FIRST PRESS | an online newsletter | October 2018  
In late September, Allison Wehrung asked me to lead UKirk one night in her absence. We were discussing the story of Abraham sending a servant to find a wife for Jacob. In that story the servant prays for God's blessing and clarity in the search. This was my first visit to UKirk this semester so I asked the students to introduce themselves and share a prayer concern that they would like to lift up as we began our time together. Among the prayers for loved ones undergoing surgery, healing for others and a good week for all the students going through recruitment there were a disturbing number of prayer requests concerning discrimination: talk of discrimination in our national news, the controversy on campus surrounding Dr. Ed Meek's Facebook post, and even the intensity of watching  A Handmaid's Tale were giving the students cause to wrestle with all sorts of questions and emotions swirling around them about discrimination, how it impacted those being discriminated against and even what role they play in such discrimination. "Emotionally weary" is the way one student described how he felt.
I Kings 19:11-13 tells the story of an emotionally weary Elijah trying to run away because he thinks he alone is left to speak the word of God and he is tired. He's hiding out in a cave when a voice tells him to go stand outside and wait for God to pass by. He waits through strong winds, earthquake and fire but it's not until the stillness after all that turmoil that he senses God's presence. And, God says to him,  "What are you doing here, Elijah?" He then sends him out to finish the work God has for him to do in the world.
Silence is a good practice for those feeling emotionally weary. In his book, Pray Like a Gourmet, author David Brazzeal speaks of silence and contemplation as a way of taking a vacation from ourselves. Claiming that we all have an "inner sacred space where we meet God," Brazzeal says, "The challenge is to figure out where this place is and how to get there. Here's one clue: If you take a vacation, it usually means leaving one place behind and going to another place. So to find your inner vacation villa, you first need to leave behind, release, let go of, and cease the activity of your normal everyday life. This is usually done by carving out some time in your schedule to be quiet and alone for a few minutes. Put everything else on hold...and just relax." Occasionally it helps to turn off Netflix and Facebook, silence the television and cell phones and take a 15 to 20 minute break to be be still. Throughout scripture, particularly in the Psalms, in this passage about Elijah, it is in that silence and stillness that we meet God. It is the place where we are reminded we are not alone. It is also the place where we are renewed and equipped to continue the work God has called us to do in this world with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose.
If you are feeling emotionally weary of all that is going on in the world, I recommend a vacation. It won't cost you a thing and it will do a world of good. 

