"Empowering Leaders, Inspiring Learners, Developing Relationships"
September 28, 2018

Principal's Post
 Dear McCulloch Families,
    We have had a busy month at McCulloch. Our Student Leadership Teams are up and running again this school year. Ask your child what team they are a part of each Monday afternoon. Please mark February 22 on your calendars as this will be our McCulloch Leader Day to celebrate our Leader in Me journey.
     The next few weeks at McCulloch are filled with some exciting events.Please take time to look over the information below. We look forward to seeing everyone at Parent-Teacher conferences during the month of October.  
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office at 732-3620 or contact me by email at [email protected]. Thank you for sharing your child(ren) with us each and every day!

Your partners in education~
Mrs. Amber Sainz and Mrs. Helen Williams
Tiger Time
Each day, Tuesday-Thursday from 2:50-3:20 p.m., McCulloch Leaders will receive direct instruction on the skills they need to grow as a learner. All staff will support our learners, including aides, special teachers, counselors, and administrators. It is very important that our leaders stay until dismissal time to access this additional support. We are looking forward to this continued opportunity for all of our learners.
"Leadership is communicating others' worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves."
~Stephen Covey

This Week-Birthday Books
Every leader at McCulloch will get to come and pick out a "Birthday Book" in Mrs. Sainz's office during their birthday month. We are so excited to help our leaders build their love for reading.

Please Support our Tiger Troop by donating socks!
B  the benefits rath er than the features. Drive traffic to your site by providing a teaser" to your readerswith a link to your site or the full details.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Conferences will be held the week of October 22-October 26. Your child's teacher will be scheduling times with you in the near future. Our goal is to have 100% face-to-face contact with our parents. We look forward to seeing each of you during this week to celebrate your child and help them to continue to grow as a learner.

Our leaders will be studying Habit #2: Begin with the End in Mind during October. Our Leaders of the Month for October will be students that are showing these behaviors at school.
McCulloch Tiger Run
Thanks to our McCulloch PTO and families who helped support our First Annual McCulloch Tiger Run. We raised almost $30,000 dollars. Our leaders voted on the new piece of playground equipment pictured below. We can't wait to add this to our playground.
  On Friday, September 21, our staff participated in a training called Aligning Academics. Teachers were trained on goal setting, leadership notebooks, and student-led conferences. As we continue our The Leader in Me Journey, more information will be coming home in regards to goal setting with your students. We are looking forward to these new components for our leaders.
Breakfast with Books

Student Achievements
We want our leaders showing their 7 Habits in all areas of life! If your child has an accomplishment outside of the school day, we would love to celebrate them. Please send an email to [email protected] with information and a picture, and we will celebrate them during our Morning Community Time.
Very Important Dates
McCulloch Updated Calendar of Events 2018-2018

September 29........Beautification Day 8-12
October 3........Third Grade Field Trip to the Discovery Center
October 5........Great 98 Celebration
October 5-McCulloch PTO Family Fun Event- Outdoor Movie at the Amp: Movie starts at 7:00 p.m.
October 8-PTO Meeting at 5:30 p.m.
October 9-Guest Author (Jackson Pearce)
October 9-McTeacher Night 4-8 p.m.
October 11-End of Term 1
October 11-Children's Literature Festival
October 12-No School District Closed
October 18-Picture Retakes
October 18-School Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
October 19-Breakfast with Books at 7:30 a.m.
October 19-Kindergarten Field Trip to Pickin Patch
October 19-Run at School Day
October 22-October 26-Parent Teacher Conferences
October 25-Positive Choices Assembly (3rd-5th grade)
October 25-Pizza Hut Night
October 31-Leader Assembly