Welcome to the FIRST

The newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church
July 2018

Dear Friends,

Happy First!
Our team is getting ready for our conference, "A Critical Time for Bridge-Building: Catholic Theological Ethics Today," in Sarjevo starting on July 26th. In the next few days participants will be receiving emails from me about last minute details regarding the Sarajevo conference. This issue of the First has 5 excellent forum pieces: 
Teresia Hinga's lovely Panegyric on Sr. Anne Nasimiyu, 
LSOSF Marianne Heimbach Steins on Christian Social Ethics and Veritatis Gaudium, 
Ramon Luzarraga and Mary Jo Iozzio's "Arguments Catholic Ethicists Must Refute on
the US Immigration Crisis,"
Mary Yuen's "China's New Global Initiative and Authentic Development,"
and Emilce Cuda's "GUERRA DE DIOSES: Posverdad o fin del Secularismo."

There is Shaji George Kochuthara's report from India on their forthcoming meeting of the Association of Moral Theologians.

There will be no Forum in August.

Look for Pictures and Reports of Sarajevo in September.

Reading and Viewing Suggestions for Sarajevo Conference Participants
From James Keenan, SJ:
A very good start:  ABC NEWS reporting on Sarajevo two
months after the outbreak:
A good summary of the siege of Sarajevo:  

Remember: the war in all of Bosnia was bigger than 
just the siege of Sarajevo
Wikipedia gives a thorough background of how the 
vote for independence from Yugoslavia prompted 
the Bosnian Serbs to take back the referendum:   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bosnian_War
So just when it is clear follow the war in Mostar:  
And then there's the Srebrenica massacre , 3 years 
after the outbreak of the war
21 years after Srebrenica, Radovan Karadzic is  sentenced
Art and culture reflecting on Sarajevo war:
A thoughtful 90 second reflection:  
Bono and Pavarotti doing Miss Sarajevo: 6minutes
From William O'Neill, SJ:
The Bridge Betrayed: Religion and Genocide in Bosnia by  Michael A. Sells 

The recent atrocities in Bosnia-Herzegovina have stunned people throughout the world. With Holocaust memories still painfully vivid, a question haunts us: how is this savagery possible? Michael A. Sells answers by demonstrating that the Bosnian conflict is not simply a civil war or a feud of age-old adversaries. It is, he says, a systematic campaign of genocide and a Christian holy war spurred by religious mythologies.

This passionate yet reasoned book examines how religious stereotyping-in popular and official discourse-has fueled Serbian and Croatian ethnic hatreds. Sells, who is himself Serbian American, traces the cultural logic of genocide to the manipulation by Serb nationalists of the symbolism of Christ's death, in which Muslims are "Christ-killers" and Judases who must be mercilessly destroyed. He shows how "Christoslavic" religious nationalism became a central part of Croat and Serbian politics, pointing out that intellectuals and clergy were key instruments in assimilating extreme religious and political ideas.

Sells also elucidates the ways that Western policy makers have rewarded the perpetrators of the genocide and punished the victims. He concludes with a discussion of how the multireligious nature of Bosnian society has been a bridge between Christendom and Islam, symbolized by the now-destroyed bridge at Mostar. Drawing on historical documents, unpublished United Nations reports, articles from Serbian and Bosnian media, personal contacts in the region, and Internet postings, Sells reveals the central role played by religious mythology in the Bosnian tragedy. In addition, he makes clear how much is at stake for the entire world in the struggle to preserve Bosnia's existence as a multireligious society.
From Mark Potter:
Logavina Street: Life and Death in a Sarajevo Neighborhood  by Barbara Demick
Destination Sarajevo website:   https://sarajevo.travel  
Sarajevo Navigator iPhone app used during 2017 visit:   https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sarajevo-navigator/id1054780849?mt=8  
Other books and films about Sarajevo:
Featured Forum Articles:

Latin America Regional Report
By: Emilce Cuda

Para los teólogos eticistas de América Latina y el Caribe, Julio es un mes muy importante ya que nuestro próximo viaje a Sarajevo, al Congreso de la CTEWC , nos permitirá constituir nuestra identidad como eticistas católicos, fortalecer los lazos existentes entre los colegas de la región, y ampliar nuestra red de trabajo regional e internacional. La esperanza de que de este encuentro surgen nuevas líneas de trabajo conjunto, se consolidan posiciones morales que hagan frente común a las injusticias estructurales que dominan a nuestros pueblos, y se levanten voces que expresen y repliquen las palabras de nuestro actual Papa Francisco, es lo que guía nuestro viaje hasta Bosnia. En vistas al congreso, distintos eticistas de los diferentes países de la región ya han realizado reuniones previas donde poco a poco ya se fueron estableciendo lazos y lineamientos que serán compartidos con la comunidad internacional de eticistas en Sarajevo.