Grace and Peace,

This past May, members of our congregation participated in a workshop about children's Christian education led by our own Dr. Ruth O'Dell. That Saturday morning, we read scripture together about the important role our children play within our communal life and how we as adults are called to be involved. We discussed how different things are for our children today than the world many of us grew up in years ago. We spoke about the hopes and desires we have for our children and talked about how important a firm foundation of faith was for the life we wished to give them.
During our time together, we brainstormed new ways of sharing our faith with our children. Some were large, some were small, but one topic of conversation continued to come up: Wouldn't it be great to get different age groups from our church together! Those are the things we talk about most when we talk about how important our church family is to us.
A name for this kind of fellowship is "intergenerational ministry." Intergenerational ministries are just that: activities that get different generations together in worship, fellowship, education, and service. We already have some great opportunities for intergenerational ministry. Every time our church family gathers for worship, that's a moment of intergenerational ministry. When our church family rode around town on Double Decker buses singing Christmas Carols to members of our community, that was a moment of intergenerational ministry. When we partner with our neighbor, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, for our annual Mardi Gras pancake supper and parade, that's another moment of intergenerational ministry. And at the end of this month, we're going to do a new gathering of intergenerational ministry.
            From 5:00 to 6:00 pm on Sunday, October 28 th , our church family is going to host a Trunk-or-Treat. It's simple; it's like trick-or-treating just with car trunks instead of a house's front doors. We have 19 spots in our parking lot and my hope is for each one to be filled with a decorated car trunk of candy! Our children will get to come to church, dressed up in their costumes, and trunk-or-treat through our parking lot as they connect with members from the entire congregation. If our kids dress up, so should we! I'm already splitting wood getting my costume ready and so should you.
            So, will you join your church family on Sunday evening October 28 th ? If so, let a member of the membership and hospitality ministry or me know. The first 19 groups to sign up have a space for their car! I know we can make this moment of intergenerational ministry happen. Surely if our community goes all out to make the grove a happening place, then we can take that expertise to make our 19-spot parking lot just as fun and exciting!
May our children know how important they are to all of us by the ways we share God's love with them.
Pastor Search Process
Where are We in the Search Process?
How long will this process take? When will we elect a search committee? How will the congregation have a voice in the search process? These are some of the questions that may be occupying your thoughts about church these days.
Because the election of the Officer Nominating Committee and elders and deacons for the Class of 2021 are all taking place in October and November, the Session decided at it's September meeting to save the election of the Pastor Nominating Committee until January. This will allow the congregation to get an interim and be a part of the conversation about what our Ministry Information Form (MIF) says about us and what we are looking for in our next pastor. The MIF is the document used in this process to tell prospective pastors who we are, what Oxford is like and what we are looking for in a pastor. Over the next few months, the Session, along with your pastors, will be planning ways for you to be a part of the conversation that will ultimately help the Pastor Nominating Committee to do their work more efficiently.
There is no definitive answer to the question of how long the search process will take. The good news is that we are a strong church with a lot to offer a new pastor. We have a diverse membership including lots of children; we're engaged in mission both locally and globally; we have a great staff; no debt; and we have a lot going on at FPC. Once elected, our PNC will work closely with the Committee on Ministry and our Presbytery Executive, Greg Goodwiller to find suitable candidates and keep the process rolling. However, it is important to remember one thing: we're working in God's time, not our own.
In the meantime, it's important to continue showing up each week for Sunday school and worship, for mid-week programs and special events. It's equally important to continue your financial giving to the church so that programs, educational opportunities, mission, worship, and other aspects of the church's ministry can thrive. When you notice that you haven't seen someone in church lately, give them a call to let them know they are missed. When you hear of a pastoral need, tell the pastors but also reach out with a card, a meal, flowers or some other act of care and concern. And, as always, continue to reach out beyond the church walls to those in need around the community and in our world. In these ways we insure that the church our new pastor finds when he/she arrives is a vibrant, caring community. What is it that the old children's song says..."I am the church, you are the church, we are the church together." Let's stick together in the interim period and see what God has in store for us!
  Financial Summary
Summary of Stated Session Meeting
The Session of First Presbyterian Church held its stated monthly meeting on Monday, September 10, 2018, at 5:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.  Fourteen elders were present. Highlights from the meeting are as follows:
  • As of August 31, 2018, year-to-date revenue was $612,496.47, and expenses were $710,137.16.
  • All improvements to Education Building were completed. New furniture for classrooms has arrived. Carpet installation in Sanctuary Building is completed. The team is reviewing options for property insurance.
  • The ministry team reported that they have allocated funds for the following mission efforts:
    • $500.00 for Doors of Hope
    • $2500.00 for Leap Frog
    • $2500.00 for Memory Makers
    • $5000.00 for Rosa Gonzales Church for disaster relief in Puerto Rico.
    Adult Christian Education:
  • The Freeman Lecture series for 2018 will be held September 30. There will be a common Sunday School on Sunday, worship and lunch. The guest lecturer, Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka, will also speak Sunday evening at 5:00 p.m.
  • Plans are in place for fall Wednesdays Together programming and meals from a variety of local restaurants. Wednesdays Together meal pricing will be: Adults: $6/person, All Students: $3/person, with families max of $20.
    Children's Christian Education:
  • A successful Children's Rally Day was held Sunday, September 9.
    • All teachers are in place and will begin classes September 16.
Membership & Hospitality:
  • The team is hosting the FPC's Got Talent event this Wednesday, September 12.
  • The team is planning a Trunk or Treat event for Friday, October 28 from 5-7 p.m. in the church parking lot
     Diaconate Report:
  • Rev. Ann Kelly displayed a Prayer Request Card that is to be placed in the pew card holders soon. This is another way that people may request prayers
New Business: 
1. Rev. Ann Kelly announced dates for upcoming Congregational meetings and officer elections. Rev.  David Randolph distributed copies of the dates. The following dates have been set:
 September 30- October 14......................Collect nominations from the   congregation for the  Officer Nominating Committee

 October 21........................................Congregational meeting to elect   Officer Nominating  Committee

       October 28-November 4.........................Collect nominations from the                 congregation for Elders and  Deacons

 November 18.....................................Congregational meeting to elect   Elders and Deacons
2. The fall Presbytery meeting at New Hope PC in Rienzi was announced. Elders Karen Stockton and Ashley Callery will represent FPC as commissioners.

