April 13, 2018
This year's Symposium of Student
Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities
takes place all day today throughout the Apollo, Atlantis, Discovery, and Endeavor Rooms in the Student Union. I'm proud that CoLA is so well-represented in the day's activities, with our students offering numerous plenary sessions, oral sessions, and poster sessions. See below for CoLA's list of participants and visit the website
for a complete schedule of activities.
Plenary Session Participants:
- Marissa Coleman, Theatre Arts, mentored by Nicole Richter - Bisexuality in Cinema
- Justina Fileccia, Anthropology, mentored by Amelia Hubbard - Neanderthal Contributions to Modern Humans: Beneficial? Harmful? #YouDecide!
- Swaleh Ouma, Political Science, mentored by December Green - Recruitment of Child Soldiers
Oral Session Participants:
- Angela McCarthy, Sociology & Anthropology, mentored by Karen Lahm- Informal Social Attachments and Desistance from Heroin
- Dylan Colvin, Sociology & Anthropology, mentored by Julianne Weinzimmer- Opioid Crisis in Dayton: The Role of Facebook Comment Sections in Meaning-Making
- Timothy Moss, Political Science, mentored by Pramod Kantha- The Dynamics of Mobilization in Ethnic Conflicts
- Nicholas Higgins, Political Science, mentored by Pramod Kantha- The Clash of Nationalisms: Avenue Towards State Repression
- Yolaine Michaud, Political Science, mentored by December Green- Gender and Human Security in Post-Conflict Settings
- Gordon McKnight, Modern Languages, mentored by Damaris Serrano- La clima social moderna de Los Estados Uniodos (The Modern Social Climate of the United States)
- Csongor Bajnoczki, Political Science, mentored by Liam Anderson- Europe's Parallel Media Universe: Cross-national Analysis of Populist Media Oppression in the EU
- Nathan Molnar, Political Science, mentored by Liam Anderson- Why Do Weak States Attack Strong States?
- Crystal Burns, Political Science, mentored by Vaughn Shannon- Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples: A Human Rights Analysis
- Isaiah Bausmith, Modern Languages, mentored by Damaris Serrano- ¿Mezclados o separados? (Mixed or Separated?)
- Katia Jordan and Isaiah Bausmith, Modern Languages, mentored by Damaris Serrano- The Evolution of the Romanceros
- Nick Slater, Art and Art History, mentored by Penny Park- Learning to Paint and Draw, Learning to See
- Jaclyn Schmitz, Modern Languages, mentored by Kirsten Halling- Experiences of the "Great War"
Poster Session Participants:
- Teresa Burch, Political Science, mentored by Liam Anderson- Public Opinion & US Defense Acquisition
- RebaJane Stromberg, Political Science, mentored by Liam Anderson- Populism on the Rise: An Intersubjective Cultural Comparison of Xenophobic Manifestations
- Allyson Clark, Political Science, mentored by Vaughn Shannon- US Influence in the Arab Gulf, 1980-1991: A Force for Stability or Disarray?
- Daniel Thomas, Political Science, mentored by Vaughn Shannon- Types of Counterterrorism and Their Effect on the Rate of Successful Terrorist Attacks
Thank you to the many faculty who helped prepare our students to participate in this event. The symposium lasts until 5:30 p.m. so I hope you can stop by and support our students!
It is always wonderful to hear updates on our alumni's successes and achievements. Acting and musical theatre alumna Kate Mueller was recently featured in a WSU Newsroom article as an accomplished member of the ensemble for The Phantom of the Opera. Phantom arrived to Dayton this week and runs until April 22. If you go see the musical, you will find Kate on the stage often as one of six dancers in the Corps de Ballet. |
Next Monday, April 16, SPIA and UCIE are sponsoring a presentation and discussion on U.S. relations with India and China in the broader context of the Asia/Pasific region. The talk will be led by Laura Luehrmann, SPIA, and Arvind Kumar, professor of political science at Manipal University in India, and will take place from 11:00 a.m. - noon in 163 Student Union (Discovery Room). |
The 2018 Spring Dance Concert is right around the corner with performances running next Thursday, April 19, through Sunday, April 22. The concert will include seven premiere works including innovative pieces by guest choreographers Shannon Bramham and Erin Robbins. Shannon has built a national reputation creating powerful, raw, and unique works that have won numerous prestigious awards. Erin is an extremely talented regional choreographer who has created a beautiful new ballet work for the Wright State Dance Ensemble. Additional pieces will highlight Wright State's Dance Faculty as well as Dayton Ballet II and Dayton Contemporary Dance Company II. Tickets are available online or at the Box Office at 775-2500.
Photo by Scott Robbins
Duet from Testament with Jordan Garcia and Jaelyn Blake, choreographed by Dwight Rhoden.
Last Sunday, the Department of Communication and Rotary District 6670 presented the annual 4-Way Test Speech Competition
, which featured competing students from more than thirty high schools in Southwestern Ohio. Students were required to integrate the Rotary's 4-Way Test into a four-to-six-minute original speech, applying the concepts of leadership, service to others, and life experience, and addressing the following questions: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Special thanks to Tracey Hill for her event coordination; Mary Rucker, Melissa Spirek, Martha Antolik, Elliot Gaines, Dave Baxter, and Jessica Lawson for lending their public speaking expertise as a judges; communication studies student Alexandra Moran for helping with photography and other duties; and our wonderful alumni Jesse Schrote, Anitra Jordan, Eli Chivezer, and Hasan Karim who also came back to assist.
Linda Caron Dean
CoLA Talks with Nenad Jovanovic, Motion Pictures:
Rope, Dogville, and Mukařovský's Space-as-Meaning
, Friday, April 13, 3:30 p.m., 004 Tom Hanks Center for Motion Pictures
Opera Theatre presents The Mikado:
Friday, April 13 and Saturday April 14, 8:00 - 9:30 p.m., Schuster Hall
U.S. Strategic Engagements with India and China,
Monday, April 16, 11:00 a.m. - noon, 163 Student Union (Discovery Room)
University Symphony Orchestra,
Tuesday, April 17, 8:00 - 9:30 p.m., Schuster Hall
Women's Chorale,
Wednesday, April 18, 8:00 - 9:30 p.m., Schuster Hall
Will Schutt Poetry Reading,
Thursday, April 19, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m., Stein Galleries
Spring Dance Concert
, Thursday, April 19, through Sunday, April 22, Dance Studio
Jazz Ensemble,
Thursday, April 19, 8:00 - 9:30 p.m., Schuster Hall
Men's Chorale Alumni & University Chorus,
Friday, April 20, 8:00 - 9:30 p.m., Schuster Hall
The Memory of Water
, Friday, April 20, through Sunday, April 22, Herbst Theatre
Collegiate Chorale,
Sunday, April 22, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m., Schuster Hall
Wednesday, April 18 - Career "to-do's" catch-up evening hours - 5:00 - 7:00 p.m., Millett 161 (Multicultural Lounge)
163 Millett Hall - 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy - Dayton, OH 45435 - 937-775-2225 - fax: 937-775-2181