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Upper Elementary School


3 Sivan 5778 / May 17, 2018                               Parshas Bamidbar

Wishing you and your families a Chag Sameach  
and wonderful Shavuos.
The school's Vaad Hachinuch is led by Chairman Dr. Jakobovits, Rabbi Heinemann, Rabbi Hopfer and Rabbi Berger. Their influence on our every decision is palpable within our school. We were, therefore, so appreciative to
Rabbi Berger for taking the time to tour the Elementary School, speak with the students, and see the girls in the classrooms as they learned from our Moros. How important it is for the girls to see and interact with our Torah Leaders.
The school's Vaad Hachinuch is led by Chairman Dr. Jakobovits, Rabbi Heinemann, Rabbi Hopfer and Rabbi Berger. Their influence on our every decision is palpable within our school. We were, therefore, so appreciative to
Rabbi Berger for taking the time to tour the Elementary School, speak with the students, and see the girls in the classrooms as they learned from our Moros. How important it is for the girls to see and interact with our Torah Leaders.
Lag Ba'omer is such a wonderful time in Bais Yaakov Elementary. The Third Grade designed their very own jump ropes and had a blast using them together with their Moros and friends. The Fourth Grade enjoyed a wonderful balloon launch ...we're still waiting to see how far away they may fly! Our Fifth Grade celebrated by decorating water cups and with great field activities. All this culminated with the inaugural Upper Elementary Barbecue. We would like to thank the Attman family for sponsoring the day's events and treats. The girls had a wonderful time enjoying the good weather and developing lasting meaningful memories.
Each year Morah Neumann's class holds a bake sale to raise money for Ahavas Yisroel. This year, the girls kept up their efforts of bringing in tzeddaka every day and raised the bar by collecting close to $900 on behalf of Ahavas Yisroel. Mrs. Isbee came in to thank the girls and shared with them some beautiful divrei chizuk for the phenomenal job they are doing. They learned how important every penny can be in the lives of those who are in need. What a great way to prepare for Shavuos.

T'filla is such an integral part of the students' day at Bais Yaakov. It is a special moment in a young girl's connection to Hashem when she feels she fully understands how to daven the entire Shmona Esrei and understands the words to connect to the Ribbono Shel Olam. On Wednesday, the Third Grade celebrated this accomplishment with a Shmoneh Esrei Siyum. We thank Rebbetzin Berger, Mrs. Hochheimer, and the Third Grade Moros for making this day such a special one the girls will carry in their hearts forever.  
As the girls prepare for the upcoming Yom Tov of Shavuos, each grade prepared a beautiful token to beautify their home for the Yom Tov. We thank the PTA for, once again, sponsoring the Shavuos projects this year.

Click images above to see more pictures of the Building Progress and our Visitors.

May 18-21 Shavous Recess
May 22 Isru Chag
            10 AM ES Resumes
            9:45 AM MS & HS Resumes
May 28 Memorial Day
            ES No School
            HS AM Sessions only
To Sponsor a 
Day of Davening & Learning 
please contact Rabbi Gross at 
410-548-7700 ext. 511 or [email protected]