Have you wanted to learn how to truly understand personal finance and investing? How to pick stocks, read "the market" and understand how to grow your investments/retirement accounts?
Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Topic: An Investors Tour of Mutual Funds
Location: Office of Russell Van Sistine, Financial Advisor
800 Mendocino Avenue, Suite 3, Santa Rosa, CA.
Please RSVP to SCMA at (707) 525-4375
The first session covered "Investing 101" (don't worry, we can catch you up if you missed the first one) and kicked off this new adventure for SCMA. This is
your group and you decide where it goes from here (i.e., meeting frequency, topics, requirements, investment partnership, etc.) No investment experience necessary but experienced investors are welcome to help round out the knowledge of the group.
If you attended the first meeting, please bring your binder back with you so we can add the materials from this session for your future reference.