March 2015
March 2015 Issue of "Off Camera":
EMMY 2015: Emmy Gala Details Coming In March
EMMY 2015: Emmy Entrant? Important Dates To Remember
EMMY 2015: Emmy Entrants Needed to Judge Work From Other Chapters
Chapter Welcomes New Governors
Chapter Elections Coming Up Soon
GOLD & SILVER CIRCLE 2015: Nomination Deadline April 15
S.F., Fresno Stations Send Crews to Cover Academy Awards
Joe and Jennifer Montana Join KPIX 5 For NFL, Super Bowl Coverage
Tom LaBrie, Famed Late Night Sacramento Waterbed Pitchman, Dies
KTVU News Crew Assaulted, Robbed
Gold & Silver Circle Profiles: Dr. Dean Edell
NEW! Day in the Life: KTVU's Frank Somerville
The Yoga Corner: Don't Mind Your Heart
Working Overnights with Sacramento News Veteran
NEW! Back in the Day: Bob Jimenez
Soundbites: KRON 4's Jeff Pierce
On the Move
Do You Remember?
Write to "Off Camera"
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 Off Camera

    Kevin Wing


the board of governors




  Keith Sanders

  San Jos� State University

Vice President, San Francisco: 

  Kevin Wing

  ABC-TV/Good Morning America

  Vice President,                     Sacramento: 

  Cynthia Zeiden

  Zeiden Media  

Vice President, Fresno: 

  Kim Stephens

  KMPH FOX 26 

  Vice President, Hawaii

  Pamela Young

  KITV 4

  Vice President, Reno: 
    Terri Russell
    KOLO 8  
  Vice President, Smaller     Markets: 
    David Waxman
    Waxman TV
    John Odell
    CCSF Emeritus
    Jim Spalding
    Spalding & Company
  Past President:

  Javier Valencia



nationaL trustees:

Linda Giannecchini


(National Awards Chair)

Alison Gibson

Media Cool

(National 2nd Vice Chairperson)

Cynthia Zeiden

Zeiden Media

(National Program Chair)

Steve Shlisky

KTVU Channel 2  




Kent Beichley

KRON 4/Pac12

Wayne Freedman


Luis Godinez

KDTV Univision 14

Richard Harmelink


(Nominating Chair) 

Pablo Icub

KUVS Univision 19

Brian Johnson


Sean Karlin

Beyond Pix Studios

George Lang

The Big Picture

Da Lin


Terry Lowry

LaCosse Productions  

(Gold & Silver Circle Chair) 

Melissa Mapes


Sultan Mirza



Joyce Mitchell

4 U Productions

David Paredes


Pat Patton


Ross Perich

Trainer Communications

Greg Rando

KTVU Channel 2

Erik Rosales


Brenda Salgado

KGMB/KHNL Hawaii News Now  

Sandy Sirias

KFTV Univision 21

Matt Skryja


Stephanie Stone


Karen Sutton

Beyond Pix Studios

(Emmy Gala Chair)

Melanie Woodrow

KTVU Channel 2 


committee chairs:


  Cynthia Zeiden

  Zeiden Media 


  John Catchings

  Catchings & Associates

  Linda Giannecchini

  KQED 9 


  Julie Watts

  KPIX 5


  Steve Shlisky

  KTVU Channel 2 


  Alison Gibson

  Media Cool  


  Mark Pearson

  ARC Law Group 


  Kym McNicholas



  Patty Zubov

  Platonic TV


execUtive director:

Darryl R. Compton


Calendar of Events

March 31
Last day to renew NATAS membership without penalty

March 31
Last day to add names to Emmy  entries

April 18
"Meet the Pros" event at Sacramento State University

April 26
42nd Annual Daytime Emmy Awards in Los Angeles (telecast)

For more events and important dates, please visit the Chapter website at

EMMY 2015
SFJAZZ Center To Host Emmy� Awards Gala 

By Karen Sutton
Emmy Gala Chairperson

      The Emmy� Gala Committee of the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences is pleased to proudly announce that the 44th Annual Northern California Area Emmy� Awards Gala will be presented at the SFJAZZ Center in San Francisco on Saturday, June 6. 
     The 2015 Emmy� Awards ceremony will be held in the SFJAZZ Center's Miner Auditorium, a cultural landmark in the heart of San Francisco.
     This year's program will be an intimate and memorable evening, beginning with a reception, a theatre-seated awards show and a red carpet area that will be buzzing with excitement throughout the night. 
     Passed hors d'oeuvres will be featured during the reception, with light fare during the show, ending with an  arrangement  of desserts.

     As in previous years, we will be streamlining our onstage show by providing recipients with an additional platform to give speeches on the red carpet. We will be offering a revolutionary cloud technology, which will allow us to dual-live stream the awards show and the red carpet interviews and, in real time, provide individual recipient speeches to our Chapter's YouTube, Facebook and Twitter pages. This added feature will allow Emmy� recipients the opportunity to share their speeches and promote their award-winning work like never before.

      The SFJAZZ Center opened in the Hayes Valley/Civic Center neighborhood of San Francisco in January 2013. This will be the first time that the Emmy� Awards will be held here. 
     To learn more about the SFJAZZ Center, please visit their website at
     Stay tuned to Off Camera in coming issues to learn more about the 2015 Emmy� Awards Gala, and regularly check the Chapter website,, for the latest Emmy� Awards news! 
     Get updates sent to you - Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter.
     Mark your calendars for the Emmy� Awards Gala on June 6 at the SFJAZZ Center in San Francisco. Hope to see you there!

      Karen Sutton is Emmy Gala Chairperson and is a Governor, representing San Francisco, on the Board of Governors of the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. She is general manager of Beyond Pix in San Francisco. 


EMMY 2015
Did You Submit an Entry?
Important Dates Ahead

       The 44th Annual Northern California Area Emmy  Awards ceremony is three months away!
       If you submitted an entry or entries, there are important dates to remember between now and Emmy  Gala Night!

Tuesday, March 31 
Last day to add names to entries

Wednesday, May 6
Nominations posted on

Saturday, June 6
2015 Emmy� Awards Gala
San Francisco

EMMY� 2015
Help Judge O ther Chapters' Work
online judging

     Thanks to everyone who entered the 2015 Emmy � Awards competition.
     Now, you get to see what other Chapters from around the country are entering and help decide, by peer judging, what work will receive an Emmy� statuette in their markets. Your help is needed, and appreciated. 
     "Peer Judging" means that you work or have done work in the category you are judging.  If you work in News, you would judge news categories. Or, if you work in Sports, you would judge sports categories. The same applies to photographers judging other photographers' entries, and editors judging other editors' work, for instance. 
     Below is the list of categories for the first Chapter we are judging trading.
     Choose one or a couple of categories that you are qualified to peer judge and we will send you the log-in information and instructions. You can judge at work or at home on your own computer screen.  
     You don't need to do it all at one time.
     After you have viewed the required minimum amount of an entry, the judges' score sheet will pop up on the screen. You score each entry for Content, Creativity and Execution, 1-10 points.  
     Craft categories are Creativity and Execution only.        When finished, you verify your scores and turn in your ballot.
     To get started, please email Darryl Compton, our Chapter's executive director, at, with the category number and title, and list the work that you do that relates to the category or categories you chose. 
     Let us know also if you feel qualified to judge the Spanish-speaking entries.  
     You may also invite colleagues to judge; they do not need to be a member of the Academy.
     The deadline for completing judging is Friday, March 20. There could be a need for judging additional NATAS Chapters, so communicate your interest even if this deadline won't work for you.

