April 3, 2019

Each year CHC provides training and consulting to hundreds of agencies, their staff of nurses, therapists, personal care providers, and aides as well as to family and other caregivers who provide in-home services to the infirm, chronically ill and disabled  to improve care, quality and safety. 

CHC received an average rating of 4.98 Stars out of a possible 5 for Learner rating of Quality and Program satisfaction across all live and online training in 2018. Also, 98 percent of CHC's Learners would recommend training sessions to a colleague!
Aware Calendar for April


Alcohol Awareness Month

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness Month

National Autism Awareness Month

National Child Abuse Prevention Month

National Donate Life Month

National Facial Protection Month

National Minority Health Month

National Sarcoidosis Awareness Month

Occupational Therapy Month

Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

STD Awareness Month

Women's Eye Health and Safety Month

National Public Health Week (April 1-7)

National Alcohol Screening Day (April 11)

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) Day (April 5)

World Health Day (April 7)

National Youth Violence Prevention Week (April 8-12)

National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (April 10)

National Infertility Awareness Week (April 21-27)

Every Kid Healthy Week (April 22-26)

World Meningitis Day (April 24)

National Infant Immunization Week (April 26-May 3)

Clinical and Non-medical Administrative Leadership

Not sure what class to take?  
  Downloadour grid for CDPHE requirements
 and matching course options.

eLearn Courses  take me to registration
Self-paced and available 24/7 on any device

Behavior Management of the Client with Dementia
Care about Care Coordination
Care about Privacy, Confidentiality & HIPAA
Universal Precautions
Care about Immunity
Mental Illness and Behavior Management

April 2019  
4/16, 9 to 11 am, Complaint & Incident Processing Part 2
4/16, 18, 22, 24, 11 am to 1 pm, Live Online Basic 8-hour Administrator Training

MAY 2019
5/14 Provision of Skilled Care & Services (Skilled agencies)
5/16, 9 am, HCBS
5/16, 12 noon, Non-medical Home Care Management Part 1
5/14 - 15, 10 am - 3 pm, Live Basic 8-hour Administrator Training
5/28, Agency Oversight & Operations (Skilled agencies)
5/30, 9 am, IHSS
5/30, 12 noon, Non-medical Home Care Management Part 2

E - Learning
eLearn programs are available 24/7 and completed at the pace set by you, the learner.  eLearn courses offer clear learner progress indicators and unlimited replays of course material.  Resume learning exactly where you left off on your mobile, tablet, laptop or any device.  Visit our website

Care about Care CoordinationAttendees will learn skills and tools necessary to apply State Licensure Care Coordination rules in daily operations as well as understand why care coordination is necessary, what makes Care Coordination effective, typical barriers to care coordination in today's care settings and more.

Care about HIPAA - As Administrators, we have a duty to ensure all workforce members understand their duty to abide by HIPAA rules. When co-workers become careless, the resulting damage affects the agency as well as our own personal reputation.

Behavior Management of the Client with Dementias or Cognitive Disorders - Learn skills and tools necessary to provide care and services to clients with cognitive and memory impairments. 

Universal Precautions Program includes Exposure Incident Reporting Form, Illness log, Sanitizing and Disinfecting Guide, OSHA Exposure Control Plan and numerous posters to download - some in Spanish and Chinese as well as English.

Care about ImmunityWhy care about immunity? To understand how the body fights illness when germs, such as bacteria or viruses, invade the body. The immune system uses several tools to fight infection. Join instructor Barbara Buehner, RN, BSN in this course to find out.

Mental Illness and Behavior Management - Many home care agencies provide care and services to adults with a mental illness or MI. With practice, home care workers will feel more confident and effective using the tools described in this course. Join Bonnie MacLeod, LCSW in this course to learn more. 


AMA, United Healthcare Propose Billing Codes for Nonmedical Health Needs

The American Medical Association and United Healthcare are supporting the development of 23 billing codes related to social determinants of health.

The healthcare system lacks a consistent, organized way to capture such nonmedical needs as food, housing and access to transportation, and incorporate them into individual care plans, executives of both organizations said. But through their collaboration, UnitedHealthcare has created - and the AMA has endorsed - ICD-10 codes related to these needs, according to Forbes.

"By combining traditional medical data with self-reported [social determinants of health] data, the codes trigger referrals to social and government services to address an individual's unique needs, connecting them directly to local and national resources in their communities," UnitedHealthcare and the AMA said.

One proposed ICD-10 code, for example, would help a dialysis patient who needs transportation, according to Forbes. (full article)

Elizabeth Hogue reports that the Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) posted Advisory Opinion No. 10-03 on March 6, 2019, which permits hospitals to provide free, in-home follow up care to discharged patients. During home visits, paramedics employed by the hospital will provide the following services:
  • Review patients' medications
  • Assess patients' need for follow-up appointments
  • Monitor patients' compliance with discharge plans of care or patients' disease management
  • Perform home safety inspections
  • Perform physical assessments; including checking patients' pulse and blood pressure, listening to patients' lungs and hearts, checking wounds, performing electrocardiograms, drawing blood and running blood tests using portable blood analyzers, and administering medications
In addition, UPS recently announced that it plans to enter the home care industry by sending nurses to vaccinate adults in their homes. First, it is important to acknowledge that it's not entirely clear from the press coverage exactly what UPS plans to do. Here is what Reuters reported:   Workers at the 1.7 million-square-foot UPS healthcare complex will package the vaccines and ship them to more than 4,700 UPS stores. At those stores, a home health nurse who is contracted by a UPS clinical trial logistics unit, called Marken, will gather the vaccines and transport them to the patient's home. The nurses will administer the vaccines in the home. ( full article )

RN Administrator - Experienced for long-standing Home Health & Hospice on Western Slope.
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CHC Colorado Experts for Colorado Home Health and Home Care


CHC Non-medical, IHSS, HCBS Specialist

Laura Neill, former CDPHE Surveyor and Case Manager,


Quality Management Program Consulting 
with Laura Neill 
Your office
Monthly or Quarterly 

CHC Skilled Home Health Specialist for Licensure, Federal certification and ACHC.

Jennifer Windram, RN, BSN , former CDPHE Surveyor and current ACHC Certified Consultant


CHC Psychosocial Specialist for ALL agency types

Bonnie MacLeod, LCSW, 30 years experience to help you offer person-centered care that is sensitive to behavioral health concerns. 
Colorado's Paid-Family-Leave Bill

SB 188 creates a state-run insurance system into which both employers and employees pay a percentage of each paycheck in order to create a pool of money that workers can use to take as much as 12 weeks of partially paid time off to care for themselves or loved ones during major health incidents such as the arrival of a baby or cancer treatment. Proponents say the measure is needed so that people don't have to choose between keeping their jobs or being with a new child or dying loved one; business groups say the bill forces a one-size-fits-all solution on companies that now deal with workers on a case-by-case basis for leave and hurts small companies particularly by requiring them to keep jobs open for workers when leave ends.

Full article here.