Religious Education at Home
RE Choice

Join us today at 1pm via Zoom for our first RE Choice sessions.  There are three breakout rooms - Legends and Tales, Creativity Realm and Wisdom Keepers.  Learn more by here.  
A Thanksgiving Table Grace

As we eat, let us turn our minds to every individual we know, and wish them plenty, love and comfort on this day and every day. As we sit together, let us turn our minds to those we do not know, and wish them plenty, love and comfort on this and every day.  As we celebrate, let us turn our minds and hearts to love, always love, of everyone on this world.  Finally, let us turn our  minds and hearts onto ourselves, make our wishes into action: sharing love and comfort whenever we can, with whomever we can, wherever we may be, and be thankful for the opportunities to  give, love and comfort. In this way, we give thanks and are thankful in return. ~ Kris Punke
Heal by Telling the Truth about Thanksgiving
A founding story of American Thanksgiving, reflected by the History Channel claims, "In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies." But that story isn't the only one. Here we present a telling of the history of Thanksgiving from the Native American point-of-view. Learn more by reading "The Myths of the Thanksgiving Story and the Lasting Damage They Imbue" by Smithsonian Magazine.
Tending the Spark - A Parent Circle

Are you feeling the stressed, overwhelmed and just plain tired?  Maybe it time for some self-care.  Join Shelby on Tuesday, November 23 at 7:30pm via Zoom to ponder, discuss, share, reflect, and laugh about the vagaries of parental life from a UU perspective.  If you have questions, please contact Shelby via email.  
Unitarian Universalist Church of Canton | 315.386.2498 
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