3.  Next Steps in the Interim Pastor Search: Rev. Ann Kelly facilitated a discussion regarding criteria for a Pastor Search Committee and a timeline was established. Rev. Kelly will continue to make announcements from the pulpit and the latest information regarding the search for an Interim Pastor will be included in the Newsletter each month.
Old Business:
1. The Interim Pastor Nominating Committee reported that they have met with
Executive Presbyter Greg Goodwiller and that they are following process guidelines for gathering information and completing forms to aid in their search.

2. The Personnel Ministry team reported that all staff evaluations have been completed. It was approved that Rev. Ann Kelly as Acting Head of Staff will receive a salary increase until an Interim Pastor is in place. Rev. Allison Wehrung will also receive an increase in salary due to increased duties until an Interim Pastor is in place.
The next stated Session meeting is Monday, October 8 at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
The Session recited the Lord's Prayer and adjourned at 7:18 p.m.
Worship Hours

8:30 am - Worship with communion
9:45 am - Sunday School
11:00 am - Worship
Nursery Weekly: 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Lectionary Texts for October
October 7 - Job 1:1; 2:1-10; Psalm 26; Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12; Mark 10:2-16
October 14 - Job 23:1-9, 16-17; Psalm 22:1-15; Hebrews 4:12-16; Mark 10:17-31
October 21 - Job 38:1-7 (34-41); Psalm 104:1-9, 24, 35c; Hebrews 5:1-10; Mark 10:35-45
October 28 - Job 42:1-6, 10-17; Psalm 34:1-8 (19-22); Hebrews 7:23-28; Mark 10:46-52
Sanctuary flower dates are available on...
October 21 and 28 and November 25. If you would like to provide flowers in honor or memory of a loved one, please contact Margaret Fancher at 234-1359 or email her at [email protected].
Church  News
Your Suggestions Are Requested
 for the 2018-2019
Officer Nominating Committee
The outgoing 2017-2018 Officer Nominating Committee is authorized to accept suggestions from church members to serve as its successors for 2018-2019. The first duty of this committee, once put into place, is to propose a slate of church members to serve as elders and deacons. In January, this group will convene again to sort through your suggestions for members to serve on the Pastor Search Committee. Members of the ONC serve for one calendar year.
From the names you suggest and dependent upon the work of the Holy Spirit, the existing committee will move a slate of four names for your approval. As directed by our Standards and Procedures manual, those you elect to serve will join two Elders and one Deacon to form the new seven-person committee. Abiding by the Book of Order, the Session will call a congregational meeting to be held for this purpose on October 21, 2018.
The 2017-2018 Officer Nominating Committee members are: Jason Bouldin, Al Ling, Margie McLeod, Diane Scruggs, Karen Stockton, Kay Tyler and Jimmy Williams. They are ineligible for re-election.
The deadline for your suggestions is Monday, October 15. Please return the list below to the church office or place it in the offering plate. You may submit more than five suggestions if you wish.
Click here to print the suggestion form and member list. You may also pick one up in the narthex or church office.
Annual Church Picnic
Sunday, October 14, 2018
at Camp Hopewell
from 4:00 to 6:30 pm

First Presbyterian will host a church picnic, at 4:00 pm on Sunday, October 14th, at Camp Hopewell. We encourage members of all ages to join us as there will be fun for everyone! Music, games, worship, fellowship and much more. 

The deacons will provide chicken tenders, beverages and S'MORES! We ask that members of the church bring additional side dishes and desserts. Members with last names beginning in A-M are asked to bring desserts, and members with last names beginning in N-Z are asked to bring side dishes. You can bring your dishes with you as you arrive. If you will, please RSVP to [email protected] and let us know if you plan to attend and the number of kids and adults attending with you.      
Bring your entire family and always feel free to invite friends! We look forward to sharing this time with everyone.  