Categories for Judging the first NATAS Chapter:

12 - General Assignment Report - No Time Limit  
13 - Feature News Report - Light Feature
14 - Feature News Report - Serious Feature
18 - Team Coverage
19 - Continuing Coverage
23 - Health/Science - News
24 - Politics/Government - News
33 - Health/Science - Feature/Segment
34 - Health/Science - Program/Special
35 - Informational/Instructional - Feature/Segment
36 - Informational/Instructional - Program/Special
47 - Documentary - Cultural
60 - Program Host/Moderator
65 - Director - Post Production
72 - Editor - News
73 - Editor - Program
Spanish - News Entries

Need news managers to judge newscasts by market size.



Five Appointed to  Board of Governors
Newest Governors Represent  Bay Area, Fresno, Hawaii

By Kevin Wing
Chapter Vice President, San Francisco

      The San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences is welcoming five new Governors to the Board of Governors. 
     All five were appointed to fill vacant seats on the Board.
     The Chapter is also regretfully saying goodbye to four Governors who submitted word to Chapter President Keith Sanders and Executive Director Darryl Compton of their desire to vacate their seats.
     Leaving the Board are Zara Arboleda, Michael Harabin, Jennifer Mistrot and Alice Yu
     The Board of Governors thanks them for their outstanding service and dedication to the Chapter and appreciates their contributions to the Board and to the television industry.   
     The terms for the appointed Governors are short; the current two-year terms for these seats expire June 30. Should they choose to, the newly-appointed Governors may run for election to their seats in this year's Board of Governors election later this spring. 
     The newly-appointed Governors are:

     Sean Karlin
     With Beyond Pix in San Francisco since 2005, Karlin is the company's creative services producer. With a hugely-extensive background as a photographer since joining the company, Karlin's broadcast production skills placed him in charge of large-scale projects ranging from commercials and documentaries, to multi-camera, to live satellite remotes and out-of-town events. In 2012, after demonstrating creativity, dedication and leadership, Karlin was promoted to his current position. He was nominated by Karen Sutton, a Chapter governor representing San Francisco who is also Beyond Pix's general manager. 

     Melissa Mapes 
     She is creative services director at KITV in Honolulu. Joining KITV in 2000, Mapes began as a part-time production technician. By 2010, she had been promoted to creative services director. Mapes is currently in charge of promotion and commercial production at the station. In her family, Mapes is the second generation to work in television. Many of her family members either currently work, or have worked, in the industry. She was nominated by Pamela Young, Chapter vice president, Hawaii. 
     David Paredes
     An award-winning investigative producer, photographer and editor for KNTV NBC Bay Area in San Jose, Paredes joined the station in 2011. A seven-time Emmy Award recipient, he was an investigative producer for KPHO and KPNX in Phoenix before moving to the Bay Area. He began his broadcasting career in 1990 at KAET, the PBS station located on the Arizona State University campus. While in Phoenix, Paredes was also an adjunct professor at Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications, from which he graduated in 1993. He was nominated by Kevin Wing , Chapter vice president, San Francisco. 

      Pat Patton 
     The former director of programming and public affairs at KRON 4 in San Francisco, Patton  has an extensive background in news, programming, production and management. He has served as a station manager, news director, executive producer, managing editor and news producer. After graduating with a MA degree in journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia, Patton began his career in 1979 as managing editor at KMBC in Kansas City. He eventually became executive producer, followed by director of programming and production. In 2001, he left the Midwest and moved to San Francisco, joining KRON in a similar position. While concurrently managing the daily operations of KRON, he served as vice president of programming for Young Broadcasting, consulting the company's 10 television stations on program acquisitions, negotiations and personnel matters. Patton was vice president and station manager from 2007 to 2009. He left KRON last month. Patton was nominated by John Catchings and Linda Giannecchini, chairpersons of the Chapter's Archives/Museum Committee. 

      Erik Rosales
      A reporter for KMPH FOX 26 in Fresno, Rosales has been a familiar face to Fresno-area viewers for nearly 20 years. A former Chapter vice president representing Fresno in 2004, Rosales worked in the Bay Area before returning to the Central Valley. In the mid-2000s, he was a South Bay Bureau reporter for KGO-TV ABC7 before joining KMPH. Prior to working in the Bay Area, he was an anchor at KGPE 47 in Fresno. An award-winning journalist with more than 20 years of reporting and anchoring experience, he received an Emmy Award in 2003. Rosales has also been recognized by the Radio Television News Directors Association and the Associated Press. He was nominated by Richard Harmelink, Chapter governor representing Fresno. 

Make a Difference?  Be More Involved?
Chapter  Board of Governors Elections in Spring

By Keith Sanders
Chapter President 

       Television industry professionals who comprise the Board of Governors of the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences do more than just attend monthly board meetings.

      Governors get to customize their contributions to NATAS, whether it's helping to create an Emmy show or various other events, giving out scholarships, fundraising, increasing membership, assisting with Chapter publicity, working on webcasts, writing articles for the monthly Off Camera newsletter, contributing to the Chapter website,, or many other activities.

      Additionally, Governors network with great colleagues and get to know media professionals in all regions of our large, ever-encompassing Chapter, which not only covers the San Francisco Bay Area, but all of northern California from Visalia to the Oregon border, Reno, Hawaii and Guam.  

     Being a Governor is a volunteer position. You must be a professional member of NATAS, which means that you are actively engaged in television or make direct contributions to the industry.

     If you fit these requirements and are interested in joining the Board of Governors, there is good news. Half of our Governors are elected each year and the next election is in June. If you are interested in serving a two-year term as Governor, send a short biography and a headshot photograph to Richard Harmelink, Governors Nominating Committee chairperson, at

     Deadline is April 30.

     If you want to do more than just attend meetings, and if you are qualified to run for a seat, we'd like to hear from you. There are no limits on what you can do as a NATAS Governor in helping your colleagues and giving back your industry. 


    Keith Sanders has been Chapter President of the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences since 2012. 

April 15  Deadline  for  2015 Nominations
Silver Circle 2013
       The 2015 Gold & Silver Circle Induction Luncheon is more than eight months away, but the application deadline to nominate individuals for induction into the Class of 2015 is fast approaching.
       The nomination deadline is April 15
       The  Gold & Silver Circle  is not an award, but a society of honor. The elegant induction ceremony is held each fall in San Francisco.
       To be eligible for membership in the Silver Circle, individuals must have been 
actively  engaged in television broadcasting for 25 years or more (with at least half of those years in the Chapter region), made a significant contribution in their local television markets and have distinguished themselves within the industry and the community. 
      Silver Circle inductees are elected by current members of the Silver Circle .

      The  Gold Circle  honors individuals who have been actively engaged in television broadcasting for 50 years or more (with at least half of those years in the Chapter region) and who have fulfilled the same criteria as  Silver Circle  nominees. 
      Gold Circle inductees are elected by the NATAS Chapter Board of Governors.


Fresno Goes To Hollywood
KFSN ABC30 Sends News Crew, Lucky Viewers to L.A.
To See 'LIVE! With Kelly & Michael After-Oscar Show'

Story by Richard Harmelink
Chapter Governor, Fresno
Photojournalist, KFSN ABC30

Photographs by Aurora Diaz
Special Projects Promotion Producer, KFSN ABC30

      Lights! Camera! Action!  Fresno's KFSN ABC30 took 40 loyal Central Valley viewers to Hollywood in late February to attend the LIVE! with Kelly & Michael After-Oscar Show at the Dolby Theater, only hours after the live telecast there by ABC of the 87th Academy Awards. 
KFSN ABC30's Amanda Vanegas and Richard Harmelink interview LIVE!'s Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan
     This is the fourth year that KFSN ABC30 has had access to shoot behind-the-scenes footage and be backstage to interview LIVE! stars Kelly Ripa, Michael Strahan, and their guests on the program.  
      It was a quick 13-hour trip for the KFSN ABC30 crew of reporter-anchor  Amanda Vanegas , photojournalist  Richard Harmelink and special projects promotion producer  Aurora Diaz , and an incredible experience for some lucky ABC30 viewers from California's San Joaquin Valley. 

