Hart Elementary School
450 Country Club Road
Lucas, TX 75002
November 19, 2020
Message from Hart
Lacey Moser
Dear Hart Families,

Thank you everyone for the outpouring of well wishes, prayers, messages, emails, and notes during the past few weeks.  With the unexpected loss of my father from the COVID virus, my entire family felt your love and support during this especially difficult time.  We feel blessed to have this community to lift us up during this time.  I want to thank Mr. Romero, along with Mrs. Scoville and Mrs. Hart. They took the reins and made sure business continued as usual.  
After my return to school on Monday, I had time to reflect on all that I am thankful for as we navigated this first semester with these unique challenges.  I know that the circumstances we have been faced with are not ideal and not what any of us had hoped for as we started this school year.  This community continues to awe and inspire me in how it comes together to sacrifice, compromise, and work together to ensure that Hart Elementary can be the best place for all of our children. 
I am so incredibly grateful for our teachers who have taken on new ways of teaching, connecting, and supporting students both virtually and in face-to-face learning.  They have learned new technology platforms and strategies to engage students in either setting, explored ways to build community virtually, and attended training to become certified online instructors.  I am most impressed with how they have made the learning environment nurturing and engaging, all while navigating social distancing and masks.  Hart truly has the best teachers!
In addition to our phenomenal teachers, I am grateful for our amazing parents and families. You engaged with us in new, unique ways and continue to partner with us in developing the best educational experience for your child in these unusual circumstances. You also made difficult decisions for your family throughout this first semester.  I continue to appreciate your communication, flexibility, and support as we work to support your children and your families.  You are the reason Hart is the amazing school that it is. 
As a parent alongside you, worried about how our children would adjust to the differences in their learning environment, I am so appreciative of our resilient students. I know that I speak for the entire staff when I say we are so proud of them.  They have adjusted and adapted beautifully.  When I am on the playground, in the lunchroom, in the classroom,visiting specials classes,or on a class Zoom,  I see students engaged and enjoying being with their peers.  This makes my heart so happy and is the very reason we all do what we do! 

The Moser Family hopes you all have a safe and restful Thanksgiving break. Please take this time to think about your blessings and all that you and your family are grateful for.  We send love and thanks to you all! 

Lacey Moser
Please note, tomorrow, November 20 is NOT an early release day. School will dismiss at 3:10.

You will notice that our teachers continue to send home anything students will need for learning if there is a cause for your child to move to virtual instruction.  Over the past few weeks, we have had individual, as well as groups of students who have been required to quarantine.  We have noticed that students are able to quickly switch to virtual due to having all of their necessary technology and supplies in their backpack.  Thank you for your continued support of this practice (and the heavy backpacks).

NEW!!! Transportation Information
This Thursday, November 19th, the Transportation Department will release updated district-wide bus routing information at noon, which will take effect Monday, November 30th. 

The routing updates will impact all bus routes. All families who are eligible for service or have confirmed fee-based service will need to visit the Bus Route website before Monday, November 30th, for updated route numbers, pick up and drop off times. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Transportation Department at 469-742-8009 or via email at Donna_Holden@lovejoyisd.net.
NEW!!! Dismissal Changes and Buses
Hart Parents, the transportation department will be releasing updated bus routing information later today. We will have routing changes at Hart. Please go to the bus routing information on the Lovejoy ISD website to verify your child's routing information, i.e., route number, and pick up/drop off times and locations. Mrs. Bouska will make changes in SDM before our return from Thanksgiving break. Thank you!
NEW!!! Q3 Learning Environment Selection
NEW!!! HES Lost and Found Boutique
New styles have arrived!

Please click here to view items in Lost and Found. Please email me, jeanette_mervicker@lovejoyisd.net,referencing the picture number or description if you recognize an item. I will send it home with your student. Thank you!!!!
Talent Show Google Form Available NOW!!!!
Please click here to complete the Google form. We are so excited to see your talent!!!!
Information from Mrs. Scoville
Reminder, Project Thankful cards are due tomorrow, November 20!!!
Project Thankful is an opportunity for Hart students, families, and staff members to send a card to tell someone that they are thankful for him or her. All the money received will be used to adopt children through the Allen Community Outreach (ACO) Holiday Adoption Program, www.acocares.org. Last year Hart was able to adopt 14 children!

Student made cards are included in an envelope being sent home. Cards are $1.00 each or $5.00 for six cards. You may purchase the cards by simply placing the money in the envelope. Please return envelopes containing money and/or unused cards to the school by Nov. 20th. Cards addressed to teachers and staff will be distributed by the office. Thank you! 
Library Information
Virtual Book Fair
It is time for our virtual Fall Book Fair! This year we have everything set up for easy online ordering with Follett! You can order online anytime between now and December 1st. Please click here to browse (and shop) the numerous books available. Our school code is Z88KX. While shopping, be sure to check out the teacher wishlist. Each teacher has selected books they would like to add to their classroom library. If you prefer, you can also send a teacher a book fair gift card. Follett has also provided a nifty video with helpful information about the virtual book fair. Books will be sent to the school and distributed by December 16th, just in time for the holidays!

With every purchase, Hart earns 25% back in rewards. We use these rewards to grow our library and provide new and exciting books to all students.

We are so excited and hope the students enjoy shopping for books online. It will be so exciting to pass out the new books when they arrive!

If you have any questions, please contact Suzanne Hart, suzanne_hart@lovejoyisd.net.

***Please note that this is a K-6 book fair. Some of the titles are geared for the upper grades and maturity level. ***

Notes from Nurse Allison
As we move further into the cold/flu season, please use this document for assessing whether your child is experiencing Covid-19 symptoms. This Covid and Other Symptoms Illness Chart may help you distinguish the difference between types of illness and symptoms your child may be experiencing. Please click here to access the LISD Planning Guide. The planning guide is a valuable tool that can answer many of the questions and concerns regarding LISD policy. This document also reviews the exposure ("close contact") guidelines to follow. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. allison_wright@lovejoyisd.net
Yearbook Picture Request
Keep sending in your pictures! We are so excited to see all the wonderful and fun things out Hart students are doing. Please remember to add the name of grade of everyone in the pictures. Email the photos to YearbookHart@gmail.com. Thank you!
Wow! Hart Families,

A big thanks to all of our wonderful Hart Parents and Students for making the Lovejoy Letter Campaign such a success! We appreciate each and every one of you! The staff will be filled with joy reading all of their letters. 

We would also like to extend a thank you to Lovejoy BBQ and the families that ordered meals. The food received rave reviews so we hope to partner with them again in the near future. 

This week kicks off our Winter Coat Drive! Clear out those closets and help donate gently used winter items to the boxes outside of the school. For a list of specific items and details, scroll down. 

Parents, please don't forget to join our ShopWithScrip program and send the staff some love through gift cards. We need your help! Our gift card drive will run through the end of this month. The goal is to gift each staff member with $20-$25 in gift cards to show our love and appreciation for all they do. 

We truly appreciate you,
Dani Miller

Please click here to read the Hart PTO newsletter, Hart Headlines.
Dates to Remember
November 13-20- Thankful Card Sales
November 23-November 27- No School- Thanksgiving Break
December 17- Virtual Hart Beat 8:00 a.m.
December 17- Early release 12:00 p.m.
December 18-January 5- Holiday Break- No School
January 6- Return to campus after Holiday Break
January 18- No School
District Community News
It’s not too late to give to the Annual Appeal campaign. Every gift makes an impact. Invest today in our students’ tomorrow.
Please click here to read the November Nutrition Newsletter.

Please click here for the lunch menu.

Please click here to add money on to your child's lunch account.
District Community News
Previous Hart Principal Messages
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