St. Paul's Episcopal Church

301 E. Stuart Street, Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: 970-482-2668
Email: [email protected] - Website:

Our Vestry is Awesome!

It is a real blessing to us that we have such knowledgeable, loving and dedicated people serving on our Vestry. They have done us an invaluable service, keeping St. Paul's moving forward in healthy ways and making excellent choices on our behalf. We have been the ship in the storm, and they have helped us weather the rough seas and fierce winds. They have listened well to our yearnings and hopes and have acted on them with firm resolve. And here we are. Our decision about where we will next be has been made, and we look forward with excitement and anticipation to creating an ecumenical center. And our prayers and search for a clergy companion to partner with us in ministry has culminated in the call of Felicia Smith Graybeal. Well done, good and faithful servants!! And that's not saying the half of it!

Please thank your Vestry: Rhoda Robinson, John Williams, Eric Barton, Jody Werner, Karin Wangberg-Rogers, Seth Stepleton, Sioux Icenhower, Chris Schraeder, Mary Jean Currier, Kathleen Batterton, and Dimetrios Godenitz. Our clerk, Jim Steinborn, and our treasurer, Geneve Huxley also contributed a great deal.

Thank you to all who volunteered

during our last overnight program!

St. Paul’s 13 volunteers spent 93 hours cooking, hosting, and staying overnight. Our FFH volunteers provided 30% of the hours that it took to house 4 families, 6 adults & 8 children for the week.
Donations and more volunteers are needed:
  • FFH needs help with painting the Sherwood House. The property is at 321 S. Sherwood St., Fort Collins. The Sherwood House will house homeless families who need to stay in the program longer than the overnight program will allow. If you are interested in helping, please contact Annette at [email protected] to be included on the email sign up.
  • Day Center Volunteer Trainings: FFH is in DESPERATE need of some Saturday volunteers. Can you volunteer a 3.5 hour shift on a Saturday? FFH will train you and have you shadow another volunteer BEFORE you volunteer on your own. Please contact Steph at [email protected]
  • Donation Taskforce Needs: FFH’s supply of gently used furniture is dwindling. Four families have moved into housing in the last month. FFH needs twin sheets, kitchen tables and chairs, dressers with drawers and couches right now. If you have one of these items and want to donate it, please text or call Jodi at 970-371-5345 to arrange delivery.
Food Bank Volunteers
In June we partnered with 9 folks from Trinity at the Food Bank Warehouse. We enjoyed our time together and look forward to continuing this joint volunteer project.
The next Food Bank volunteer date is Tuesday, July 9, from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. We always welcome new volunteers ! To volunteer or for further information, please contact Jo Baietti at 970-223-1686 or email at   [email protected] .
Focus on Waste Reduction & Recycling before the Joint Worship Service this Sunday, June 30   

This Sunday we will have an opportunity to focus on how to reduce our waste stream as consumers of products, and improve recycling.  A joint Adult Forum at 9:00 a.m. will include information and a presentation about some of the important issues surrounding the ways that the waste issue is being addressed in Larimer County. Come to learn more about this topic and how we can all improve our ways of reducing, reusing and recycling! At around 11:15, after the service , we will engage in a project focusing on waste reduction and recycling, so that we put some of what we learn into action.
This Sunday, June 30   --Joint Worship Service at 10 am

On Sunday we will have another wonderful opportunity to celebrate with our fellow faith communities at Trinity. The worship service will start at 10 am (not 10:30 as in previous publications.) Good music, wonderful liturgy in, as Pastor Rick says, "the dance where we step on each other's toes and it works fine."
Save the Date

8:30 am Sunday, August 11

Sunday, August 11, will be Felicia Smith Graybeal's first Sunday with us. We will have a special service to welcome her. The 8 am and 9 am worshipers will join in one celebration beginning at 8:30 am. The worship team is planning this even as we write. Please mark your calendars. Worship will be followed by a celebratory reception or brunch, to be arranged. If you'd like to help out with this, contact Weltha in the church office.
And Then There Were Two

When the very successful fellowship ministry at St. Paul’s known as Dinner with Friends began there were five members on its steering committee. Due to various personal circumstances three of its members have had to step away from their participation in this leadership role. Two members are not sufficient for this committee to continue its work.

Members of the Parish have recently been invited to join this steering committee, but no one has accepted the invitation. With the beginning of another cycle of dinners coming up, and with planning for that cycle less than two months away, it is important for additional members be added to this committee. If not, then this fellowship ministry will not be able to continue.

So, this is a “last call” for interested people to join the Dinner with Friends steering committee. It is hoped that a sufficient number of people will be willing to serve and thus help this ministry continue to thrive. Please contact Bill Hoelzel at [email protected] or (970) 999-5230 for additional information or to volunteer.  
Codependents or Servant Leaders?

"Jesus commands us to serve. Those who are greatest among us are those who wrap the towel around their waists and wash their companions’ feet. They are exalted for their self-giving attention to the needs of their neighbors. Is Jesus encouraging codependency?"

Laurie Gudim for " Speaking to the Soul " at the Episcopal Cafe. For the full reflection, go HERE .