     Richard Harmelink is a photojournalist at KFSN ABC30 in Fresno. He is also a Governor, representing Fresno, on the Board of Governors of the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences

KFSN ABC30's Vanegas, with Ripa and Strahan

KFSN's Aurora Diaz and Richard Harmelink

Joe Montana Joins KPIX 5 
For Station's 2015 NFL Coverage
CBS O&O Preps for Super Bowl 50 in Santa Clara

By Kevin Wing
Chapter Vice President, San Francisco

       Joe Montana, the NFL Hall of Fame quarterback who led the San Francisco 49ers to four Super Bowl championships in the 1980s and early 1990s, is joining KPIX 5 in San Francisco as part of the CBS O&O station's coverage of the 2015 NFL season and Super Bowl 50 at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara.
 Montanas Join KPIX 5
 Jennifer and Joe Montana are part of station's      coverage of 2015 NFL season and Super Bowl 50.
       Montana's wife, Jennifer, is rejoining the station. Together, they will work as special contributors for the station's NFL coverage as well as for Super Bowl 50, which the Bay Area is hosting on Sunday, Feb. 7.
      Jennifer Montana worked at KPIX in the late 1980s as a correspondent for the station's Evening Magazine. She will co-host specials with KPIX anchor Ken Bastida that will focus on local preparations for Super Bowl 50. Joe Montana will use his experience as two-time NFL MVP, four-time Super Bowl champion and three-time Super Bowl MVP to add his insights on teams and players throughout the 2015 season on KPIX specials and newscasts. 
       "I am thrilled to have KPIX 5 as a platform to share my experiences and provide my point of view as the NFL season unfolds," Joe Montana said.
       "We are excited to have Jennifer back with us on KPIX 5 and honored to have NFL legend Joe Montana join our team," said Bruno Cohen, KPIX's president and general manager. "Along with our partnership with the Bay Area Super Bowl 50 Host Committee, they make KPIX 5 the place to be for the countdown to the Golden Anniversary of the Super Bowl."
      The Montanas will also be involved in KPIX 5's promotional and marketing activities throughout the 2015 NFL season. 

Famed Late Night TV Host, Waterbed Pitchman Tom LaBrie Dead at 67
KTXL Fixture Hosted "Night Comfort Theater"

By Kevin Wing
Chapter Vice President, San Francisco
      Tom LaBrie was an overnight sensation on Sacramento television for many years.  
      He was very well-known to Sacramento Valley and Bay Area viewers in the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s. Appearing on KTXL Channel 40, he was so much a familiar face there that his popularity and fame rivaled the station's on-air news staff of the era, the likes of which included Pete Wilson, a very popular and well-respected anchor for that station before his arrival in San Francisco in 1983.
      But, LaBrie was not a newsman. 
Waterbed pitchman was overnight sensation
Late-night Sacramento TV host, Tom LaBrie, dies
    From 1976 to 1990, some might say LaBrie  was Sacramento television's answer to a late-night companion for insomniacs and night owls. Best known to viewers as a television pitchman who appeared regularly on Channel 40, interviewing celebrities, offering movie reviews and introducing classic films during commercial breaks while promoting his waterbed empire, LaBrie died Dec. 28 at his home in Carmichael. He was 67.
     In Sacramento, LaBrie's promotions would air on KTXL under the brand, Night Comfort Theater. His synonymous soft-spoken nature influenced other late-night commercial programs across the country. 
      "When I first started off, I didn't really think that people up at that hour wanted to be yelled at," LaBrie said, in a 1986  Sacramento Bee  interview. 
     He was the most televised businessman in town. At the same time, he was the unlikely interviewer who lured visiting celebrities, like George Peppard and Debbie Reynolds, into the studio for a chat. And amid backdrops of a comfy leather chair, soothing string music and varnished waterbed furnishings, the owner of LaBrie's Sleep Center in Sacramento extolled the relaxing benefits of sleeping on water. 
     LaBrie conceived the advertising program, and with his long hair, drooping mustache and ever-mellow personality, he became famous. His advertisements sponsored an estimated 12,000 hours of programming, generally classic to obscure movies airing at a time when most people had gone to bed. 
    LaBrie's commercials for his waterbed warehouses -- besides three locations in Sacramento, he had stores in Stockton, Fairfield and Pleasant Hill -- aired on stations throughout northern California. 
    Besides the waterbed business, LaBrie was also a partner in Toy Alley, a collectible toy business. 

    The Sacramento Bee contributed to this report. 


KTVU News Crew Robbed in East Bay
Cameraman Hurt, Equipment Stolen in Brazen Attack

     A KTVU FOX 2 reporter and photographer were attacked and robbed in Hayward in early February following a morning live shot about the then-growing Powerball jackpot.
     Reporter Tara Moriarty and photographer Keith Crook had just wrapped up a live shot at 6:40 a.m. at World's Fare Donuts on Hesperian Boulevard and were walking back to their live truck when they were approached by two men.
     Crook was struck and fell to the ground. The assailants ran off with his camera equipment. 
     Crook and Moriarty were shaken, but otherwise uninjured in the incident.
     The camera was equipped with a cell phone device and the thieves were eventually tracked traveling across the Bay Bridge and into San Francisco. 
     Hayward police are investigating the crime. 
     The incident is the latest in a series of robberies of television news crews in the Bay Area dating back two years. 
Gold & Silver Circle Profiles


GSC Profile Header_new

       Dean Edell never imagined that he would be a doctor someday, let alone be a doctor on television.

       Originally, he wanted to be an artist, or an architect. In fact, by the time he went to college, he was studying to become an aeronautical engineer.

Dr. Dean Edell, a hippie?

       He also wanted to be a hippie. Which, more or less, he was, but more on that shortly.

       It would take a chance encounter with a customer inside an antique shop that he owned that would lead him on the path to becoming a well-known TV doctor in the Bay Area, California and throughout the country.

       Call it fate, or serendipity, for the man who would one day become a household name in San Francisco and be inducted, in 2009, into the Silver Circle of the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for his more than 25 years of contributions to the Bay Area and northern California television industry.

        In the 1960s, Edell had an inkling that he might want to be a doctor someday. As an undergraduate at Cornell University, he went to Cornell medical school in Manhattan.

        "But, I was beginning to sense change in my soul, so I came to California for my internship with a bunch of friends from Cornell," Edell recalls. "We were really easygoing about it. We were just coming out for one year. We went to San Diego. I never saw palm trees and grass before."

        Edell went to the University of California, San Diego. That was 1967.

        That was also the Summer of Love.

         "And then I saw hippies. I'd never seen hippies before," Edell says, laughing.

        And then, be became one.

        This was also around the time of the draft.

  The "hippie bus"
  Edell still proudly owns this throwback gem. 

        "If you didn't go to graduate school, you went to war," he adds. "So, I applied, and I got in."

        Edell admits he did not enjoy the experience of medical school. He left sometime around 1973, then practiced eye surgery for a year, then quit.

        Finally, he hit the road. He decided he'd move into a Greyhound-type bus that looked much like a "hippie bus". He had a son by then, too.

        Edell traveled around in that bus for a couple of years, taking on odd jobs, and eventually, owned an antique store in Sacramento.

        And that's where fate came walking in the door, in the form of a nurse.

