Helping you care for our land, water, soil, and wildlife
This Month's News
Program Spotlight
  • Napa RCD's Newest Service: Forest Management Plans
News & Announcements
  • Local RCDs Awarded $1.5M in CalFire Grant
  • "Exploring the Berryessa Region" Book Released
  • Carbon Farming in the News
  • July Conservation Champion: Evelyn Zlomke
In Case You Missed It
  • North Coast Soil Hub is on Instagram!
  • Sign up for Ag Practice-Specific Emails
Upcoming Programs
  • See below for complete list
Program Spotlight
Napa RCD's New Forestry Program Completes First Forest Management Plan
In 2019, Napa RCD welcomed a new staff member- Forest Program Manager Amanda Benton. Since she joined the team Amanda has been working hard to make connections and establish a brand new suite of RCD services for our community. Amanda recently completed a huge milestone for the RCD - our first Forest Management Plan! This plan was developed for a property owned by Land Trust of Napa County.

Forest Management Plans (FMPs) are road maps that land managers may use to achieve their goals of a healthy, sustainable, and firesafe forest. FMPs include an inventory of the trees and other vegetation on the property, an assessment of roads and their impacts on water quality in streams, and a list of actions that the land manager should take in the future to achieve her goals. Here in Napa County, FMPs will be important as we all move to a more wildfire-ready and climate resilient future.

Napa RCD worked with CalFire and Land Trust of Napa County to create an FMP for Land Trust of Napa County's recent acquisition between Calistoga and Aetna Springs. The property is a great addition to an already massive chunk of conserved land in the area. The FMP will help the Land Trust take actions in the property that protect the region's land, water, and wildlife, while also managing the risk and effects of wildfire on the region.

Amanda is currently developing several more FMPs for properties throughout Napa County. If you are interested in developing an FMP for your property or neighborhood, email .

As Napa County continues to move through wildfire season, we will continue to highlight our forestry projects and share resources .

Residents may use the Napa Firewise Council website and the Napa County Fire Marshal website to find updates and services related to the Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
News & Announcements
$1.5M Grant Awarded to North Bay RCDs and ReBuild North Bay
Napa RCD, in partnership with Rebuild NorthBay Foundation (RBNF) and with Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs) of Sonoma, Mendocino, and Lake Counties, is excited to announce the launch of a new North Bay Forest Improvement Program thanks to $1.5M in Proposition 68 funding awarded via a CALFIRE Wildfire Resilience and Forestry Assistance grant. This program will bring critical resources to treat wildfire hazards on private properties throughout the region, with a focus on serving low-income residents.

We are very excited to continue this partnership for the health and safety of the North Bay's human and natural communities.
Book Release:
Exploring the Berryessa Region
One of the more WILD parts of Napa County is also one of the lesser-visited and often overlooked areas of Napa County: Lake Berryessa. In this new book published by Backcountry Press, "Exploring the Berryessa Region: A Geology, Nature and History Tour," the authors take readers on a journey featuring photographs, graphics, and maps, with an overall thread of geology worked into it all.

Carbon Farming in the News
Featuring Napa RCD's own Miguel Garcia!
Carbon Farming has been in the news a lot lately, at least in the agriculture circles. Carbon Farming is probably familiar to most of our followers, but for those that are new to the term, it is quite simply the act of working the land in a way that helps maximize storage of carbon in the soil and minimize the release of carbon into the air.

You can read this Slate article featuring Miguel, listen to this CA Ag Today segment featuring Miguel, and learn about how Carbon Farming is playing into the new Napa Green Land guidelines .
July Conservation Champion: Evelyn Zlomke
Evelyn's name will sound familiar to many of you that tuned in to Bay-Friendly Garden Month and joined us for our Pollinator Week spotlight at the Westwood Hills Park Pollinator Garden. She was a movie star this year in particular, but she's been involved in the conservation and native plant world of Napa County since 1983.

Evelyn was born in the East Bay, but our story starts in 1983. That's the year when she and husband Bob moved to Napa- after realizing it was the place that could offer them what they needed and wanted for their young family. Evelyn worked as a nurse in Oakland, but between the commute, work, and family, she decided she wanted to encourage birds in her yard. First she joined Audubon, then decided there had to be an easier way to encourage birds than to keep filling bird feeders!

In 1987 Evelyn took the leap and, after attending their plant sale, became a member of the California Native Plant Society. Since then, Evelyn has been a constant presence in the local native plant world and is often a source of advice for locals.

While her partner Bob was in school to become an environmental engineer, he was looking around for a hydrology-focused internship. Instead of an internship, Bob ended up being a volunteer and then a staff member of the Napa County Resource Conservation District! Bob is now an Associate Directors for the District. Through connections with Bob, Evelyn connected with staff and other volunteers at Napa RCD and eventually began participating in projects herself. Most notably, she joined Napa RCD on a healthy water sources project as part of her Master's in Public Health. From then on, her connection to Napa RCD has thrived!

When asked what keeps her coming back and working for our native plants, all Evelyn could say was, "Oh, I'm just an old hippie! I don't have any better explanation!"

And when asked for a parting thought, Evelyn shared this:

If we plant native plants, we create habitat. If we create habitat, we save species. And if we save species, we save the world.
In Case You Missed It
North Coast Soil Hub is on Instagram!
The North Coast Soil Hub has joined Instagram to offer another way of sharing soil health resources to all of our ag partners in the North Bay.

Follow us at @northcoastsoilhub

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Upcoming Programs
August 12 - Bats with Corky of NorCal Bats- Info coming soon

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Napa County Resource Conservation District | 707-252-4189 |