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Lower Elementary School


28 Nissan 5778 / April 12, 2018                               Parshas Shemini

As we enter the days of Sefirah we turn our attention to our interpersonal relationships, bein adam l'chaveiro. Before Pesach the Preschool through Second Grade held tzedaka drives for Ahavas Yisrael and Chinuch Atzmai. By having children put coins into the pushka, we teach them the importance of tzedaka on a daily basis.
Kindergarten Social Skills Program with Mrs. Shoshana Shuman
Our weekly Second Step lessons reinforce the Preschool  middos tovos program. Through discussion, role playing, and the use of our charming puppet
friends, Impulsive Puppy, Slow Down Snail, Be Calm Bunny, we are learning  many strategies that help us in our relationships with others.
First Grade Social Skills Program with Mrs. Libby Kraft
Our social skills classes focus on positive peer interactions through the use of stories, visual aids, puppets, role playing and discussions surrounding our social skills characters, "Dassi and Bassi." The girls are eager to participate in the lessons and practice the skills they are learning.
Second Grade Social Skills Program with Mrs. Rachell Tajerstein
Building on the concepts and skills addressed in First Grade, we have continued the identification and exploration of feelings, in an effort to create self- awareness, as well, as sensitivity to the feelings of others. The goal is how to be a good friend. Each lesson has an educational component, as well as an experiential part, in the form of a skit, role play, book, story, game, or group activity. The framework for the program has been adapted from
Social and Emotional Skills Training for Children  by Bierman, Greenberg, Coie, Dodge, Lochman, and McMahon.

The girls have learned that feelings can't be controlled, but behaviors can . Ask your child about the "Take Five" method of calming strong feelings.

The P.T.A. 
Dutch  Mills Bulbs Flower Fundraiser
 forms are due  Tuesday, April 17th.  

Please make all checks payable to 
"Bais Yaakov P.T.A." 


Click images above to see more pictures of the Building Progress and our Visitors.

April 27  ES PTA Pizza Day

To Sponsor a 
Day of Davening & Learning 
please contact Rabbi Gross at 
410-548-7700 ext. 511 or [email protected]