        "She'd just gotten off a bus, and she walked into my shop. We got to talking," Edell explains. "And she tells me that she's a nurse down at the drunk tank. I told her I had a background in medicine, so she told me that they were always having a hell of a time getting doctors to check out the drunks.

       For $50 a day, Edell took on that task.

       One thing led to another, and eventually, Edell became friends with someone who had a friend who owned a radio station, KRAK in Sacramento.

       "I was told I didn't talk like a doctor, I talked like everyone else," he says. "That people would be able to relate to what I had to say."

       Edell went on the air at KRAK, a country radio station.

  Early days at KGO Radio

       "I still remember the very first show. I was scared to death," he recalls. "We were live, and we took listener calls. Mind you, I had been away from medicine for a few years by then, but I did it."

        The year was 1978.

        That same friend who got him the job at KRAK also knew Mickey Luckoff, of KGO Radio in San Francisco.

        Edell sent some demo tapes to KGO. For months, he didn't hear anything from Luckoff or KGO Radio.

        It was around that time that Edell was planning to move to Mendocino County.

        "Then, one day, I get a call from KGO. They tell me to come down to talk about a show idea, so I drove down from Mendocino," he says.

        Sold on the idea of a radio show centered around medicine, KGO Radio hired Edell in 1979.

         Eventually, Edell moved from northern California to Fairfax, in Marin County. And, for his job on the radio, he could talk about anything. He was well-versed in medical knowledge.

        "I was a major reader of medical journals," he says. "I'd have a stack of medical journals, and I'd pore through each one. I got pretty intense with it."

       Then, an opportunity to try television came along for Edell.

        Paul Jeschke, KGO-TV's longtime producer and reporter, was producing the news at that time. He contacted Edell to ask if he would appear on Channel 7's newscast with anchor Van Amburg to discuss toxic shock syndrome.

       That segment went very well, and Edell began appearing more on KGO-TV's newscasts while still talking on KGO radio, after Channel 7 found out that crosstown rival KRON-TV was interested in him.

        "I was working seven days a week," Edell explains. He was on TV during the week and on the radio on weekends. Eventually, KGO radio moved him to weekdays, which fit in nicely with his TV work.


First radio, then TV
Edell, on set, illustrating his explanation to a viewer question

       At the start, KGO-TV introduced him as a reporter focusing on medical stories. For some in the newsroom at that time, the notion of Edell as one of them did not sit well.

        "There were some people who resented me. I was coming from the outside. I didn't pay my dues," Edell says. "I just kind of waltzed in with no on-air experience. But, I think I had a knack for it, and we started doing medical stories."

       Edell and KGO-TV ended up finding themselves "way ahead of the curve."

       "The stories were very unique, and they became very popular with the viewers," he says. "Medical news and health news was becoming very important to people, and alternative medicine was just beginning. People were beginning to realize they needed to take things into their own hands and take care of themselves."

Show and tell
Edell, at his best -- in ways that viewers understood

       Edell was on a serious roll. And, by then, he had two or three full-time writers and producers working with him on his segments. And, KGO-TV veteran photographer, Lorne Morrison, was assigned to work with Edell.

      As the Emmy Award-winning Edell's popularity soared, and as viewers' demand for medical and health news grew, it was a perfect time to pitch an idea: House Calls.

      "I pitched the bosses with an idea," Edell says. "They ended up giving me six or seven minutes on the 5 p.m. show and we called it House Calls. We had a quiz in the beginning, and the anchors would get involved. It was good human interaction. And, we'd take some calls from viewers. And to help me explain my answers, I'd draw. I've always been an artist, and since I knew how to draw, the whole thing was made for me. It was a lot of fun."

      KABC-TV in Los Angeles got wind of what was happening at KGO-TV, and called Edell to ask him to do the same for them on their newscasts. Eventually, Edell was given permission by KGO-TV to syndicate his stories around the country. It evolved into Dr. Edell's Medical Journal. The station launched the first health newsmagazine show, with a live audience, in the late 1980s.

       "We were on the air Saturday nights, and we were beating Wheel of Fortune," Edell says. The show eventually aired in other major markets around the nation.

       Then, in 1991, an interesting offer came from NBC in the form of a daily national program. KGO-TV - an ABC station - produced the show. It never aired on KRON - then an NBC station. But, KGO-TV aired it, only in a late-night time slot. In all, 125 shows were produced. Edell was the first doctor to ever get a program like that.

      Edell's popularity soaring to incredible heights, the good doctor eventually formed a business partnership with Ed McLaughlin, the former general manager of KGO radio, to create the first nationally syndicated radio talk show. The show aired in more than 400 markets around the country.

Life is good
With wife, Sharon, at home in Mendocino County (that's a treehouse built for the grandkids)

       Soon, Edell would also strike a deal with an eyeglass company, helping them to develop a new product line - with his name on it. You've likely seen the eyeglasses with his name on it in your favorite pharmacy or drug store.

       After the new century began, Edell started winding things down, eventually retiring in 2010.

       "I am blessed to have had my media career," he says. "I am still adjusting to retirement."

       Edell has plenty of room to adjust - he now lives on 160 acres in Mendocino County. He lives at the end of a miles-long dirt road. He and his wife, Sharon, built their own home on the land. It's plenty of room for their eight children (from previous marriages, between them; Sharon's son from a previous marriage is Whit Johnson, an anchor at KNBC in Los Angeles) and

All in the family
Family weekends are always fun at the Edell house

10 grandchildren, too, when they come to visit. Each room in the house has a theme to it. For example, there is a "hippie room", a "Redwood room", and a "studio room", which is where Edell's home office and recording studio were once located. The big satellite dish, once necessary for his broadcasts for KGO-TV in later years, is now no longer needed, but it remains on the property, serving as a reminder of what Edell's life was once like for many years.

     Also parked on the land is that old hippie bus that Edell bought when he was a hippie.

      When both aren't working on house projects ("there is always something to do around here," Edell says), they enjoy the small town that is nearby.

      "We have friends who are professors who live around here, and we have ex-hippie dropouts. And if we ever want to venture into the big city, we know that San Francisco is just three hours away."

     These days, the Edells are enjoying retirement. They enjoy collecting antiques and art, hiking, reading, traveling and listening to music.

     And, when they don't want to do anything at all, they're content with one thing.

     "We will just stare out the window and have coffee," Edell says, with a laugh.



     Kevin Wing is a San Francisco-based producer for ABC News' "Good Morning America". He is also regional vice president, representing San Francisco, on the Board of Governors of the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, and serves as editor of "Off Camera". Tweet Kevin @KevinWingABC


Day in the Life

       New "Off Camera" series: This is the first in a recurring "Off Camera" series we call "Day in the Life". We hope you will enjoy this new series. From time to time, we will introduce you to someone within our Chapter with the hope of giving you an intriguing glimpse at what an average day is like for them. It could be a news producer, a photographer, a news director, or a reporter. Or, even a news anchor, such as who we are featuring this month in KTVU's Frank Somerville. He's been with the Oakland FOX O&O since 1992. His first 16 years at the station revolved around an early morning schedule, when he co-anchored "Mornings On 2". Somerville eventually worked a split schedule so that he could anchor the morning show, then return in the afternoon to anchor the station's 5 p.m. newscast. Since 2008, he has been anchoring KTVU's 5 and 6 p.m. newscasts as well as its flagship 10 p.m. show. Gone are the days of waking up at 3 a.m. to work the dawn patrol.


Story and Photographs

By Kevin Wing

Chapter Vice President, San Francisco


       KTVU's ever-popular Frank Somerville, who anchors the station's 5, 6 and 10 p.m. newscasts, will be the first to tell you that he leads a rather ordinary life. He says there's really nothing special about it.

       What? Is he kidding?

