A weekly newsletter that promotes our core values of
P ersonalization, R isk-Taking, I ntegrity, D iscovery, and E mpowerment
October 13, 2019

Sanborn Regional High School
17 Danville Road
Kingston, New Hampshire 03848
(603) 642-3341

Proud recipient of the 2018
NH Excellence in Education Award
Senior Spotlight: Jacqueline Genthner
An Article by Staff Member Meghan Petruzzi
Jacqueline is very mathematically intuitive, very willing to think outside the box to approach problems from different angles and would probably make calculations about the box just for fun. Jackie is an example of the best of students in a classroom, doing her work, asking questions, and assisting her peers. Her mathematical skills make her an excellent member of the math team, where she is a 3 season mathlete. In her 4th season Jackie is a top candidate for Math Team captain. Jacqueline’s most favorite high school memories were those spent on the math team challenging herself with like-minded individuals doing math problems. Jackie is challenging herself with a very tough course load, including AP Calculus, Physics Honors, Human A&P, and AP Government. She hopes to combine her love of math and science in the future by studying chemical engineering.  

Jacqueline is one of those truly unique individuals who continues to amaze. Academically she is very gifted, but she truly is a well rounded student. Musically she is an accomplished pianist; she presented an extended learning opportunity where she demonstrated her piano skills, highlighting various composers, while explaining how music connects with her. Jacqueline appreciates the intricacies of music, and says it's one of her passions. Jacqueline also studies various disciplines of Martial Arts, is an Assistant instructor, Varsity Student and Performance Team Member. Her karate instructor Craig Wharem had this to say about Jackie, “Jackie is a very disciplined and hard-working student who always strives for excellence. Throughout all the time I've known her I've never known her to shy away from a challenge!” She is highly respected and looked up to at her dojo where she has an amazing rapport with students and staff.
Senior Spotlight: Braydan Mason
An Article by Staff Member Julie Healey
Braydan Mason is a charming and humorous young man who is thrilled to be graduating this year. Braydan began his high school career involved in football, basketball, and baseball, but now prefers to spend his days learning and perfecting his trademanship skills. He has attended SST for Auto. Braydan especially liked the ability to work on his friends cars while in the program. Although he enjoyed his time at SST, Braydan will admit that he would rather drive cars than fix them. He always is looking to make his car look better and perform better, because according to Braydan, there’s nothing better than driving fast in a nice car. 

Braydan has made great connections with his teachers, especially Mr. G, Mr. Parsons, and Ms. Alenskis who describe him as full of energy and respectful. Mr G said, “I have known Braydan since his days on the middle school basketball team. During his four years at the high school, he has grown into a purposeful student, always respectful and a real asset to our Sanborn community. I am sure he will succeed after graduation, and I wish him the best.” 

Currently, Braydan is trying to locate an internship within a trade, such as electrical, welding, or plumbing. He plans on joining the workforce after graduation in one of these areas. It is certain that Braydan will find success in one of these fields with his ability to work with his hands and his mechanical skills. Like Mr. G said, all the Sanborn teachers wish Braydan the best. We know he will find success wherever his path takes him!
Grades 9-11 Take PSATs on Wednesday 10/16/2019
On October 16th, all students in grades 9, 10 and 11 will participate in the PSAT’s. The PSAT’s are considered to be a practice for the SAT’s, a college entrance exam. Studies have shown that the more familiar students are with the test taking format, the better they will perform on the SAT ( The exam, with the preadministration paperwork, will take approximately 4 hours and students will be assigned to small test groups in the high school. Students were given a student guide to help them understand how to best prepare for the exam and each student guide contains practice tests if they would like to replicate the testing experience at home. Parents can help students to do their best by encouraging them to get a good night's sleep the night before and to eat a healthy breakfast in the morning. Students may bring a water bottle and a snack for the test. Students should leave all electronic devices home or they will be collected at the beginning of the test by the proctor. Once the test is completed, students can be dismissed if they have a note from a parent or guardian and they have their own transportation. Activities will be provided by staff for students who remain at school and regular transportation will be provided at the end of the day. Parents who would like to see sample PSAT questions can do so at
Seniors to Engage in Career Path Exploration Day
On October 16th, all seniors are expected to participate in a Career Path Exploration Day. Seniors were given the option of planning an independent college tour, an independent job shadow experience, an independent industry tour or a college tour with SRHS to Manchester Community College and Southern NH University. Upon completion of their exploration students are expected to write a one page reflection to be submitted to Mrs. Alley through the advisory google classroom. This is a graduation requirement and if students do not complete this activity they will be required to complete 10 hours of community service in order to participate in graduation activities. Parents must complete the Parent Permission Slip found here. Students must complete the google form found here to indicate their plans.
SRHS Names October Staff Members of the Month
Each month, Sanborn Regional High School recognizes staff members who go “above and beyond” the call of duty to support students. This month, we recognize the following individuals:

Brian Hurley: Mr. Hurley is described by his peers as one of the most under-rated teachers at Sanborn. He is by nature quiet and humble, but he has, for years, worked hard to push kids to excel through his AP US History and AP Government classes. He also brings students for a 2 day event called Youth and Government, where students get to engage in what it's like to run state politics in the NH State House, sitting on committees, voting on "bills," running for election. They get to see how local politics works and numerous students have gone on to study History, POlitical Science, and Government in college as a result.

Josh White: Referred to as “The Great White Shark” by some students, Mr. White exemplifies what Sanborn P.R.I.D.E. (Personalization, Risk-Taking, Integrity, Discovery, and Empowerment) is in the classroom as well as out in the hallways. Mr. White goes above and beyond each day to give all of his students the very best a teacher can offer. He takes time out of his day to reach out to all of the students in the building and if he does not have time, he will make the time. His flexibility, creativity and commitment to connect to all students no matter what level they are at is what makes him such a great educator. The Sanborn Community is very lucky to have him as an educator.  

Congratulations to Mr. Brian Hurley and Mr. Josh White for being recognized as Sanborn’s October 2019 Staff Members of the Month!
Student Council Completes Successful Leadership Training
On Tuesday, October 8th, the Sanborn Student Council hosted the annual New Hampshire Association of Student Councils' Southern Tier Fall Meeting at Camp Lincoln. Exeter, Raymond, Timberlane, and Winnacunnet high schools joined Sanborn in collaborative team building and bonding activities with the counselors at the camp. It was a time for groups to discuss their strengths, weaknesses, and how to work on both. Following these activities, all schools met as a large group to hold their first meeting of the year. Members are looking forward to attending the state meeting at Waterville Valley next month.
Sanborn Students Complete Successful Aviation Industry Tour in Portsmouth
Thank you to our community partner, CHI AeroSpace in Portsmouth, for putting together a great industry tour for students in our new aviation program this past week. 25 Sanborn aviation students spent the day at their hanger in Portsmouth learning all about careers in aviation. CHI staff gave them tours of their planes and their simulators. They also brought in career speakers from Port City Air, the US Air Force, and Southwest Airlines to talk with our students. It was a very successful outing.

Are you an aviation enthusiast? Do you have some time to share your passion with our students? Reach out to aviation teacher Dr. Kevin Conant at or Principal Brian M. Stack at to find out how you can help our program grow.
Junior Class Hosts Spooky Halloween Movie Night
Convenient MD Offers Free Flu Shots
Youth in Action and SoROCK Art Gala
On December 13th, Sanborn Youth in Action and SoROCK are partnering to host a youth lead art gala at Sanborn Regional High School. It is a night celebrating community, compassion, and strength in hopes of increasing prevention and decreasing the stigma of mental illness. We recognize that art can be a powerful tool to start meaningful conversation. The students of Youth in Action hope that this event will be a way to bring awareness to mental illness and the importance of ending the stigma. We hope that you will consider creating a piece of art that answers the question "What does mental health look like to you?" (for younger students- "What do feelings look like to you?") with a focus on the themes of hope, recovery, community, or support. This event is open to the community and all ages- with prize/judging categories of elementary, middle school, high school and adults. If you are interested in submitting original work please register using the button below:
2nd Annual Blue and Gray Night
The Sanborn Girls Basketball Program will host their 2nd Annual Blue/Gray Night on November 22, 2019. The event will start at 5:30PM at the Sanborn Regional High School and will involve all levels of female student athletes in the Sanborn Basketball Program. The night will be open to the community and will be a family friendly event that will have raise money for the Girls basketball program and collect food donations as part of the Girls Varsity Basketball Team Hoops for Help Food Drive. All of the food donations will be collected and brought to the Holy Angels Food Pantry in Plaistow, NH. This pantry serves the areas of Fremont, Kingston and Newton as well as other surrounding areas. 