If we walk in the light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us all from sin.
1 John 1:7
Children's  News
Third and fourth grade Sunday school classes study the Beatitudes!
PYF News
October is here and we have lots of great things going on the life of PYF. We have our an nual FPC Picnic at Camp Hopewell on October, 14. Our youth have been challenged to a friendly volleyball match against our young adults, so be sure to come out and watch what is sure to be an entertaining afternoon of fellowship.

Christmas Trees
The Christmas season is right around the corner and for us here in PYF that means that it is almost time for our Christmas Tree Lot fundraiser. Every year our youth put on this fundraiser to help support their trip to Montreat Youth Conference in Montreat, NC. Our sale begins on November 24 th  in the church parking lot, and will run until all trees are sold. So go out and start telling your friends that they can get some of the most beautiful trees in town at FPC, and all proceeds go to a wonderful cause.
UKirk College News

UKirk Ole Miss is rolling along with their weekly Tuesday dinner and worship gatherings. New in October is a coffee hour on campus each Wednesday from 1-3:00 pm, during which students can drop in for some quick caffeine to go or stick around for a while and enjoy some mid-week fellowship. For more campus ministry updates, visit or subscribe to UKirk's own monthly newsletter a
Young Adults
Our Young Adult ministry continues through October, November, and December on our Fellowship, Education, and Service themed rotation. In October, we will participate in the church wide picnic at Camp Hopewell and have activities set up to continue building relationships throughout our church wide family. In November, we gather for another Education night on Wednesday, November 14 th , in Fellowship Hall from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. This one's extra special as we are joined by our friends from the VIPs! Come and enjoy a great meal together as we learn through art with Allison Wehrung. Our nursery ministry will be available this evening for our littlest Presbyterians. In December, we look forward to partnering with Doors of Hope, a transitional housing ministry, as we help provide gifts to those in need. More details coming soon.

Now may the Lord of peace... give you peace at all times in all ways.
- 2 Thessalonians 3:16

Sometimes it feels the world is coming at us so quickly that we don't know  which way to turn, where to look, what to do next. In a chaotic world, we find strength in knowing that God is always near. Today, we are joining in Paul's prayer that God grant us "peace at all times, in all ways." 

Peace. For our world, our family, our community, our church and ourselves - peace at all times, in all ways.

When the peace treaty was signed between Egypt and Israel in 1979, President Jimmy Carter quoted the journalist Walker Knight, saying "peace is active, not passive; peace is doing, not waiting ... peace, like war, is waged." The Peace & Global Witness Offering our church supports provides the tools and resources for us as we join together as active peacemakers.

The Peace & Global Witness Offering draws Presbyterians together and provides education and exposure to those who show us how to do this work well. It allows us to create resources for dealing with conflict and nurturing reconciliation, and stand in support of our global sisters and brothers, because the peace of Christ belongs to people everywhere. It has helped support our church partners in Madagascar recover from years of destructive development. Scriptural resources helped congregations, like the one in Old Bergen, New Jersey, find common ground with neighbors of many faiths, bringing their children together to learn from one another and to build a peaceful future. And the whole church joins together, through this Offering, to work for an end to all forms of human trafficking, specifically, the sin of child soldiers. As we work to share Christ's peace with one another, let's share that peace with those beyond our doors. Twenty-five percent of this Offering will go to our mid council, joining with other congregations in our area to support peacemaking work in our region. The second 25 percent of this Offering stays with our congregation, so that we can commit ourselves to active peacemaking.

And 50 percent of this Offering supports the active work for peace being done by Presbyterians everywhere.

As Presbyterians, we claim Jesus Christ as Prince of Peace and pattern our lives in the compassion, kindness and grace that he shows us.

