First Presbyterian Church of Rome
October 2019

Wednesday Nights are a great way for our church family to connect mid-week.
Meal 5:30PM - 6:00PM
Classes & Groups 6:15PM - 7:15PM
* Bible Zone 2/3 Year olds -
          Edu. Bldg. Room 208
* Bible Zone 4/Kinders -
          Edu. Bldg. Room 206
* The Summit for children 1st - 5th grades -                    God's Garden
* Communicants (6th grade) -
          Hardy Classroom #1
* Junior High (6:00-7:15) - In the Crossing
* Senior High (6:00-7:15) - Boy Scout Room
* Adults - Fellowship Hall

Meal Costs:
$7 per adult, $3 per child/student,
 $25 Family  (max)

Meal reservations & PAYMENTS can be made online at  or by contacting the church office. 

Upcoming Student Events


The ShelbyNext Membership directory is a safe and simple tool that will allow you to access contact information for FPC adults, through your smart device or computer.  Watch for directory login info coming soon! 
In November, a giving component will be available. 

Faith Promise in Action:  
Your Faith Promise gifts meet the unanticipated needs that arise for our missionaries.  

This month we were able to assist with a women's retreat.  

Thank you from Women's Kenya Mission Team

First, let us give you a huge "THANK YOU" for your overwhelming support for both donating and attending the Clothes for a Cause Fundraiser! We are overwhelmed with gratitude.
Second, there are still two ways that you can contribute your financial support to this church-sponsored trip.

1. We still are in need of funds to help 35 Blue Sky Global women attend an overnight Women's Retreat hosted by our team! If you would like to sponsor one of these women for the retreat, your donation of $100 would cover her lodging, meals and activities - not to mention space for her to get much needed rest and fellowship after a full life of ministry. Please make checks payable to FPC Rome and write Blue Sky Women's Retreat in the memo. Thanks for your support!

2. Contribute Sunday morning, October 13 (or by mail) to a Session-approved offering toward the other costs of the mission trip, including travel, lodging, meals, etc. Each team member has worked hard to raise or contribute funds toward the cost of the trip. But additional funds are needed to cover the total cost. Checks should be made payable to FPC Rome with the designation it is for the Kenya Mission Trip Special Offering. 
Church Family Night
Wednesday, October 16
Please join us Wednesday, October 16, in King Hall for a night of fun, worship, and fellowship. Instead of our normally scheduled classes and activities, Church Family Night will be a time for our whole church (all generations) to grow together in Christ.
Our theme for the evening will be "One in Christ," based upon our theme passage: Ephesians 4. We will begin at 6:15, immediately after the regular meal, with opening games, music, and an interactive lesson that involves discussion and fun learning activities. Church Family Night is for everybody, so we encourage all generations to participate, including all ages of children, but Nursery and Bible Zone will still be offered for those who may desire it.
Come and join us as we experience how the whole church truly is a family-"One in Christ."

Mission Spotlight:  Finding Hagar -
God's Pursuit of a Runaway

Abram (Abraham). Sarai (Sarah). Hagar. Ishmael. Isaac. Names familiar. A Biblical narrative that resounds from the recesses of a childhood Sunday school class memory. And yet... When scholarship and cultural expertise plumb into the depth and richness of Scripture, an age-old story reverberates with Christ's love and redemption. "The discovery that he [Christ] was doing a very similar thing even before the incarnation serves only to deepen our sense of awe and majesty as we contemplate the divine love." (30)
Oppression. Slavery. Abuse. Racism. Hopelessness - unfortunate themes which have persisted through the ages. The author shares the Hagar story of today: "Today's Hagar can still encounter, and indeed must encounter, Yahweh through the body of Christ, animated by his Spirit and ministering through his resurrection power." (110)

Author, Dr. Michael Kuhn and his family called Morocco, Egypt, and Lebanon "home" for nearly 30 years. Most recently he taught biblical Theology and Discipleship at Arab Baptist Theological Seminary, Beirut Lebanon, partnering with FPC. He has a PhD in Muslim-Christian Relations from Oxford Centre for Missions Studies, UK, and Master's degrees in Theology and Arabic Language and Literature.