Frank Somerville

       Actually, he's not. One of the most modest, most humble human beings I know, Somerville is dead serious. He has been this way for these 23 years that I've known him as a good friend and colleague. Nothing has changed. He is still the same as he was back in 1992, when we first met at KTVU.

       He's a truly nice guy.

       But, beyond being the Oakland station's No. 1 anchorman, a lot of people would beg to differ with him that his life is anything but ordinary.

       The man is popular. Without a doubt. And, whether viewers see him as one of their favorite Bay Area television news personalities, or as an everyman who is approachable, friendly and quite down-to-earth if they ever spotted him in the grocery store or at the gym working out, Somerville takes it all in with a genuine modesty that is second to none. He says who he says he is. He's the

 Berkeley's favorite son

genuine article. It could be, too, that people like, and admire the fact, that Somerville, who will soon be celebrating his 57th birthday, has strong Bay Area roots. He's a proud Bay Area native. He grew up in Berkeley, graduated from San Francisco State University and lives in Oakland, not far from where he grew up. And, just as he is proud to be from here, the Bay Area is proud to call him its favorite son.

      So, what's an average day like for the multi-Emmy Award-winning Somerville?

      8:30 a.m.

      "I usually get up around 8:30 or 9 a.m.," he says. Even before he wakes up, Somerville's beautiful, spacious Oakland home has already been buzzing with activity. His wife of 22 years, Donna, is already out the door by 7 a.m. to take Sydney, their 15-year-old daughter, to school.

      Callie, their 10-year-old daughter, is up and getting ready to leave for school by the time her Dad wakes up. She's usually out the door by 8:30 a.m.

Catching up on the morning news with man's best friend,

     What's for breakfast?

      For Somerville, here's his formula to get the day going.

      "For breakfast? Honestly, I have a Rockstar over ice. That's my caffeine," he admits. "I sit down and start reading the papers. Sometimes, I'll have a bowl or cereal, or toast with peanut butter."

     He'll read the San Francisco Chronicle and Oakland Tribune. He also has his iPad to turn to, which has apps for the New York Times, Washington Post and San Jose Mercury News

     "I am constantly looking online to see what's going on in the world," Somerville says. "My morning consists of being aware of what's going on. I watch our noon news every day so that I know what stories we're covering. My whole objective is to know what's going on and being up to speed.

     What's more, Somerville also stays informed as best as he can. He says it also helps him to come up with ideas for social media. He is on Twitter. And Facebook, too, where he has more than 24,000 followers. Somerville has more Facebook followers than some television stations.

Working out at God's Gym

     "The station wanted us to be on Facebook, so I am always looking for ideas to write about," he says. "I am very particular about what I post. I have to care about it. If I don't care about it, what am I posting it for?"

     And, practically all of the time, he is writing about something engaging and certainly interesting, as opposed to, say, taking a snapshot of his breakfast or lunch, or posting selfies.

     "I am not interested in wasting people's time," Somerville explains. "I have to care about something to write about it. You can't fake caring. You either care or you don't. I am just being real, and what I write about is real stuff that involves real feelings. Getting people to feel."

     Somerville is certainly right about that.

     "People get to see me for who I am and what I'm all about. Facebook is like a window in to who I am. I am authentic, and people see that in me," he adds.

     10:30 a.m.

     On this particular morning, Somerville wraps up reading the papers and

Together time
With wife, 
Donna, and personal trainer, 
Gary Shields

posting on Facebook and heads to God's Gym, where he works out three times a week with a few others (myself included) and with a personal trainer, Gary Shields. Shields owns God's Gym and is a certified personal trainer and sports nutritionist. The man knows his stuff. And, for 30 minutes, he puts Somerville and the others through a rapid-fire mix of various strength conditioning workouts. There is no time for chit chat. Ever.

     "This is always going to be a hard workout," Somerville says. "But, once you get here, it's all good. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm 56, and the older you get, the more important it is that you do something like this. It's so easy to sit at home, do nothing, and not do any exercise. But, after a workout, I feel great."

     Going to the gym also means some "together time" for Somerville and his wife. She works out, too. Actually, it's Mrs. Somerville who got her husband interested in going to the gym. She's been going to the gym for 15 years. Her husband got started about 10 years ago.

     "It's one of our times together during the course of the day," Somerville says. "Donna and I encourage each other at the gym, to keep pushing."


      On this particular day, Somerville went from the gym to working out again, this time across town, at a krav maga studio.

 At a krav maga studio

      He had always wanted to learn some form of martial arts when he was younger. But, when Somerville turned 50, he made a point to learn.     

      "That's when I decided I was either going to learn it, or I wasn't," he says. "So, I trained in aikido. That's what Steven Seagal does. So, I did that for three years. And then, I checked our krav and found out how much more practical it is. It's always very aggressive, and it's what krav maga prides itself on being."

      It's all about self-defense, Somerville says. "I wanted something that could teach me what to do if I was ever in a situation. In krav, they tell you to go to a very dark place from within, and that you would say to someone, 'you are not going to hurt me'. And that I'm going to do all I can do to defend myself and not be a victim."

     1:30 p.m.

Picking up daughter,
Callie, from school

     Somerville picks up daughter Callie from school, and they drive home. That's when it's time for Somerville to get cleaned up and ready for work. He makes a couple of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to take to work.       

     3 p.m.

     Somerville arrives at the station's Jack London Square studios. From 3 to his first newscast at 5 p.m., he's going over scripts.

     5 p.m.

     His first newscast of the evening. He'll do it again at 6 p.m.

     6:30 p.m.

     With two newscasts wrapped up, Somerville has time for dinner. Remember those peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? He's been a staunch vegetarian since he was a kid. But, sometimes, instead of having dinner, Somerville will go back to the krav studio. He says it really helps him to clear his mind.

     8 p.m.

     By this time, Somerville is showered, dressed for work again and back at his desk. He says he's never involved in meetings.

     "I strictly go over the scripts, and I will make suggestions," he says. "I am also looking for story ideas when I'm at my desk. I keep my eye on different websites

     9:50 p.m.

     By this time, he's finished proofing scripts and has some time to answer

What's for dinner, Frank?

emails. Then, with less than 10 minutes to air time, Somerville leaves his desk and heads into the studio.

     11 p.m.

     With the show over, Somerville heads back to his desk. He's ready to go home, but first, he'll take a few minutes to finish answering a few emails. He also takes time to read some of the comments and replies to his popular Facebook posts.

      "My feeling is it's important to have interaction," he says. "I learn by reading the comments. I am interested in that. "I am not doing it just for the fun of it. I do it because I care. And, if I put something out there that asks people to respond, why would I not read what they wrote to me? That would be disingenuous."

      Finally, it's time for Somerville to head home, in his 2007 Porsche 911 Turbo.

      "I love driving," he says. "But, because I live so close to work, I will take city streets home just to stretch out the drive. I love feeling the acceleration. And the sound of the engine. I love seeing it, and hearing it."


