Shul School 2020: Week 1 Wrap-Up
October 18, 2020
Shalom Shul School parents!

Our first day of Shul School was a resounding success! Thank you for your support, parents- we couldn't have made it happen without you!

Each Sunday afternoon, I'll be sending out a wrap-up email with highlights from each class, as reported by the teachers. Enjoy reading!

Meryl Zimmerman
Education Director
Gan Nitzan

We talked, laughed, sang, and shared our "Shoe Project" book. Ideas for our tzedakah project this year: food, clothes, toys, shoes, and beds (Ezra says he has an extra bed in his room, lol.) Lina sang a great tzedakah song for us. We met Reeva's baby sister and Meital's cat, Cosmo. Lenny wore a cool Wonder Woman headband and Ezra wore a great Chanukah shirt with a moose! 30 minutes of overtime chat and taking turns performing songs for each other. Assignment: Draw a picture to share next week.

Today we learned how to answer the question "Ma'nishma?" in Hebrew, played a mensch game, and added one mensch moment to our collection of leaves.

Today, we played fun games to get to know each other! We also made our class norms.

We made a list of rules together that we are going to follow this year. We played a memory game with a slideshow of Torah stories and answered some questions about the stories. We spoke for awhile about God and if we feel his presence in our lives. We played a "stand up or sit down" game and shared our opinions about God.
Har Ya'ar

Today, we got to know each other and learned Ein Keloheinu!