Message from Loretta V. Bush, CEO, Authority Health...
When people think about health disparities, they often think first about those with different racial or cultural identities, frail elderly or low-income mothers and infants. However, an often-overlooked group are people within the LGBT community. People who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) often lack access to health care that meets th
eir needs. They also have increased risk factors for various diseases.
We didn't know a lot about the health status of the LGBT community before the passage of the Affordable Care Act of 2010. The "ACA" requires that any federal or public health programs compile data on race, ethnicity, sex, primary language, disability status, among other categories, including populations like LGBT. A decade later, we know that:
- Risk factors such as harassment, victimization, and violence are higher for LGBT youth compared to their heterosexual peers. Additional risk factors include high levels of smoking, alcohol use, substance abuse, and homelessness;
- Women who identify as LGBT pursue less well-woman exams, mammograms, and other disease prevention services than heterosexual women;
- Compared to heterosexual women, lesbians, and bisexual women are at higher risk of becoming obese. Coupled with other risk factors such as increased alcohol use and smoking may contribute to higher rates of breast cancer in these groups;
- Studies reveal that LGBT people of color face more significant challenges to maintaining health and wellness. The combined effect of racism and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity means that LGBT people of color experience additional stress, discrimination, and barriers to care.
There are strategies for addressing these disparities, beginning with creating a welcoming, informed, and supportive environment for the LGBT community in our health facilities. We're doing just that at both our pediatric practice and our family medicine practice. Our goal is for our pediatric practice to become known as the place where all parents, including same-sex, single and adoptive parents can bring their children knowing that their child will receive high-quality care in a non-judgmental environment. Our practice recently hosted an educational event on the parental rights of lesbian, gay, transgender, and queer people to further our goal.
Improving the cultural competency and humility of health professionals will go a long way toward improving health care and prevention in the LGBT community. Programs like "LGBTQ+You," developed by one of our Schweitzer Fellows, Lindsay Toman, trains medical students and practicing physicians to overcome disparities with humanistic health care. It is reassuring that the American Medical Association Foundation recently announced a national initiative ( to promote best practices and shared outcomes in improving the quality of LGBT care.
Most important, perhaps, we need to build a trusting relationship through interpersonal engagement. As we anticipate LGBT Health Awareness Week, March 23-29, let's consider opportunities to build trusting relationships in the LGBT community, improve cultural competency, and promote a supportive environment in our health and human services organizations.
Pediatric Practice LLC is located at 23077 Greenfield Rd. Ste 200. Southfield, MI 48075 in the Advance building.
We look forward to providing care to children and adolescents in our region. Spread the word!
"Who's Who" In Black Detroit Recognizes Authority Health Leadership
Authority Health has several prominent Black professionals among its staff. Leading them is Loretta V. Bush, President, and CEO. " Who's Who" In Black Detroit also recognized Janette Davis, Chief Financial Officer, and Patricia White, Vice President of Clinical Operations.
Who’s Who in Black Detroit is a professional lifestyle group focused on engaging professional social events and programming for the African-American community. The goal is to highlight the ongoing achievements of African-Americans in all major fields. Since 1989, the listing has been the preeminent provider of programs that engage influential and aspiring African-American professionals.
Chief Financial Officer, Janette Davis and VP of Clinical Operations, Patricia White
Authority Health Partners with U of D-Mercy Dental for Kids Event at Popoff Family Health Center
In honor of National Children's Health Month, Authority Health partnered with the University of Detroit Mercy dental program to provide screenings and cleanings to area children. The event was held February 17-18 at the Popoff Family Health Center.
Authority Health CEO, Loretta V. Bush Attends ‘Go Red For Women’ Luncheon
The Go Red for Women Luncheon is the annual cornerstone event for the Detroit Go Red for Women Movement
(sponsored by the American Heart Association). Held at Little Caesar's Arena on February 21st, this empowering event focused on preventing heart disease and stroke and raising critically needed funds to support research and education initiatives.
Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer said, "Raise awareness and ensure every woman has the resources and is empowered to build a healthier lifestyle," during her keynote address.
Over 600 Metro Detroit Executives lent their support for an event of inspiration!
Provider Advisory Committee Has First Meeting of 2020
Authority Health VP of Clinical Operations, Patricia White, Rachel Zuckerman of MDHHS, Linda Little of Neighborhood Service Organization, and Dr. Kimberly Farrow of Central City Integrated Health
The Provider Advisory Committee held its first meeting of 2020 in February. Rachel Zuckerman, Behavioral Health Analyst with the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services spoke to the group about Michigan's Public Behavioral Health System: Proposed New Approach. The presentation is available
MOTION Movers: MOTION Coalition Member Organization, The Detroit Food Policy 10th Annual Detroit Food Summit
The Detroit Food Policy Council is celebrating a decade of creating a healthier and more equitable food system in the City of Detroit at the 10th Annual Detroit Food Summit. Detroit Food 2020: Visions of a Food Future will draw around 200 people from throughout the food system, including farmers, chefs, health professionals, policymakers, and more. Dr. Howard Conyers, a NASA scientist, turned author, pitmaster and cultural food educator, will serve as the keynote speaker for the event. Tracks at Detroit Food 2020 will include Food Policy, Food Waste, Mindful Eating for the Beloved Community, and Future of Food. Panels will include Race and Food in Detroit; The Future of Urban Farming; a conversation with past chairs of DFPC; and a group of Detroit grocery store owners.
Detroit Food 2020 will take place March 12-13 at the Benson and Edith Ford Conference Center in the Taubman Center for Design Education at the New Center campus of the College For Creative Studies, 460 W. Baltimore St, Detroit. The registration fee is on a sliding scale starting at $160 for advocates to $30 for students. More information, as well as links to registration and sponsorship opportunities, can be found at
Dr. Andrea Tangari of Wayne State University Discusses Making a Positive Impact in the Community to Schweitzer Fellows
Dr. Andrea Tangari, Associate Professor of Marketing at Wayne State University, led a workshop for Schweitzer Fellows on social entrepreneurship and sustainability on February 19. Dr. Tangari’s research interests include consumer welfare issues such as food and nutritional labeling, anti-smoking, and sustainability.
In her faculty impact statement, Dr. Tangari writes, “Through my teaching, I focus on creating awareness around social responsibility and creating the next generation of socially responsible business and organization leaders and stewards.”
School Nutrition Standards May Be Significantly Changed By Agriculture Proposal
Public health practitioners have increasingly come to realize that a key to population health is centering initiatives within schools, based in the premise that active living and healthy eating are not only important lessons to learn in school, but are effective methods of promoting healthy behavior to reduce obesity and prevent disease among students in elementary and secondary schools.
Authority Health Hosts LGBTQ Discussion
Authority Health hosted a discussion on LGBTQ issues at the Dr. Anne Mare’ Ice practice, Pediatric Staff, PLLC. The March 3rd discussion was led by Jeynce Poindexter, Transgender Victims Advocate with Equality Michigan.
Authority Health is a public body corporate serving the needs of the health care safety net. It sponsors the nation’s second largest graduate medical education teaching health center, a community-based wellness center, and a health data analytics division. In addition, Authority Health provides extensive enrollment and navigation services, as well as professional training opportunities.
Authority Health | 313.871.3751 | |