Winter 2015

Welcome to the Prevent Child Abuse Illinois E-mail Newsletter! We look forward to bringing you child abuse prevention information, free trainings, free material, and updates about our prevention efforts throughout the state.

Prevent Child Abuse Illinois celebrates its 25th year in 2015!


Prevent Child Abuse Illinois envisions an Illinois where all children grow in healthy, nurturing homes and communities free of abuse, neglect, violence, or endangerment of any kind.Established in 1990, PCA Illinois provides key leadership for child abuse prevention in Illinois.  PCA Illinois is actively involved in prevention education and public awareness, community outreach, public policy advocacy, and promotion of effective prevention programs. We are the chartered state chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America.

25 years is a silver anniversary. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to find out how we plan to honor this milestone and to share your own ideas and comments.


Join a Child Abuse Prevention Coalition in your area today.


The purpose of the Child Abuse Prevention Coalitions is to bring together parents, community members, service professionals, and volunteers to create a coordinated response to local challenges and to develop opportunities to promote a safe and healthy environment for our children.  They accomplish this through public awareness, education, and linkages.  At this time, there are over 13 coalitions across the state touching several different counties.   


If you have an interest in joining or building a coalition in your area, please contact Tamara Guy at [email protected].

Winter Safety Tips

Sledding is a great way for kids to get outside and have fun during the winter. Keep these safety tips in mind:


  • Keep sledders away from motor vehicles.
  • Children should be supervised while sledding.
  • Keep young children separated from older children.
  • Sledding feet first or sitting up, instead of lying down head-first, may prevent head injuries.
  • Consider having your child wear a helmet while sledding.
  • Use steerable sleds, not snow disks or inner tubes.
  • Sleds should be structurally sound and free of sharp edges and splinters, and the steering mechanism should be well lubricated.
  • Sled slopes should be free of obstructions like trees or fences, be covered in snow not ice, not be too steep (slope of less than 30�), and end with a flat runoff.
  • Avoid sledding in crowded areas

    For more winter safety tips, visit the American Academy of Pediatrics. 

    Source:the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) 

    2015 Metro East Meth + Other Drugs Conference dates annouced


    Save the date!  The Metro East Meth + Other Drugs conference is scheduled for April 22-23, 2015 at The National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, IL.   


    More information will be coming soon.  If you would like to learn more about the conference, please contact Tarra Winters at [email protected]

    What do you know about Erin's Law?

    Erin Merryn, an Illinois resident who is a survivor, activist, author, wife and mother, is the force behind Erin's Law.

    Erin's Law requires age-appropriate sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention education in grades
    Pre-kindergarten through 12  along with training school staff on the prevention of sexual abuse.


    Do you know if your school is participating by providing this empowering prevention education?

    Ask your child, your child's teacher, principal, school social worker and your PTA/PTO, even the members of your local school board if they are providing and receiving this valuable prevention education.


    Prevent Child Abuse Illinois  provides the "Stewards of Children" child sexual abuse prevention education training to all adults. The 'Stewards of Children' training empowers adults to prevent child sexual abuse. The training teaches the '5 Steps to Protecting Our Children'.


    For more information about the "Stewards of Children" training, 
    Or to learn more and schedule a training, contact jsamartano@preventchildabuseillinois, 630-701-4710.


    For more information about Erin Merryn and Erin's Law, 


    Watch out for our traveling kids display in April.

    Child Abuse Prevention Month is in April. This year, our traveling child will be headed around the state. When you see our display, snap a picture with it and post it on Facebook or Twitter using #preventchildabuseillinois.

    Show your support of kids, and spread the word that every child deserves to grow up in a happy, healthy and safe environment.



    Schedule a Shaken Baby Syndrome Training.
    Shaken Baby Syndrome Train-the-Trainer Workshops educate the public about the dangers of shaking an infant and teaches professionals and volunteers the skills needed to become comfortable conducting community Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) presentations.


    To schedule a Shaken Baby Syndrome Train the Trainer workshop or a Shaken Baby Syndrome Community Presentation call 217-522-1129.  Both the Train -the Trainer and the Community presentation meets DCFS requirements for Licensed Home Day Care Providers.  


    Visit the PCA Illinois website for the most current information.





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