Let Us Pray ~ O God, transform lives through our work for peace, with the tools you have given us. Together, in the Spirit of God, let us work to break the power of hate and heal the wounds of violence and division. Join us together through this Offering to proclaim that it is boundless peace you offer. May it burst through the shackles of time and expectation. May it quiet the anxiety of each believer, joining us together to boldly pray, and boldly take action for God's peace - at all times in all ways. Amen.
Children Changing Lives
On Wednesday nights the preschool and elementary children are studying Come to the Table of Peace and learning about the communion table as a table of transformation, welcome, grace, peace and love. Each week both age groups engage in a number of fun activities to help them understand the Bible story for the week.  
The Lord's table is a table of transformation because we are changed when we come to the table and remember all that God has done for us in Jesus Christ. During the first week's lesson, the children decided that they would work to change lives by collecting change on Wednesday nights to raise money to buy a flock of chickens from Heifer Project International. Heifer Project provides farm animals to needy families around the world, providing wool, milk, eggs and more that can be used for food or to start a small business. After our first Wednesday night collection, there was enough money for three flocks of chicks! Please continue to help our children change lives by bringing some of your pocket change on Wednesday nights and let's change lots of lives with our gift to Heifer Project.  

School Supplies Needed for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Among the first things needed from the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance warehouse when a disaster strikes are school supplies. Children's lives can't go back to normal, or a new normal, until their education has resumed and their minds begin to focus on something other than the devastation of their homes and communities. The Mission Ministry Team along with our FPC youth will be collecting items for school kits throughout the month of September and assembling kits in early October. The value of each kit is approximately $15.00. Monetary donations as well as supplies are appreciated.
Each school kit contains:
  • 1   pair of blunt scissors (rounded tip)
  • 3   70-count spiral notebook or tape-bound pad of 8" x 10 1/2" ruled paper OR pads with 200-210 sheets of ruled paper. Do not include filler paper.
  • 1   30-centimeter ruler (12")
  • 1   hand-held pencil sharpener
  • 6   new pencils with erasers
  • 1   large eraser
  • 1   box of 24 crayons
  • 1   cloth bag, 12" x 14" to 14" x 17" finished size cotton cloth bag with cloth handles. (Please, do not use reusable shopping bags or backpacks.) 
There is a pattern available if anyone would like to make some cloth bags for these school kits. Please contact Ann Kelly at 234-1757 or [email protected] if you would like to help in this way.
Supplies can be placed in the bins inside Fellowship Hall, the Education Building, the narthex or the church office any time in September.
FPC Partners with Mary Cathey Head Start Center
The Mission Team is considering a partnership with the local Mary Cathey Head Start Center in order to help prepare the three and four-year old students enrolled there for success in kindergarten and early literacy.
Already goodies have been taken to the teachers and some books for the school library.
On October 25 a national organization called Jumpstart is promoting its 13 th annual Read for the Record day. A specific book is chosen each year and groups all over the country that deal with young children are asked to participate by reading the book aloud on that day. The book for 2018 is Maybe Something Beautiful by Campoy and Howell, an art book that shows what happens to a grey city when color is added. Square Books Junior has given the church a 20% discount and eight copies of the book have been ordered, one for each of the classrooms.
In addition, at some specific dates in October volunteers will be needed to help in the classrooms while the teachers are administering an online standardized test to four year-olds. The test will determine pre-literacy readiness and show where each student needs specific help. At the end of the school year the test will be administered again to measure each child's progress. You will hear more about that later.

Lovepacks  donations are an easy way to help relieve hunger among Oxford and Lafayette County school children. You can help by donating the following items: granola bars, non-refrigerated pudding, pop-top ravioli or pasta, pop-top chicken noodle or vegetable soup, peanut butter crackers, instant grits or oatmeal or 16 oz. jars of peanut butter.If you'll bring them with you to church and deposit them in the church office or the narthex, volunteers will get it to the Lovepacks office for you.



We're Off to Haiti!
February 9-16, 2019
If you'd like to be a part of FPC's next trip to Haiti February 9-16, 2019, now is the time to make that commitment. Applications, along with a packet of information about our Haiti ministry, are available in the church office. You may also find a link to the application here. The application, a copy of the photo page of your passport photo and a $200 deposit are due in the church office by Monday, October 15. Please contact Ann Kelly if you have questions or would like to be a part of this mission trip.
A Haven House Request
Haven House residents are delighted to receive various translations of the Bible and other religious materials. All may be left at the church office, with thanks to all who have responded.
Etcetera . . .
Wired Word

