James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS)
CNS News & Views:
June 2018
Trump and Kim
#TrumpKim: What Happened and What It Means
As the on-again, off-again summit process between the leaders of the United States and North Korea culminated on June 12, media outlets large and small scrambled to decode the partisan spin and figure out what it all meant. 

From CNN and the BBC to NPR and the  New York Times, truth-seekers turned to the experts at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies for the summit's historical and technical context. O n television, radio, podcasts, and print, our North Korea experts offer fact-based analysis into the implications and prospects for peace on the peninsula.

VIDEO: The Future of the Iran Nuclear Deal
When the United States officially withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (a.k.a. "the Iran deal") on May 8, it threw the future of the agreement into serious doubt. 

In a seminar jointly organized by CNS and the Middlebury Institute of International Studies's Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies program, Drs. Avner Cohen, Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress, Jeffrey Lewis, and Moyara Ruehsen offer their insights into the security, proliferation, economic, and political implications of US withdrawal.

Celebrating the Achievements of Hans Blix
On June 6, the Embassy of Sweden and the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation hosted a celebration in honor of Dr. Hans Blix, director general emeritus of the International Atomic Energy Agency, on the occasion of his 90th birthday. 

VCDNP livestreamed the event, and posted the full transcript of Dr. Blix's welcome remarks on the VCDNP site.

Welcome, Geo-explorers!

CNS launched the next round of its exciting crowdsourcing experiment,, which unites geospatial hobbyists, experts and novices who use satellite imagery to interpret, annotate, and discover insights into WMD programs around the world. 

Geo4Nonpro seeks to harness the power of the crowd to interpret imagery of known or suspected WMD activity. 

We welcome the public, the press, and YOU to join us. 

Women to the Fore: Gender at the 2018 NPT PrepCom Meeting
In the flagship issue of Newsroom, the magazine of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Youth Group, Senior Research Associate Sarah Bidgood published an analysis of the representation of women at this year's preparatory committee meeting of states parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

  Read more .
Preventing Black Market Trade in Nuclear Technology
Every nuclear-weapon program for decades has relied extensively on illicit imports of nuclear-related technologies. A new book offers the most detailed public account of how states procure what they need to build nuclear weapons, what is currently being done to stop them, and how global efforts to prevent such trade could be strengthened. 

Co-edited by Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center's Matthew Bunn and Martin Malin and CNS's William Potter and Leonard Spector, the book argues that preventing illicit transfers wherever possible is a key element of an effective global nonproliferation strategy.