Thursday, November 19th at 9:00am
Virtual Meeting Open To All Members
The ACEC OKLAHOMA Board of Directors regularly scheduled meeting will be held "virtually" on Thursday, November 19th at 9:00am. Normally, this meeting would also include our quarterly General Membership Meeting in Tulsa, but due to COVID restrictions, an in-person meeting is not possible.

With that, all ACEC OKLAHOMA members are invited to "sit in" on the Board meeting to get an update on what's been going on the few couple of months, including the introduction of our new President/CEO Mike Thompson and the ongoing plans to begin implementing the new ACEC OKLAHOMA Strategic Plan including the formation of several new Committees.

ACEC national President & CEO Linda Bauer Darr will be joining us for the meeting and will provide an update of activities at ACEC national including a wrap-up of the recently concluded virtual ACEC Fall Conference as well as an outlook the business impact on ACEC member firms from the recent elections.

If you would like to participate, please send a direct email us at

(NOTE - Please do not "Reply" to this email....but rather, email Jim directly. We're found that a "Reply" gets caught in our ISP's spam filter. So please, direct email responses are requested.)

The Zoom link and background material will be sent to all registered no later that Wednesday afternoon.

We hope you will join the Board on November 19th at 9:00am.
James F. Sullins, CAE
President & CEO
220 N.E. 28th Street, Suite 135
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Phone: (405) 525-7696
Cell: (405) 826-6481
Fax: (405) 557-1820
Let's Connect: