乐队俱乐部每月星期二七点在1102教室聚会。下二次是在十一月五日和十二月三日开会。我们欢迎乐队成员的家长一起亲聚会表达对认真练习的乐队成员和老师的支持。要了解有关BHS乐团的更多信息,请访问www.BellevueOrchestra.org. 如果您对义工有兴趣,可以电邮给Michael Linsco at silvaviator@gmail.com.
假日季即将来临, 正在计划购买圣诞花环和装饰品吗 ?欢迎来选购用美丽清新,28英寸圣诞花环及长青叶做的餐桌装饰摆件,所有售卖款项将用于支持我们的高中乐队,请于10月28日之前提交订单,领取日为11月22日(星期五),如有任何疑问,请联系 Stephanie McIntyre with any questions, 425-233-4736 or csmcintyre@comcast.net.
页面上找到。如欲了解更多资金计划信息,请联系PTSA 资金项目主席
Kelly Silver。
Bellevue学区基金秋季募捐活动正在进行中!我们的目标是今年秋天筹集30万美元。公共资金不足以资助一些优秀的项目以使得Bellevue学区成为全国最好的学区之一。我们需要你们的捐助。请点击这里 HERE 或者在BellevueSchoolsFoundation.org网站捐赠。 捐助的资金用于以下项目:
在州3A冠军联赛中BHS连胜,上周以193-213战胜Liberty。Sr.Dylan Bear 以a -1 under par 35赢得奖牌。另外,Jr. Thomas Huang 和Sr. Ian Siebers 以a pair of 37's, Fr. David Gribble with a 41, 和Jr. Rick Zhang and So. Saum Sebetian 以43,为Wolverines获胜作了贡献。这个胜利让BHS在Kingco赛季中保持了三年不败纪录。祝贺Manaha 教练和BHS 高尔夫球队。
十月十三曰,,校高尔夫队将进入赛后季比赛,地点是Snohomish Golf Course。如果是前两名,将进入 10/21, 周二的SeaKing District Championshipon 地址在Riverbend Golf Complex,Kent,WA. 如果继续胜利,明年五月就可以参加WIAA-3A State Championship。加油, Manahan 教练和队员。
来为我们的女子排球运动员加油!我们的三支球队在上半个赛季都取得好成绩, Varsity 在conference play 中保持不败的战绩。在KingCo 3A 中, Varsity7 战胜全胜,共赢21局,输3局,以二场球领先。
周一,对Interkake,在BHS。 周三,10/30 对Mercer Island high school, 在 BHS(Senior night应届毕业生之夜)
所有JV比赛5:15 开始,Varsity比赛7:00 开始。
Wolverines 加油!
BHS 长跑队
Another two great meets last week, including the Nike Hole in the Wall XC Invitational which drew a very competitive field from many states. The team rose to the challenge and as a result we saw many PRs and SRs from our Bellevue runners!
Many thanks to the Elwells for hosting great team gathering on 10/10 and for Jennifer Stelly for taking the lead on the team dinner on 10/8.
Make sure you have your calendars marked for the 3A/2A Kingco Cross Country Championships on
Thursday, October 24th and the Sub Varsity Invitational on
Saturday, Oct 26th. These meets are hosting by John Hill so that our runners have an extra end of season opportunity to compete, one that is all due to John's enduring work. Thanks John!
Also note that the date for the banquet has moved to November 13th. More info and a call for volunteers coming soon.
Lastly, a reminder: the team needs help with the tents at the meets. If you are attending a meet, please take the initiative to help move, set up, and take down the tents. Many thanks.
BHS 橄榄球
Varsity beat Interlake 67-7 to extend their record to
4-2 for the season. Their next game is vs Liberty (5-1) at Home.
C-Team is off to a great start. They beat Lake Washington last week and are undefeated at
C-Team plays on Monday nights. Come out Friday and support the Wolverines vs Liberty, 7pm game time.
For our newsletter at any time by clicking on the link on top of this newsletter. Be sure to sign up for your student's graduating classes. You may also unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the newsletter.
The Blast will be delivered once a week on Tuesday mornings. The deadlines for submitting articles are as follows:
School news and PTSA articles - Friday deadline
Athletics and Activities articles - Sunday deadline
Submissions should be in plain text in the body of your email message or in a Word document.
Items submitted may be accepted, rejected, or edited at our discretion.
Please use a separate email for each article submitted.
Titles should be included in the Subject line.
Images may be included as JPEG or PNG files.
Submissions received after Friday/Sunday will NOT be in the Tuesday issue, but will be in the following week's issue.
COMMENTS: Thank you for your articles. The newsletter is edited by Fen Liu and Jia Ling(Janet) Liu. Please submit all comments and questions to us atbellevueblast@bellevuehighptsa.com.