Nutrition Action Alert May 15, 2018
Governor Brown's May Revise Continues to Neglect Food 

Despite some positive advances, in his final May Revise Budget Governor Jerry Brown missed a significant opportunity to make tangible impacts on low-income Californians access to affordable, healthy food. 

The Legislature should now take this critical opportunity to work with the Administration to refocus attention on the millions of Californians living in or near poverty struggling to get by and put food on the table. As they work to negotiate a final budget, we must rely on the Budget Committees and legislative leadership to invest more money to improve food access.

Read CFPA's full statement on the May Revise. link

Look for urgent calls to action and updates in the days and weeks ahead!

Contact: Tracey Patterson  at 510.433.1122 ext 101 

Join us on May 17th for a Social Media Day of Action to  Support Food with Care 

Help #FundFoodWithCare by joining us for a social media day of action on May 17th. On Thursday, we will tweet out and post messages directed at target legislators and influencers to educate them about the benefits of supplementing the cost of serving healthy meals to children in child care. Please visit our Twitter and Facebook pages on Thursday to like, retweet, and share our posts so that we get our message out loud and clear from multiple angles. Additionally, we have created a few sample posts, hashtags, and Twitter handles below that we encourage you to use on May 17th alongside our efforts.

Click here to find and share our sample tweets, facebook posts, and memes. 

If you haven't done so yet, please add your organization to our coalition letter.  link Reach out to any partners whose names are missing and ask them to do the same. 

Learn more and stay up to date by visiting our Food With Care page.

Contact: Melissa Cannon  at 510.433.1122 ext 102 

Support the California Fruit & Vegetable EBT Pilot to Double the 'Fresh' in CalFresh

State legislation to support affordable, healthy food and California agriculture is moving forward, but needs your support to clear the next hurdle! T he Assembly Budget Committee will be taking action on the California Fruit and Vegetable EBT Pilot Project on May 24th and the Senate Budget Committee will do so shortly thereafter.

This is a critical time to tell state leaders to prioritize statewide solutions that make healthy food more affordable to improve the health and wellbeing of low-income Californians.

Learn more about how you can help during this critical phase of the state budget process.  link  

Add your logo to our support letter!  If you haven't added your logo to the support letter, please do so  here .

Tweet to share  your thoughts with State Budget Leaders Senator Holly Mitchell and Assemblymember Phil Ting.
Learn More! Want to learn more about the California Fruit and Vegetable EBT Pilot project?  Visit our budget request page and read our Frequently Asked Questions document. PDF

Contact:  Tracey Patterson at 510.433.1122 ext 101

May 16th is Hunger Action Day!

California Hunger Action Day is Wednesday May 16, 2018.  On this day, advocates from around California come to the capitol in Sacramento to talk to our legislators about hunger and to support legislation and a fair state budget that addresses hunger and poverty. 

You can be a part of Hunger Action Day even if you can't join us in Sacramento.  Email your state representatives and ask them to support anti-hunger legislation and budget initiatives that will be before them within the next few weeks.

View the 2018 Hunger Action Day Policy Agenda. PDF

Email your state representative and ask them to support anti-hunger legislation this year! link

Contact: Jared Call  at 213.482.8200 ext 201

Register today for May 22nd Webinar to Learn More About CEP & LCFF

Join CFPA and our partners for a webinar on Tuesday, May 22nd from 1:30-2:30pm to learn more about how to make the most of school meal and education funding  with the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) and California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). 

Learn more about the webinar topics and presenters. link
Contact: Elyse Homel Vitale  at 510.433.1122 ext 206
Join Us at  Diving into Drinking Water Conference June 19th in Sacramento

Join CFPA at Public Health Advocates' Diving into Drinking Water conference, as we join a great line-up of advocates, researchers and experts to discuss legislative opportunities for improving access to safe drinking water in California. We will be discussing our work on an ongoing pilot, which serves to explore CalFresh EBT-delivered supplemental benefits as a policy strategy for mitigating the additional budget pressures faced by California communities impacted by unsafe drinking water. We hope to see you there!

Contact: Kevin Lee  at 213.482.8200 ext 202

CFPA in the News...

The Sacramento Bee recently published an op-ed by CFPA Managing Advocate Jared Call, urging California Congressmen representing districts in the Central Valley to reject the cuts to SNAP/CalFresh proposed in the House Farm Bill, HR 2. 

"...the proposed bill moving through the U.S. House leaves behind the people who harvest, sort, sell, prepare and serve the Valley's agricultural bounty. It would make it more difficult for millions of Californians, including working parents and many low-wage workers, to put food on the table by cutting their assistance through CalFresh."

Read the full article here.

Now is a critical time to make your voice heard in opposition to the SNAP/CalFresh cuts in the proposed Farm Bill. Call your Representative today and tell them "Vote No on HR 2!" (The House Farm Bill). Click here to access the call-in number and sample script. 

Keep up to date on the Farm Bill and federal advocacy at CFPA's Farm Bill page.

Contact: Jared Call  at 213.482.8200 ext 201