Cup of Empowerment
May 14, 2018
It feels so good to sit back,  catch our breath and  savor a cup of empowerment   fro God's Word

Join us at Anna's Gate every Tuesday at 3:45 pm for 
worship,  teaching, and filming for our TV show. 


School of the Prophets with Jeremy Caris
June 1st from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM

School of the Spirit with Jeremy Caris
June 9th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

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Singing the Calories Away!
 Dr. CarolMarie

At Anna's Gate recently, Peggy Powers and I taught about frequencies from both a scientific and spiritual point of view. Peggy gave the scriptures of how we were created with vibrations as the Holy Spirit hovered over the waters and God spoke us into existence. We applied it to how God is using the frequencies of the harp in Israel with the Anna's Gate harpists to shift the atmosphere through their prayers and sound! (Read more about it on our website under Israel.) I personalized it to our needs with examples of how different musical keys affected our organs and body's functions. Each musical key is also connected to a color that has both positive and negative effects. Since Anna's Gate is all about learning prayer strategies, I showed how to use this information in prayer.
While teaching on each key, Peggy would play the key on the harp and we would release the frequency through our voices over our bodies in a form of prayer. When we spoke of the key of C connected to the color red, one of the affects was that it helped correct being "overweight". Most of us really sang out loud on that one!
It was a powerful time of healing as we aligned with the frequencies of Heaven in prayer!
Later some of the ladies were in the kitchen cutting pieces of homemade cake for themselves that one of our partners had brought. My daughter Starlie walked in while one lady (applying the teaching) was releasing the key of C to "counteract" weight gain. Others started joining in on this harmonious chorus to ward off the calories! Starlie added to the fun said, "Oh no, you are singing the key that makes you gain weight!" Their faces looked horrified as they all stopped singing abruptly! Then laughter broke out realizing the joke was on them!
I think we need to sing in the key of D connected to the color Orange that represents wisdom! It is more than releasing a sound isn't it? We need to let Holy Spirit lead us as we pray.
Not too long ago I received a text to pray for a woman in a ministry Anna's Gate supports who was needing to pass a kidney stone. The doctors had scheduled her for surgery if she did not pass it by morning. As I prayed, the Lord spoke to me to have the intercessors release the key of D that was connected to kidneys. I released the sound on a pitch pipe I had with me while Peggy released it on her harp at home! We all agreed in prayer releasing the sound for her to pass the stone. She did pass the stone and the surgery was canceled! I love it when the Lord shows us what "key" to use in the arsenal of prayer strategies He has provided!

Peggy and I have done a CD set with harp music played in the seven different keys. On one CD I decree healing on those parts of the body it is connected to. I also relate it to the positive effects of the color it's affiliated to and cancel the negative influences. Peggy plays on both the CDs with the decrees and also alone (in case you just want to cover yourself with the sound while you heal). You can find it in our store under " Frequencies for Wholeness". Add this to your prayer strategy keys as you let the Lord show you how to use them!   It's a song that even the calories might obey!


We would like to INVITE you to bring widows and prayer warriors from your church to Anna's Gate to be in our filming audience on Tuesdays! We air on four local networks as well as globally, via Internet. Call our office (865-803-5445) with your reservation and how many you would like to bring.

We would also like to invite you to send us a brief testimony 
(written or filmed on your smart phone) 
of how God has used Anna's Gate 
to help you and to reach your realm of influence. 
Email it to:   [email protected] 
(Put "Testimony" on the subject line). 
If filmed, please make it only 1 to 2 minutes. 
We would love to hear from you!


Read what Jesus read on this week in History!
Check out the Torah Reading for Last Sabbath
Here is the Torah Reading for Next Sabbath


Learn about the  Hebraic month .


When you make a purchase using A mazon Smile, a part of your purchase amount is given to support the work Anna's Gate does. We appreciate your using these businesses and in the process blessing Anna's Gate.

Click above image for details.

Join CarolMarie on
AM Station Joy620 "Drive At Five" 
"Empower Hour" With CarolMarie

Wednesdays from 5-6 pm
or listen live around the world by Internet at  same time EST



If you Live in the Knoxville, TN area
Check out our TV Program!
Anna's Gate 

 Monday's at 9 AM

Channel 12 if you have Comcast 
Channel 6 on Charter 
Channel 6 on WOW/Knolegy 
Channel 99 on AT&T 

Be a part of the audience when we film on Tuesdays from 3:45 to 6:00 PM at Anna's Gate! 

Stay Connected:
Anna's Gate International
6515 Clinton Highway Suite 100
Knoxville, TN 37912