April 25, 2019

Wonderful Colorado
Each year CHC provides training and consulting to hundreds of agencies, their staff of nurses, therapists, personal care providers, and aides as well as to family and other caregivers who provide in-home services to the infirm, chronically ill and disabled  to improve care, quality and safety. 

CHC received an average rating of 4.98 Stars out of a possible 5 for Learner rating of Quality and Program satisfaction across all live and online training in 2018. Also, 98 percent of CHC's Learners would recommend training sessions to a colleague!
Home-Care Bill SB19-238 Passed But Amended To Remove Registry, Increased Training and 77% Pay Threshold

The home care community showed a lot of support in trying to defeat this bill.  The bill passed with significant amendments!  Amendments include the following:
  1. No registry for caregivers.
  2. No training language or requirements.
  3. Eliminated the requirement for 77% of all Medicaid reimbursement to go towards caregiver compensation.
The main compromise was to allocate 100% of the 8.1% rate increase to employee compensation. However, compensation in this bill was defined broadly to allow for wages, bonus's, commissions, payroll tax, unemployment tax and health insurance or other benefits that can legitimately be considered compensation. The significant omission was workers compensation expense. 
Individuals can  WRITE or CALL their senators and representatives and i f you don't know your senators and representatives, you can look them up by your address here:

An estimated 2,932,415 people now call greater Denver home.  Over the past eight years, the Denver metro has seen rapid growth. From 2010 to 2018, its population grew 15.3% and Denver County's population grew by about 19%.  
The U.S. Census  defines the Denver-Aurora-Lakewood metro area as consisting of the following counties: Denver, Arapahoe, Jefferson, Adams, Douglas, Broomfield, Elbert, Park Clear Creek and Gilpin.
The population of the larger Denver-Aurora combined statistical area -- which also includes Boulder and Weld counties -- grew to 3,572,798, an increase of roughly 50,000 people compared to one year earlier.
The city and county of Denver's population was estimated to be 716,492, up about 11,000 compared to 2017.

New! Elearning Course
Care of the Fragile, Ill and Complex Client

Workshop Goals
Home Care Agencies face particular challenges in providing services and coordinating care for frail, ill and complex clients. This program explores the current landscape of services for patients with complex needs, details characteristics of these clients, addresses the challenges of caring for these clients, and offers programmatic and policy changes that can help Home Care Agencies better deliver services to all clients, including those with the most complex health needs.
Workshop Content
This 3-CEU Certificate Workshop includes the following curriculum:
Who are complex, frail and ill clients?
Explain why the plan of care requires additional components with the Frail and Elderly.
Examine external influences that impact care of the fragile and ill.
Recognize special training and staffing considerations.
Identify KEY data elements for the Quality Management Program (QMP).
Competency Exam
Course Evaluation

Live!  Basic 8-hour Training
Administrator Training for All Agency Types

The goal of this workshop is to provide the fundamentals of Home Care Management for compliance with both Initial and Annual Training requirements by CDPHE for Administrators, Managers and Alternates. 

Tuesday & Wednesday, May 14 & 15, 2019
Training 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Grand Ballroom, Heather Ridge Golf Club,  13521 E Iliff Ave, Aurora, CO 80014
Please arrive at 9:45.
Lunch and drinks (coffee, water, tea), course materials provided.

Eight (8) CEU's are available for attendance both days.
Four (4) CEU's are available for attendance one day.
Registration and full course description.
Collapse of Colorado's Proposed Paid-family-leave Program 

SB 188 would have created a state-run insurance system into which employers and employees would pay to create a roughly $1 billion pool of funds, which any private-sector worker in the state could dip into to take as much as 12 weeks of leave to care for a new baby, a family member or themselves and receive pay that could reach as high as 90% of their typical checks for the lowest-income workers. This week, Gov. Jared Polis reiterated that he had "concerns" with the bill, which sources say played a major role in pulling the original version from debate on the State Senate floor.  Sponsors of the legislation, Sens. Faith Winter and Angela Williams, sent a press release out late Wednesday saying the idea will be brought back next year. Under a new version of the bill, introduced Wednesday night, the state will study the financial impacts of paid family leave throughout the rest of 2019. Winter and Williams promised to return in 2020 to pass the bill - keeping the original timeline of 2024 for implementation.

Most of the major business organizations in the state had come out against the bill.  Read the article.
Experience Marketing Rep for mature Hospice / Home Health Agency.
Top $$ for Candidate with Right Experience & Results

RN Spanish-speaking - Experienced for Denver Non-medical IHSS Program
Confidential replies to

CHC Colorado Experts for Colorado Home Health and Home Care


CHC Non-medical, IHSS, HCBS Specialist

Laura Neill, former CDPHE Surveyor and Case Manager,


Quality Management Program Consulting 
with Laura Neill 
Your office
Monthly or Quarterly 
Measure, analyze, and track quality indicators, including adverse patient events, as well as other indicators of performance so that the agency can adequately assess its processes, services, and operations.

CHC Skilled Home Health Specialist for Licensure, Federal certification and ACHC.

Jennifer Windram, RN, BSN , former CDPHE Surveyor and current ACHC Certified Consultant


CHC Psychosocial Specialist for ALL agency types

Bonnie MacLeod, LCSW, 30 years experience to help you offer person-centered care that is sensitive to behavioral health concerns. 
Not sure what class to take?
  Download our grid for CDPHE requirements
 and matching CHC courses.

Create your agency paperwork and forms in BOTH English and Spanish.
Did you know...?
refers to written communication

Clinical and Non-medical Administrative Leadership

  eLearn Courses  Self-paced and available 24/7 on any device
Behavior Management of the Client with Dementia
Care about Care Coordination
Care about Privacy, Confidentiality & HIPAA
Universal Precautions
Care about Immunity
Mental Illness and Behavior Management
Care of the Fragile, Ill and Complex Client

MAY 2019
5/14 Provision of Skilled Care & Services (Skilled agencies)
5/16, 9 am, HCBS
5/16, 12 noon, Non-medical Home Care Management Part 1
5/14 - 15, 10 am - 3 pm, Live Basic 8-hour Administrator Training
5/21, 23, 28, 30 Live Online Basic 8-hour Administrator Training 
5/28, Agency Oversight & Operations (Skilled agencies)
5/30, 9 am, IHSS
5/30, 12 noon, Non-medical Home Care Management Part 2

Not sure what class to take?  
Download our grid for CDPHE requirements
 and matching course options.