The event will feature a full inter-program scrimmage with each level taking the court for a quarter and competing against each other for bragging rights. Each quarter will feature players from grades 3rd through 12th grade. Players can still sign up to play until October 15 at The score will keep building all night and we will see whether the Blue side or the Gray side will take home the win. This event is our season kick off which is a fundraiser coached by rec coaches and the official season will start on November 19th for the High School. 

Admission for this event will be 3 dollars a person with 5 and under free. Admission is only a $1 a person if they bring a food donation. There will also be concessions, fan contests between quarters and Sanborn basketball merchandise for purchase at the game and on our online store. We hope that the families of our players and the members of the community will come out and fill our gym for what should be a great night of fun. 

If you have any questions or would like to be one of our sponsors for the night, please e-mail Girls Varsity Coach Brian Gray at 
The Music Program Needs Your Feedback!
We need your feedback! The Sanborn Regional School District Music Department is undertaking a strategic planning process in order to identify goals and focus areas for the next several years. We need your input. 

Thank you for taking the time to respond to our questions.  The survey will remain open until October 31, 2019.
Sanborn Spooky Week: A Student Council Initiative
Student Council to Run Kindness Matters Week
10/21 Monday: Everyone Has a Name: Everyone is encouraged to wear a name tag with their name. They will be asked to wear their name all day. We will make it a point to greet everyone by their name, especially those who we do not usually address.

10/22 Tuesday: Mix It Up Day: Students will be encouraged to eat with someone new at lunch and make sure noone is eating by themselves. Students will get a have a scavenger hunt card from their teacher before lunch, and when a student gets a signature in all spaces, they can trade for a prize at the Student Council table.

10/23 Wednesday: Random Acts of Kindness: Students and Staff will be asked to complete random acts of kindness all day. A banner will be set up in the lobby where students and staff may use post it notes to give shout outs to someone who completed a RAK acctivity for them during the day. At the end of the day, a random sticky note will be pulled and they will win a prize.

10/24 Thursday:  Favorite T-shirt Day: Students and teachers will be encouraged to wear a t-shirt that expresses a subject they have a passion about. Example: favorite movie, band, team, sport, activism.. Students will be encouraged to find new friends with the same interests as themselves and form a group at lunch.  The group will take a selfie and post to IG #SanbornKindness19

10/25 Friday: Sanborn Pride Day: Wear your Sanborn colors and or Sanborn apparel to support our school. The most popular #SanbornKindness19 post will win a prize from coffee shop/school store.
Join the PTO!
The mission of the Sanborn Regional High School Parent Teacher Organization is to enhance and support the Sanborn Regional High School learning community of students, staff, and families of Fremont, Kingston, and Newton.

This is accomplished through the following endeavors: Community Outreach, Teacher Involvement, Educational Programs, Civic Cooperation, Volunteer Programs, and Fundraising.

When we all help a little it is amazing how much we accomplish as an organization.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 16th at 6pm in the Conference Room (Room 102) at the school. We normally meet the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6pm.

