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Virginia Bankers Association Lending & Credit Conference - Omni Richmond Hotel

Bankers Title Shenandoah together with Bankers Title and Virginia Title Center, are pleased to once again participate in VBA's Lending & Credit Conference as a sponsor and exhibitor. Representatives from the respective VBA Managed Agencies look forward to interacting with you during the conference in beautiful downtown Richmond. Stop by, visit with us and register for our door prize! 
Conference dates: October 29th and 30th . For more information and to register, click HERE. HERE 
This is How Great Leaders Develop Successful People
There are many things successful people have in common. Some are more important than others, but one is nearly universal: at some point a leader  believed in their greatness.
Great leaders inspire greatness in others. They create an environment in which people are able to expand and evolve, with the support and encouragement to become successful in whatever they pursue.  So how can you develop others for greatness? Click HERE to learn more.
Confronting the Greatest Risks Facing the Future
of Banking
by Jim Marous

Digital disruption, fintech infiltration, big tech competition, and new technologies like artificial intelligence seem daunting. But the most serious threat to banks and credit unions remains difficult to address because it is so deeply ingrained in almost every financial institution's culture. Look inside your institution and you might find your biggest risk is your organization's internal qualities. Click HERE to learn more.
Home Loans Get Hot as More Millennials Make 
the Move
by Bill Streeter
How ownership among Millennials' is on the rise, but so are their regrets. Over two-thirds who have bought homes admit to buyer remorse. Yet owning a home remains a top priority for this key demographic. How can banks and credit unions help? Millennials need advice, the right mix of products, and easy-to-use tools to keep the American Dream from turning into a nightmare. Click HERE to learn more. 
Here are additional articles related to the   Mortgage Industry you may enjoy: 
The Best Way to Offer An Opinion On Anything
by Lolly Daskal
Giving an opinion is a common way of interacting with other people in formal and informal settings. Unsolicited opinions may be unwelcome, but most leaders find themselves being asked to express an opinion fairly often-and those with a reputation for wisdom are asked constantly. Click HERE to learn more.
Here are additional articles related to   Professional Development you may enjoy: 
Do You Know What Your Lending Customers
Really Want?
Why & how banks must update their lending approach for today's customer.
by John Waupsh
Today, most banks believe they cannot compete with personal or auto loans because credit unions, on average, offer lower rates. While interest rate continues to be the primary deciding factor for consumers when shopping for a loan, it is no longer the only factor. What consumers really want is a better experience and more control over how they manage their finances, including debt. Click HERE to learn more.


**Remember to offer your borrowers Owner's Coverage on their most valuable investment. It's a one time premium with a lifetime of security. In addition, they will receive a reduced premium rate when they obtain it simultaneously with your Lender's Coverage.**

What Topics Are On Your Mind?
Bankers Title Shenandoah wants to provide you with pertinent information in future E-Blasts and Webinars. What questions are on your mind regarding the real estate and mortgage lending industry? What topics would you like addressed in future E-blasts? Send us your thoughts.
Butch Rutherford
Vice President & Agency Manager
Bankers Title Shenandoah, LLC

Give us a call and let us know how we can better serve you and your team!
Integrity. Security. Excellence.

Bankers Title Shenandoah is committed to maintaining customer satisfaction by delivering quality title insurance products and closing services in an accurate and timely manner.

Our professionalism, technical knowledge and experience provide security as we insure protection for your most valued investment.
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