Connecting to Energetic Sources for Personal Support
We want to do our part to get good energy out to all, in these stressful times. So we're offering all of Atala's inspirational art works at a 20% discount.

Working with the creative energies behind form is a positive way you can affect and change your life, the lives of those around you, and of society itself. This is the focus of Atala's personal art work. Her art pieces and household products incorporate sacred geometry, chakras, spirit guides and nature spirits. All are ways to support a person in their walk through life, in good times and bad.

This sale is a good opportunity to gift friends for the holidays with high energy items. And to energize your own personal and living environment. The Art Sale will continue through the end of the year. Here are a few of the sale item's you'll find at our store and on our website in the Atala's Art area:

Sri Yantra Mug

All of Atala's Sacred Geometry Mugs, Coasters, Prints and more are included in the sale!
We Are Not Alone

This book is a complete
guide to interdimensional communication.
Lilac Dreams

All of Atala's artwork is on sale, including this beautiful card or matted print.

Sometimes, in order to address our stress, sleeplessness or other problems, we have to dig deeper than the surface. You can use crystals to help you find your root cause and to help address it. This week you will save 20% on crystals that will help you get to the source of issues you're facing. Desert Rose Selenite is good for the Crown Chakra, helping to strengthen your mental powers. Pink Peruvian Opal opens up your heart to make contact with angelic realms. Keep reading below!
Desert Rose Selenite

Found in desert areas, this gypsum gently brings clarity to your mind and cleanses your physical energy.
Pink Peruvian Opal

These small Pink Peruvian Opals offer forgiveness and release fear and grief. Helps you let go of trauma.
Tumbled Turritella Agate

Turritella Agate is known as the Record Keeper and can connect you to your past lives.
Hematoid Quartz Points

These Micro Lasers combine the high energy of quartz and the stability of hematite. Helps you deal with stress.
We continue to serve our customers with restrictions in place due to the Illinois COVID-19 mandates. Masks are required in our store and we have limited our boutique space to six customers at a time. Online orders are being shipped out daily and we offer pre-paid purchase pickup at our door; just place your order the day before and give us a call to set up a pickup time. We appreciate your continued support and cooperation. You can find all of the details on our website. Our doors are open M-Sat 10am - 5pm, Sun 11am - 5pm.
We look forward to seeing you!

Mon - Sat 10am - 5pm, Sun 11am - 5pm
Shop online 24/7.
You can also call us to place a phone order at 800-871-9985.
Pick-up at our door is available.
Email us with any questions at

We have new hours and restrictions. See our website for details.