2018
CHOT 2018 Project Highlight  
Dillon Madrigal - Acceptability and Feasibility of Embedding Routine Informal, Family Caregiver Assessment of Delirium Superimposed on Dementia into Acute Care

Madrigal's abstract was accepted by the Eastern Nursing Research Society to represent the master's students in the College of Nursing at Penn State in their annual conference. 
Delirium, which is characterized by an acute change in attention and cognition, is a potentially life-threatening, yet possibly reversible, condition that occurs rapidly and is continuously under-recognized in hospitalized older adults. In order to recognize delirium, it is important that health care providers understand the baseline cognitive status of the older adult being assessed. Increasingly, family members have been recognized as potential allies in detecting subtle
cognitive changes indicative of delirium as they have intimate knowledge of the patient's baseline cognitive status, especially in those with pre-existing cognitive changes such as dementia. The Family Confusion Assessment Method (FAM-CAM) is one tool that has been used in the home health care setting to allow family members to report symptoms of delirium, but its use in acute care is not fully understood.  
Madrigal's study explores the initial acceptability and feasibility of the utilization of app-based, informal, family caregiver-driven assessments of delirium, using the FAM-CAM, in the acute care setting.  
 Research Adviser: Andrea Yevchak  
Administrative Data Accelerator
Ashley Stauffer, project and operations manager at the Penn State Administrative Data Accelerator, gave a presentation on data access opportunities for CHOT researchers.
The Penn State Administrative Data Accelerator supports partnerships between researchers and policymakers through the use of administrative records to expedite research on critical social issues. To accomplish this, the Accelerator links datasets in a highly secure environment, leveraging analytics and privacy best practice. This infrastructure facilitates engagement with policymakers to translate research into evidence-based policy and budgetary insights.
The Administrative Data Accelerator is made possible by the support of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child & Human Development, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Laura & John Arnold Foundation, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, as well as institutional funding from the Penn State College of Health and Human Development and the Social Science Research Institute. It is operated by the Prevention Economics and Policy Program and housed within the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center.

Upcoming Event
Fall 2018 IAB Meeting
Hosted by Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT)

Date: Thurs., October 11, 2018 and Fri., October 12, 2018
Location: MITRE Building, 7525 Colshire Drive, McLean, VA 22102

More information about the event can be found here.