To the People of Saint Paul’s Church:
Earlier this morning we shared the decision of the Vestry and clergy of Saint Paul’s Church to make significant changes in our worship style. Since that time I have become aware of a number of significant decisions within the life of the larger church.
Michael Curry, our Presiding Bishop, shared the following: “The next 30-60 days at the least are simply going to be unlike anything we have experienced in recent history. The dilemma of what we know and what we don’t know will continue to complicate our decision making and our lives.”
This afternoon I met with Billy Badger, Ashley Wright, John Jenkins, Keith Shafer, Elisabeth Price, and Maddy Elledge and after a lengthy discussion I have made the decision that we will suspend all gatherings at Saint Paul’s beginning at noon tomorrow, March 14 until March 30 unless the situation merits change. Our Manna distribution will proceed on Saturday morning in the east parking lot from 8:00 until noon because it is essential to the community it serves.
This is the most difficult decision I have ever made as a parish priest. But in my heart I cannot stop thinking about Jesus’ caring for the one sheep that was lost. If there is one person who will benefit from this action it is well worth it.
Each Sunday our worship will be broadcast (
WGAC 580 AM Radio and 95.1 FM Radio
) and
live streamed on our Facebook page
If there is a pastoral need please email or call the parish office as we will be checking for messages regularly.
As was said this morning, we will continue to assess the situation and appropriately respond. We will keep the parish well informed and invite you to communicate your thoughts or concerns with us. Though this is a dramatic change what continues unchanged is the true life of “Christ’s one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church.” The bonds of love that hold us in Christ endure. We will continue to worship, to pray, to support and care for one another and for the wider community, for it is in this that we embody the true presence of the risen Christ.
Yours in Christ,