      Kevin Wing is a San Francisco-based producer for ABC News' "Good Morning America". He is also regional vice president, representing San Francisco, on the Board of Governors of the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, and serves as editor of "Off Camera". Tweet Kevin @KevinWingABC

The Yoga Corner

Don't Mind Your Heart

       Hello, my lovely yogis and yoginis! I hope your hearts are full, now that Valentine's Day is behind us. 
       In our last column, I shared some sage wisdom from fellow yogi and teacher,  Rolf Gates . I saved one Rolf'ism for this column. 
       "As the heart opens, the mind listens."
       Take a moment to sit with that. We'll come back to it later.
       Researchers estimate we have 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day. That's 35 to 48 thoughts per minute per person. It's amazing that we get anything done, let alone get a package or newscast on the air! 
       All day long, we're sizing up our world and making observations about what we see and where we fit in. You may be sitting down reading this, but your mind is probably all over the place. 
      Years ago, as a reporter in Virginia, I covered a story about the mental training some Olympic athletes and hopefuls do in order to prepare for the games and thwart anxiety. One of my interviews was with a gymnast and his doctor. Inside his doctor's office was one of the most clever signs I'd ever seen. It said, "Don't believe everything you think."
      Whoa. There's a game-changing quote. We tell ourselves a lot of things and a lot of what we think isn't true. It might be an old story that no longer serves us or a future anxiety creeping up in the face of uncertainty. 
      So, what does all of this mean for yoga and our earlier Rolf'ism? 
      Our heart usually doesn't lie, whereas our mind, like a blaring radio, can sometimes overpower the truth within our heart. 
      With that said, here's a gentle heart-opening posture to practice tuning in.

Reclined Cobblers Pose with a Bolster

-- Bring a bolster or rolled up blanket vertically along your spine so that when you lay down on top of it, it runs from the crown of your head to your lower back
-- Gently draw your shoulder blades together so that your heart is lifted
-- You can bring the soles of your feet together letting your knees open like a book or you can straighten your legs (you can also put another bolster or something soft underneath your knees)
-- Your arms can be by your sides palms up as pictured or you can bring one hand to your lower belly and one to your heart or both hands to your heart (I find having one or both hands on your heart really helps)
-- Close your eyes and find your ujjayi breathing (in through your nose, out through your nose)
-- Notice your breath as it travels in and out of your body
-- Follow your breath to your heart 
-- Get in touch with your heart center, noticing the energy in and around your heart
-- Become a witness to your breath, your thoughts and the feeling tone in your body by letting go of any judgment. Just observe.  
-- Notice  "as your heart opens, the mind listens", and the chatter softens. 

     Melanie Woodrow is an investigative reporter at KTVU Channel 2 and a certified yoga instructor and health coach. She is also on the Board of Governors of the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. Have a question or suggestion for a future column? Tweet Melanie @MelanieWoodrow

Working Overnights, Early Mornings
Koppel a Veteran of the Dawn Patrol in Sacramento


By Joyce Mitchell

Chapter Governor, Sacramento            

      Working the early morning shift is a familiar story for people in TV newsrooms.             

      Sacramento's Ward Koppel is no exception. 

      In fact, he's been working the night shift non-stop for nearly four decades. Now an assignment editor at KXTV, Sacramento's ABC affiliate, he also produces early morning cut-ins and his day starts at 3 a.m. He's been on this schedule since 2005.             

Ward Koppel
KXTV's early morning assignment editor

      Koppel started at Channel 10 after a 16-year stay at KOVR, the CBS affiliate, where he produced the 5 a.m. news. 

      "I was hired by KOVR to expand their half-hour early morning news into an hour," Koppel said. "I stayed there a long time but was let go in a big purge when CBS bought KOVR." Koppel, was in-between jobs four days before landing a freelance producing gig at News10. That freelance job has turned into a full-time position.

      Koppel's staying power was evident in college. He dabbled in radio at the campus station while studying at the University of the Pacific in Stockton. An internship at the State Capitol in 1977 got him noticed by KCRA's Capitol correspondent, Otis Turner, who suggested he intern at KCRA.

     In no time, he was contacted by Kent Pierce, KCRA's Stockton bureau chief. 

     "Kent Pierce called three times looking for me," Koppel said. "He said he'd love to have me as a Stockton intern. I got to know the desk people because it was the days of early microwave. When it'd go down, I was always grabbing tapes, scripts, and tracks and driving them to Sacramento."

     Pierce and Turner are KCRA legends and among the many early pioneers of Sacramento TV news. Pierce, better known to co-workers as E.K., graduated from the Chris Borden School of Broadcasting in San Francisco in 1965 and joined KCRA in 1966. He worked dozens of years at the station and was a great teacher to industry newcomers like Koppel. 

    Pierce died in 2008 at the age of 75.

Koppel, in the KCRA newsroom, 1987

    As for Turner, veteran Sacramento news anchor Stan Atkinson has called him the "newsman's newsman." Turner eventually anchored weekends at KCRA and reported during the week. He left KCRA during the early 1980s after 14 years, returning to print. 

    Turner died last year. He was 69.

    With great mentors and an enthusiastic work ethic, Koppel climbed the ladder at KCRA. In 1980, he was given the daunting task of launching and producing the NBC affiliate's 6:30 a.m. newscast. It was a big break for Koppel and also the beginning of burning the midnight oil. Koppel's job literally started at midnight.

    As for the newscast, it was a gamble for KCRA back then. 

    "News Director Pete Langlois was worried we would not hold the same rating as Tom and Jerry," Koppel said, referring to the popular cartoon series of the era. Langlois was KCRA news director from 1976 until 1987, when he was replaced by Bob Jordan.

    At KCRA, Koppel produced the early morning newscast for nine years. "The biggest chunk of my career, from 1980 to 2005, I worked graveyard for 25 years straight," he said. 

    While getting his career off the ground at KCRA, he met an intern and fell in love. 

Cindy and Ward Koppel 

  "Cindy and I started dating." Koppel said. Soon, she was hired on by KCRA as an editor, where she still works. "When I first started producing overnights at Channel 3, when Cindy and I got married, we worked together," Koppel said. "It was the only time I've ever been her boss." 

    The Koppels have now been married 33 years.

    Then Koppel's wife moved to days, and logistically the night shift was a saving grace for the Koppel household. "It was very convenient for us when our son Adam was born in 1987 to have a parent available," Koppel said. "So it worked out very well for one of us to be on overnights."

    These days, lights go out no later than 7 p.m. in the Koppel abode. "Most people know that I've always worked an odd schedule," Koppel said. "Our kids and their friends knew that if I was asleep during the day, they were expected to be quiet." 

    Today, the Koppels each report to work during the week hours of the morning. He goes in at 3 A.M.- she at 4:30 A.M.

    It seems that first Sacramento night shift has evolved into a lasting love story involving marriage, kids, and TV. 

    That love story has withstood the test of time, in more ways than one. 



     Joyce Mitchell is a veteran executive producer and producer in Sacramento. She now owns her production company, 4 U Productions. In addition to being a regular contributor to Off Camera, she is also a Governor, representing Sacramento, on the Board of Governors of the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. 


Back in the Day

         New "Off Camera" series: This is the first in a recurring "Off Camera" series we call "Back in the Day". We hope you will enjoy this new series. From time to time, we will introduce you to someone who once worked in our Chapter, going back in time to learn more about who they were, what they did, as well as what they are doing in their lives today. This month, we feature Bob Jimenez, who worked at KRON-TV from the late 1970s to the early 1990s, when the station was the Bay Area's NBC affiliate and the newscasts were known as "NewsCenter 4". Jimenez eventually went to work in Los Angeles, where he resides today. 

By Kevin Wing
Chapter Vice President, San Francisco

         It's very difficult to believe that nearly 25 years have passed since Bob Jimenez was a fixture on Bay Area television. The years have certainly flown by.

        Back in the day -- in the 1970s, and again throughout the 1980s and early 1990s during two tours of duty at San Francisco's KRON-TV -- Jimenez was the face that people turned to - and tuned into, at KRON-TV - to get their news.

        And, even before that, he was on the air in his hometown of Sacramento.


Bob Jimenez

       Jimenez had quite an illustrious television career in the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. When he was growing up in Sacramento, he got a glimpse of what he wanted to do someday.