If you have any questions or information you would like to share with our organization, please contact Barbara Munroe, PTO President, at
SRHS PTO Launches its Back to School "Un-Fundraiser"
We are asking for your support for our 2019 back to school Un-Fundraiser. Simply put, an Un-Fundraiser is a way to donate money without having to sell or buy anything. Isn’t that the best?? 100% of your tax-deductible donation goes directly to the SRHS PTO, and then it goes right to our kids, which is the best place to put it! Where does this money go you might ask? 

Each year, our PTO supports the following kinds of activities:
• Starter cash for the in-coming freshmen student activities account
• Classroom grants, up to $250 per teacher, to fund innovative programming
• Scholarships to Sanborn Seniors
• Funds to support class activities such as the Senior Cruise in Boston.
• Senior Success Day
• Teachers’ meals for the open houses & Teacher Appreciation Week
• Strategies for College Presentation for parents
We hope you were able to appreciate the sarcasm and humor in this form of request and we thank you for your time and monetary donation.
Athletic Booster Update
Your Sanborn Athletic Boosters would like to Thank all of the volunteers that came out to help for Reach The Beach! You all Rock! We had about 48 volunteers throughout the day and we could have had more, please help us next year to beat this record of volunteers! You really make a difference in how our transition stop runs smoothly and helps the van drivers and runners coordinate through our school campus. This is our largest fund raising event of the year! First time is has rained on us and you all stayed in it until the end! Way to Go! Reach The Beach does take a village, we are so thankful for our village community!

That’s a wrap for 2019 Homecoming! Congratulations to all the classes for a fabulous Sanborn Homecoming week! From the banners to the parade floats, they all showed great team spirit , hard work & the attention to detail.  Congratulations to the Senior Class for taking the trophy! 

Huge shout out to the all the volunteers, parents and teachers that lend a hand to the students!

Athletic Booster Club website link:

SST To Host College Fair October 18, 2019
Technology Fun Night at SST
Seniors: Take Note of the Yearbook Photo Deadlines!
Sanborn To Host College Bound Event For Students on 11/13
Yearbook Ordering Information: Grades 9-11
Plaistow Area Commerce Exchange Comedy Night Fundraiser
Proceeds Benefit a Scholarship for a Graduating Sanborn Senior
Choose Love Movement Comes to Sanborn Regional Schools
Concert to Benefit Hockey Program
An Update From Southern Rockingham Coalition for Youth (SoROCK)
YOUTH IN ACTION- SAVE THE DATE!  COMMUNITY WIDE, ALL AGES ART SHOW WILL BE ON DECEMBER 13th! “HEALING THROUGH THE ARTS” is aimed at reducing the stigma of mental health and substance use disorders. Our hope is to engage all local school art departments in the project along with the community.  Many of our members are upperclassmen this year so we’re hoping to add more underclassmen interested in making a difference! If your student (in any grade) is interested in helping to support and inform their peers by addressing current issues related to mental health, vaping/alcohol and drug use, self-esteem , friendships/relationships and more, please encourage them reach out to SoRock in room 111 for more information or sign up for Mrs. Feeney during FLT on C days!  Next Meeting will be Wednesday 9/25! 

**Important Note** SoRock has reached the end of our current funding as of September 30th . We may receive a very short extension and we did NOT get the new federal funding we were hoping for.  We will require NEW funding ASAP in order to continue to serve our communities in the capacity we currently do, without funding we will not have staff (including myself). If you are interested in helping to support the coalition in any way, please reach out to   For more information about SoRock click here. 

Charlotte Scott, Coordinator SoRock Coalition for Healthy Youth
An Important Message From School Administrators:
PTO Clothing & Shoe Donation Bins
When you drop your unwanted clothing and shoes off in these bins, the SRHS PTO gets paid based on the weight of the clothing! This is a really easy way to help our school. All PTO proceeds go directly back to programming and scholarships that directly benefit our students.  NOTE: Shoes must go in a separate bin.

Did you know? From April of 2015 - May 2017, this fundraiser has helped us raise nearly $2400.00 for the PTO. Help us double that number by sharing this opportunity with your friends, your family, and your neighbors!

* Not Sponsored by the Sanborn Regional School District