Dear Faithful Friends, 
As the reach of COVID-19 continues to grow and impact our neighbors, we must be mindful of "the least of these" within our communities. 
Families with children, seniors living on low and fixed-income budgets, uninsured individuals and other marginalized populations will disproportionately suffer during this outbreak and throughout its aftermath. Across the country, thousands are already facing unemployment, food insecurity, and uncertainty for the future.
We need your help! We are reaching out to you, as servant leaders in your communities, to join FOCUS in efforts to reach out during this time of immense need. Here's how you can support us now:
A great place to begin reaching out is with the relationships you have formed through the Back to School Backpack and Saint Nicholas Sack programs. If you need help connecting with your existing community partners, don't hesitate to contact me so I can facilitate an introduction. 
We will continue to equip you with simple and effective ways to serve those in need . Stay safe in this uncertain time and be sure to "encourage one another and build each other up, just as you are already doing," as St. Paul instructs. In a serious time, a little levity can go a long way.

Stay current with all of our ministry updates related to COVID-19 here . Thank you!
Yours in Christ,
John T. Moxen, PHD
National Programs Manager
600 North Bell Avenue
Building 1, Suite 115
Carnegie, PA 15106
570.780.8531 (cell)