        "I used to record 'American Bandstand' on a tape recorder. I'd play the songs, then I'd do the announcing in between," he says. "I'd play disc jockey, and I loved it. That was something like 1957."

        After graduating from Bishop Armstrong High School in 1963, Jimenez went on to American River College, and then, to the University of California, Davis, where he studied psychology.

        He got an early taste of broadcasting when he was recruited to read the news on KDVS, the campus radio station. The station was located in the basement of Freeborn Hall. Earning his Bachelors degree in 1968, Jimenez recalls those radio days at UC Davis.

        Jimenez didn't want to use his birth name on the air. Instead, he wanted to go by the name of "Bob Odyssey". He wanted his newscasts to be called "Bob Odyssey and the News".

  As an NBC correspondent in the 1970s: the first Latino     correspondent for the network

        That is when his grandfather, Jesus Jimenez, had a heart-to-heart talk with him. Born in Mexico, he had very strong ties to his native land.

        "My grandfather was very, very proud of his country," Jimenez explains. "He had character and morality. He said the only thing I own is my integrity, and my name. He was the only one who really inspired me. He was my mentor."

        Jimenez got a job at KCRA radio. But then, eventually, he would be drafted into the Air Force, assigned to do communications. He went to Vietnam.

        "While I was away in Vietnam, I began to see how the U.S. government was manipulating the war, so when I came back to the States, I wanted to see what I could do to bring more truth to the democracy," he says.

        When he came back to California, he was able to go back to KCRA radio. He says it was a "rough start" in the beginning.

        "They let me do the morning drive on the radio station, then they'd send me out for the rest of the day to get the news," he says. "I was a roving correspondent. Once, they'd sent me to a bank robbery, where the suspect ran out of the bank and up into this high-rise parking garage. I got into the garage, going in with police, who told me to go back downstairs. I opened this one door and walked in. I ended up locking myself in a closet. Later, my news director, was angry, wondering what happened to me. When I told him what happened, he laughed so hard, he forgot about his anger."

        One day, in 1971, as part of his beat calls, the Coast Guard told him that a Japanese airliner had gone down in San Francisco Bay. He ran into the KCRA-TV newsroom to tell everyone what was happening.

        KCRA-TV ended up being first on the air with the story.

At KRON-TV, in the mid-1980s, with colleagues and friends

        "I was a big hero that day," Jimenez says. "I ended up getting hired on the TV side."

        "Everything I learned about journalism, I learned in the field," Jimenez adds. "I learned to appreciate it."

        Jimenez had to learn to shoot film. He was a one-man band. Immediately, he began to appreciate what a cameraperson needed to do every day.

        Two years later, in 1973, Jimenez got noticed by KRON, and he moved to the Bay Area to take a reporting job with the then-NBC station. He reported three days a week and anchored on weekends with Terry Lowry and Kevin McCullough.

        He was there for most of the big stories in San Francisco and the Bay Area, including the kidnapping of newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst in February 1974. He was also there the day Sara Jane Moore attempted to assassinate President Gerald Ford outside the St. Francis Hotel in Union Square in 1975. Jimenez was covering Ford's visit that day and was outside the hotel when the shots rang out.

        "I heard the shots," he says. "Chuck Hastings was my cameraman that day. We were there for that."

        And then, on May 21, 1976, Jimenez covered tragedy.

        A school bus, carrying choir students from Yuba City to a choir competition in Orinda, lost its brakes as it exited Interstate 680 in Martinez. The bus ended up going over the freeway bridge, crashing to the ground 21 feet below. The crash killed 29 of the 52 people on board. Twenty-eight of them were students. An adult advisor was also killed. Jimenez and his cameraman happened to be two miles behind the bus, and arrived at the scene moments after it crashed.

No. 1 at 11 p.m.
Anchoring KRON-TV's 6 and 11 p.m. newscasts with
Sylvia Chase

       To date, the accident remains the second-worst bus disaster in U.S. history.

       "We filmed all of the kids being rescued," Jimenez says. Later that day, NBC News called and wanted to put all of KRON's footage on its broadcast that evening.

       Three days later, NBC contacted Jimenez. They wanted to hire him as a network correspondent. But, he was under contract to KRON, so the network waited a year before they could hire him.

       In 1977, Jimenez became the first Latino correspondent for the network. NBC based him in Atlanta, where he covered 13 Southeast states and all of northern and central America. During his time with NBC, he also married his wife, Sharon.

       Jimenez covered several big stories during his time with NBC, including the Atlanta child murders, the Guyana tragedy and the strife happening in Nicaragua and El Salvador.

       "It was starting to take a toll on me," he says. "I'd wake up having nightmares. And, I was newly married, with a son on the way."

       Jimenez waited for the right opportunity. And, it came in 1981, when KRON hired him back to the anchor desk, hiring him with former Kansas City anchor Rita Channon. The station was revamping its news product during that time, and Jimenez and Channon were brought on to shepherd in the station's new Live On 4 broadcast and the Live At 5 newscast. Eventually, Jimenez would anchor the station's 6 and 11 p.m. newscasts with former ABC anchor (20/20Sylvia Chase, from 1987 to 1991. During that time, the 11 p.m. broadcast was No. 1 in the market.

     In 1991, Jimenez left the Bay Area to join KCBS-TV in Los Angeles as a senior correspondent. He also anchored the station's 6 p.m. newscast with Tritia Toyota.


The day Jimenez became the story
Covering the LAPD trial in the Rodney King beating case

  Three months after arriving at KCBS-TV, Rodney King became a household name across the country after being attacked by police following a high-speed car chase.  

     It was an auspicious beginning for Jimenez's career in Los Angeles. Later that summer, he solidified his reputation in southern California, covering the riots that ensued following the first verdict in the King beating case. Four Los Angeles police officers were charged with assault with a deadly weapon and use of excessive force. The jury deadlocked 8-4 in favor of acquittal at the state level. The acquittals are generally considered to have triggered the Los Angeles riots in 1992, in which 53 people were killed and more than 2,000 were injured.

     "I ended becoming part of the investigation that followed the videotaping of the attack on King," Jimenez says.

     During the federal trial, Jimenez had a "deep throat", someone from within the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

     During Jimenez's coverage of the federal trial, the judge demanded to know his source, but Jimenez wouldn't reveal it.


    "Later, the judge apologized," Jimenez explains. "There had been a mistake. I wasn't intentionally putting out information by the judge."

     "For one day, I became the story," Jimenez says. And on that day, more than 150 members of the press corps covering the trial surrounded Jimenez outside the courthouse during a live shot. He had, indeed, become part of the story.

     "I had been under an immense amount of pressure," he says. "I didn't want to get the entire press corps thrown out of the trial because of some inadvertent mistake I'd made."

     Jimenez and KCBS-TV later produced a thorough investigative report of the rioting that followed the civil trial. "We found out some extraordinary stuff," he says. "Why the cops were late in getting to Reginald Denny. We also discovered that the LAPD made a deal with black leaders in the community, not to come in if trouble had started in the community. There was a mix-up in the communication. The cops never heard from the black leaders. And, the cops ended up arriving hours after Denny was attacked."

     Jimenez received an Emmy Award for that investigation.

     While at KCBS-TV, Jimenez also covered the devastating Northridge earthquake and the O.J. Simpson criminal trial, in 1994 and 1995, respectively.

     Then, later in 1995, Jimenez left KCBS-TV to join KCOP Channel 13 as its lead anchor and managing editor, a position that would last about 18 months.

     By then, in 1997, Jimenez decided it was time to leave TV fulltime. He began freelancing with the PBS station in Los Angeles, doing some reporting for a few independent producers who were working on PBS projects.

     "I anchored KCET's nightly newscasts, and did some reporting for them," Jimenez says. "I was also one of the correspondents for California Connected. I had a great time doing that. I uncovered some really great stuff."