The Wired Word returns on Sunday, October 7  during the Sunday School hour in Fellowship Hall 1 and 2. Contact Allison Wehrung at [email protected] to be added to the weekly lesson email list.
Upcoming Events for VIPs
  • The VIPs, members age 55 and older, will gather for a little taste of Italy at Ciao Chow in New Albany on Thursday, October 18. The church bus will leave the church parking lot at 5:15 pm. As always, this is a Dutch treat dinner. All entrees come with salad and bread and range in price from $9-$14. Please call the church office to make reservations for this fun night out!
  • Mark your calendars for Wednesday, November 14 when VIPs will share a chili supper with the Young Adults in Fellowship Hall at 5:45 pm. If you have a great chili recipe that you'd love to make and share with the rest of us, let Sally Hines or Ann Kelly know. Allison Wehrung will lead the evening program which is sure to spark conversation and creativity. Join us for a fun evening together on November 14!
  • Appetizers...they are what's for dinner on Thursday, December 6 for the VIP Appetizer Supper. Put it on your calendar and watch for more information later this fall!
Bibles with Brews

Bibles with Brews returns in its new monthly format  today , October 1 st , to the Growler from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. Come and join as we bring and share different scripture passages about our monthly topic of study. Next week's topic is "The Church" as we continue the conversation from the David Freeman Lecture Series. Next month's Bibles with Brews will be on Monday, November 5 th . All are welcome!
Wednesdays Together

Wednesdays Together continues its fall prophetic season as we journey through the Minor Prophets of the Old Testament. Come and enjoy a great catered meal with your church family before we study God's written word. Dinner begins at 5:45 pm and will be $6 for Adults and $3 for any students with a $20 family max. Each week, our children's program continues as they gather around the communion table while our adults study four more of the Minor Prophets. Hope to see you there!
                        October 3 rd :     Joel with Ann Kelly
                        October 10 th :     Amos with Mike Magee
                        October 17 th :     Habakkuk with Allison Wehrung
                        October 24 th :   Micah with David Randolph

Halloween is almost here and our church family is joining in on the fun! From 5:00 to 6:00 pm on Sunday, October 28 th , our congregation will host a trunk-or-treat in our church parking lot. Different groups from throughout the congregation are asked to sponsor a car trunk with decorations and candy (though no peanut butter candy please). Everyone is encouraged to come dressed in their Halloween costume! Contact Ann Kelly or David Randolph if you are interested in sponsoring a car as we only have 13 spots left.
Sunday Parking Reminder
Bridge Properties, 1000 Tyler Avenue at 10th St., now tows all unauthorized vehicles on its parking lot, including Sundays. Please do not park on the Bridge Properties lot to attend worship or other church events!
Ride the Bus to Church!

Make plans now to park at the Blake and ride the bus to church each Sunday so that you won't have to worry about parking downtown. Time of departure from the Blake will be 10:30 am. The bus returns immediately after 11:00 am worship. Thanks to all our volunteer drivers who make this service possible!

Esther Ethridge Circle

October 14 @ 4:30 pm at the home of Kathryn Elliott: 203 Poplar Heights, Oxford, MS 38655

Alma Shaw Circle

October 16 @ 9:45 am at the home of Jody Scruggs: 3904 Eagle Cove, Oxford, MS 38655

Lula Gregory Circle

October 16 @ 9:45 am in Fellowship Hall

Carroll Barr Circle

October 16 @ 6:00 pm at Cedar Oaks: 601 Murray Drive, Oxford, MS 38655

Gerry Duvall Circle

October 16 @ 12:00 pm in Fellowship Hall

PW Council 2018-2019

Moderator - Mary Haskell - [email protected]
Vice - Moderator - Mary Glynn Wright - [email protected]
Secretary - Julie Field - [email protected]  
Treasurer - Margaret Fancher - [email protected]
Historian - Anita Drury - [email protected]
Ex-Moderator - Sharron Alexander - [email protected]
News from the Pews
We Extend Sympathy to:

The family of Annie Grace White who died September 9, 2018 in Oxford.

The family of Mary Glenn Carrington who died September 18, 2018 in Oxford.

We extend congratulations to:

Nana and Francis Boateng on the birth of their son, Wesley Boateng, born September 27, 2018.

