You may have already been notified but as we are sending out this Partnership Update, I was delighted to see that the Improving Healthcare Together programme has published the report from the independent Clinical Senates of London and the South East, following their review of the proposals for Epsom and St Helier hospitals, and the second phase of the draft independent interim Integrated Impact Assessment. I welcome both reports as these provide a great deal of evidence which the clinical commissioning groups and programme can consider as the draft pre-consultation business case is further developed.
The Clinical Senates independent advice and recommendations
will help clinical teams shape the proposals for major acute services at Epsom and St Helier. The Senates have commended the programme for our drive and initiative in developing such an innovative solution to the three key challenges facing Epsom and St Helier hospitals - workforce, estates and financial sustainability.
The clinical model proposed
will mean we keep the majority of care as local as possible, at both St Helier and Epsom hospitals. The Senates stated clearly that there are significant benefits to bringing together the six acute hospital services (A&E, emergency surgery, critical care, paediatrics, maternity and acute medicine) into a new purpose built facility located on one of the three hospital sites.
You can read the report on the
Improving Healthcare Together website here.
The Integrated Impact
Assessment is focused on four impact assessment areas:
- Equality impact
- Health impact
- Travel and access impact
- Wider sustainability impact.
What is clear from this
work to date is that there are positive impacts across all options for change, as opposed to the do nothing option. Patients are likely to experience improved outcomes arising from:
- The achievement of workforce standards which promote consultant delivered care
- Reducing variation through the establishment of seven-day services
- A model which allows for a critical mass of cases to be undertaken and provides opportunities for sub-specialisation
- Timely access to co-dependent services as a result of their co-location, in fit for purpose facilities.
However, the interim report also closely considers the particular needs of our patients across the catchment, and has highlighted two groups of patients who have particular needs that must be taken into account by the Improving Healthcare Together Programme. They are the more deprived population within parts of Sutton and Merton and the older population who are more concentrated in the Epsom part of the catchment. The report sets out the particular needs these population groups have.
You can read the report
on the Improving Healthcare Together website