     In 2000, Jimenez began teaching broadcast journalism at the University of Southern California.

     And then, in 2007, he launched his own public relations firm, Icon Public Imaging Public Relations. One of the contracts he landed was with the state of California, doing some work for the state Assembly and state Senate.

     In 2011, Jimenez became the state Board of Equalization's chief liaison officer to the Governor's Office. He was able to work from Los Angeles. He left the board last September.

     Since retirement, Jimenez has written two books - a fiction novel on nuclear war, and an autobiography. He's also written a play called On Earth As It Is In Heaven: God's One-on-One Interview with the Los Angeles Times.

     Jimenez admits that he has had quite an interesting career. He has received five Emmys, 11 Emmy nominations, one Alfred I. DuPont Award and one George Foster Peabody Award, in addition to two Golden Mike awards for his coverage of the Pasadena earthquake.

      "I've had a pretty interesting run," Jimenez says. "It's been a fruitful, rewarding life. I wouldn't change it for anything."


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One of the most modest, most talented television newspersons in our industry is a man named Jeffrey Pierce. For most of his career, viewers in the Bay Area have only seen his work as a photographer on San Francisco's KRON 4. But, for the last decade, they've also become accustomed to hearing his voice, too. Jeff is one of the good guys. Hope you'll take a few minutes now to get to know one of the most prolific multimedia journalists around who has practically done it all. 

Where did you grow up?

Born in a small town in Wisconsin where I stayed through high school before leaving for college.

Jeffrey Pierce


Do you have siblings?

I'm the oldest of four. One brother, two sisters.  I'm the only one to venture on, so I make an annual visit back to the house where I grew up as one of my sisters still lives there. I can still visit my room albeit a bit better furnished now that I'm not there.


When did you first realize that you wanted to work in television?

When I was finishing up my tour in Vietnam as a combat correspondent with an infantry battalion of the 101st Airborne Division, I decided to get a Masters degree in journalism with an emphasis on television.  I was accepted at the University of Kansas and worked in the Kansas City market while I finished my degree.

Where was your first job in TV?

Besides working freelance in Kansas City, shortly after graduating, I landed a job in Washington D.C. as a cameraman covering Congress, the White House and other federal agencies.  It was there that I was eventually hired by KRON-TV at what was then one of the most ambitious Washington bureaus of any local station in the country.


At the first 49ers game played at Levi's Stadium

How long have you worked for KRON-TV?

35 years.


Who has inspired you in your career?

I've been fortunate to work with some great reporters over the years, too many to mention here but Vic Lee, Don Knapp and Greg Lyon are the first to come to mind.



Who has inspired you as a person?

My Command Sgt. Major in Vietnam. Bravest man I ever met.


What's your favorite ice cream?

Can't go wrong with vanilla. You can always dress it up with so many different things.


How do you spend your weekends?

The perfect weekend is spending a day with my wife, Cheryl, usually at the swim club we belong to and during football season cooking a recipe that takes an inordinate amount of time to prepare while I watch any football game that happens to be on.

World Series, 2002


What charitable organizations are nearest to your heart?

Glide Memorial Church. As long as the Rev. Cecil Williams is alive, I will always go to Glide to put together a piece for the Christmas newscast that features the Glide Memorial Ensemble. I've been doing it for years.


Perfect dinner?

The first dinner I ever made for Cheryl was rock cornish game hens, and we continue to revisit that with great frequency, however lately, I've been perfecting slow-cooked lamb shanks, which compliments my taste for Zinfindel.


Guilty pleasures?

Don't have the time or inclination to waste any effort on guilt.


Do you play any sports?

For 30 years, I ran at least one marathon a year, and over that time, I did a couple dozen triathlons for variety. But, lately, I've decided to save my knees and now I'm just a recreational runner.


What do you do to relax?

The Sunday New York Times. 


KRON pioneered the video journalist concept in the Bay Area in the last decade, what did you think at first?

I thought what a great opportunity.  After having been a writer in print during my Vietnam tour and getting an advanced degree in Journalism I left those skills dormant while being a cameraman for the simple reason that through the 80's and 90's it provided fascinating travel and experiences. I had always produced an occasional photojournalist piece so this was an opportunity to once again write and combine my editing and camera skills to produce my own work.


How many Emmys have you won?

Just enough to say I'm an Emmy winning video journalist.


What's your favorite story to report on?

As rare as it happens I think we all like those human interest stories that perhaps tug on the heart strings and stand  out in the newscast.


Favorite TV show?

Could be my Washington experience, but I'm fascinated by Kevin Spacey's performance in House of Cards.


See any good movies lately?

Nothing currently comes to mind, but when I think of great storytelling, my favorite is The Shawshank Redemption, and I'll watch anything by the Cohen Brothers.


If you could do it all over again, is there anything you would change about your life?

I would have to defer to Frank Sinatra's lyrics.  "Regrets, I've had a few, but then again too few to mention."


Words of wisdom for the next generation of television journalists?

Pay just as much attention to your technical skills as you do your writing and interviewing skills.


Favorite music?

Anyone looking at my CD collection would see a large section devoted to Steely Dan.


Wine, beer, or Martini?

I have this reputation for the martini, due to my having found them to be a lovely photographic subject, but I like to think that I know my way around the vineyards of Napa and Sonoma.


Favorite spot in the Bay Area?

Running along Grizzly Peak in the Oakland Hills at either sunrise or sunset where all of San Francisco Bay is spread out before me.


Favorite Restaurant?

I go to The Wood Tavern on College Avenue in Oakland.  I usually eat at the bar where I have never failed to enjoy great conversations with the clientele the place attracts, and of course, they make a great martini photo opportunity.


     Kevin Wing is a San Francisco-based producer for ABC News' "Good Morning America". He is also regional vice president, representing San Francisco, on the Board of Governors of the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, and serves as editor of "Off Camera". Tweet Kevin @KevinWingABC

On the Move

      Jenna Susko, investigative reporter at KNTV NBC Bay Area in San Jose, joins KNBC NBC4 in Los Angeles in same capacity. She begins in March.

      Christopher Clark, video editor and content producer, KNTV NBC Bay Area in San Jose, joins KNBC NBC4 in Los Angeles in same capacity after a long career in the Bay Area. He began his new duties in December.

      Have a news item for On the Move? Off Camera would like to know. Please contact Editor Kevin Wing at

Do You Remember?

 It's time for the weather forecast, 
but without a blue and green  chromakey screen?
From yesteryear,  who is this weathercaster?

Stay tuned for the answer  in April's Off Camera
And, if you know, drop us a line 
and we'll mention your name next month!

Here's the answer to last month's 
Do You Remember? question:

San Francisco's KQED Channel 9 has been in three locations during its long and illustrious history. This location was the station's first studio and offices. Can you name the three station locations?

Answer: KQED began station operations in the old KPIX building atop the Mark Hopkins Hotel. Eventually, it would move to its first home at 525 Fourth Street, at Bryant Street (pictured, above). Later, the station moved to 500 Eighth Street, at Bryant. Finally, KQED moved to its third and present location 
at 2601 Mariposa Street, at Bryant. 

Off Camera Wants to Hear From You!

        Off Camera always wants to hear from you. Have a great story idea? Interested in writing a story for us? Want to tell us how we're doing? Whatever it may be, please feel free to drop us a line. 
        Write to Off Camera Editor Kevin Wing at
        Thank you!

Contact Information:

National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences
San Francisco/Northern California Chapter
Darryl Compton,
Executive Director
4317 Camden Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94403-5007
Phone: 650 341-7786 or 415 777-0212
Fax: 650 372-0279


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