Memorials and Honoraria

~ With gratitude for contributions to First Presbyterian Church ~
In memory of:

Morris Sneed

J. J. Jones

Annie Grace White

Pat Bittmann
Yung & Dean Chow
Lynton Dilley
Kay & Larry Tyler
Louise & Nolan Waller

Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries

October Birthdays:

2     Richard DeVoe, Owen Wilkinson, Emma Williams
3     Leon McCullouch
4     Anne Lowry Hardin, Bailey Mize, Don Newcomb, JoAnn O'Quin
5     Heather Harris, Evie Logan
6     Julia Lewis, Charles Wilkerson
7     Amy Lewis
10   Sally Booke, Elizabeth Kelly
12   Avery Lewis, Christina Torbert, Dana Williams
13   Bob Westmoreland
15   Wyles Floyd, Julia Jimenez, Daniel Kelly, Nancy Warner
16   Martha Heffner, Harleigh Huggins, Max Williams
17   Anna Claire Floyd, Betsy Holcomb
18   Cheryl Hayward, Howard Hyneman
19   Brett Rosson
20   Beth Andrews, Will Westmoreland, Madeline Williams
21   Bo Elliott, Catie Hester, Elliott Mayo, Haley Scot Spragins
22   Francis Boateng, Ferriday McClatchy, Catherine Mize
23   Marshal Williams
24   Charly McClatchy, Anne Margaret Wilkinson
25   Jack Abraham, Charles Byars, David Flautt, Sr., Anastasia Jenkins, Ann Kelly
27   Scottye Boone, Slade Lewis, Emily Newcomb
28   Sarah Hollis, Mary Liles, Paul Manley
29   Patty Abbott, Barbara Ruth Chase-Googe, Greg Goodwiller, Joe Murphey, Meredith Rawl
30   Beth Kennedy
31   Brum Elliott, Joe Joyer, Laura Montgomery, Monte Wood

October Anniversaries:

1     Susan & Bob Joiner
4     Ingrid & Peter Kondos
9     Anita & Scott Drury
13   Pierce & Doc Buford, Catherine & Tony Mize, Kay & Larry Tyler

   First Dates

The Diaconate  will meet Tuesday, October 2 at 5:30 in the Session Room.
The Adult Christian Education Ministry Team  will meet Tuesday,  October 9 at 5:45 in Room 101.
The Finance Ministry Team  will meet Monday, October 8 at 4:30 pm in Room 101.
The Session  will meet Monday, October 8 at 5:30 pm in Fellowship Hall.
The FPC Book Club  will meet Tuesday, October 9 at 1:30 in Room 101.
The Membership & Hospitality Ministry Team  will meet Thursday, October 11 at 5:30 in Room 101.
The Worship Ministry Team  will meet Monday, November 5 at 4:30 in Room 101.
The Children's Christian Education Ministry Team will meet Thursday, October 25 at 5:30 in Room 101.

Reminder: The November deadline for submissions to First Press   is Monday, October 15.

The Session
  CLASS of 2018
Darren Ashmore, Dorothy Lou Aldridge,
Jane Lyle Byars, Paul Chiniche, Kathryn Hill
  CLASS of 2019
Trey Cobb, Jon Crawford, Margie McLeod, 
Karen Stockton, Dana Williams

CLASS of 2020
Ashley Callery, Ann DeVoe, Ben Griffith,
Matthew Hall, Monte Wood

The Diaconate
CLASS of 2018
Whitney Bolen, Julie Chadwick, James Day,
Teresa Flautt, JoAnne Oliver
CLASS of 2019
Lee Borden, Kristina Carlson, Dean Chow,
Lele Gillespie, Pick Scruggs

CLASS of 2020
Todd Abbott, Rosie Cooper, Ed Croom,
Lisa Hickman-Tollison, John Schuesselin, Amy Wilkes

The Congregation

Ann H. Kelly
Acting Head of Staff
[email protected]
J. David Randolph
Associate Pastor
[email protected] 22
Allison C. Wehrung
UKirk Pastor
[email protected]

Joseph W. Garrison
Director of Music/Organist
[email protected]
Terrell R. Hall

Director of Elementary Music 
[email protected]

Joseph H. Kelly
Director of Youth
[email protected]
Frances Saralvarez
Office Administrator
[email protected]
Jessica M. McPhail
Director of Communications
[email protected]
Wade Simpson
Property Manager
[email protected]

LaShaunda L. Sisk
Nursery Director
[email protected]