Laudato Si sigue siendo en la región el tema número de 1 de debate, no solo en claustros confesionales sino también laicos. La última encíclica social denuncia el peligro que corre la vida en nuestra casa común y despierta el compromiso en sectores no necesariamente al catolicismo. Los eticistas de cada uno de nuestros países están siendo convocados por distintos organismos internacionales a instituciones académicas, sindicales y sociales para dar su aporte de interpretación. En ese orden, El CERAS de París ha realizado en el mes de Junio una reunión internacional de investigadores especialistas en distintas áreas para evaluar las condiciones de "El trabajo después de Laudato Si", con la finalidad de elaborar un informe que será puesto en común en mayo de 2019 como aporte a la OIT (organización Internacional del Trabajo). Del mismo participaron por América Latina tres académicos, un sociólogo mexicano, una economista nicaragüense, y una eticista argentina, Emilce Cuda.

La SOTER (Sociedad de Teología de Ciencia de la Religión) de Brasil, realizará entre el 10 y el 13 de Julio de 2018 el 31 CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DA SOTER, cuyo tema este año será el nuestro: Religion, Etica y Politica. Del mismo participaron como conferencistas magistrales varios miembros de nuestra la CTEWC, comenzando por su presidente, César Kuzman, pero incluyendo también a Alex Villa Boas, Emilce Cuda, Stephen Pope, Elio Gasda, Emilce Cuda. El mismo se llevará a cabo en la ciudad brasilera de Belo Horizonte.

La SBTM (Sociedad de Teologos Moralistas de Brasil) nos comunica el 3 CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE DOCTRINA SOCIAL DE LA IGLESIA/ LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS A LA LUZ DE LA DOCTRINA SOCIAL DE LA IGLESIA , que se realizará entre el 19 y el 21 de septiembre en San Pablo, organizado por: Unisal, PUC, SBTM, Red Lapsi, y CNBB.

La SAT (Sociedad Argentina de Teología) anuncia su semana anual entre el 18 y el 21 de septiembre de 2018 en Mendoza, Argentina. El tema será: "El Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí/ El Kairos del Espíritu en Jesús el Cristo". El actual presidente, José Carlos Caamaño, miembro de la CTEWC, impulsa -desde el plano de una ética teológica social- la profundización de los estudios teológicos en el campo  de la cultura popular, a la luz de los evangelios, como aporte a comprender los clamores de los sectores más desprotegidos.

El Dr. Agustín Ortega Cabrera Ph. D., profesor e investigador de la Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE, Ecuador) estuvo en las Jornadas "Repensando la educación superior en Ecuador, América Latina y el Caribe". Organizadas por la Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de Ecuador (Senescyt). En donde presentó la ponencia "Educación desde el pensamiento latinoamericano y L. Proaño", que tuvo lugar en el Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales (IAEN, La Universidad de posgrado del estado ecuatoriano). Fue en el Panel 22, Pueblos originarios, culturas y educación superior, justo el día de la celebración Mundial del Medio Ambiente.

Asia Regional Report
By: Emilce Cuda

Association of Moral Theologians of India (AMTI)
Annual Meeting and Conference
19-21 October 2018
Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Bengaluru 560029
Liberative Ethics: Contextual Reflections from India
The annual meeting and conference of the Association of Moral Theologians of India (AMTI) shall take place from 19 to 21 October 2018 at Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Bengaluru.
Theme: "Liberative Ethics: Contextual Reflections from India."
In spite of the progress that India has made, a considerable number of Indians remain poor, oppressed and discriminated. We believe that liberation from oppression, exploitation and discrimination was central to Jesus' message. How does this liberative message challenge the Indian situation? How do the poor, the oppressed and the discriminated see and experience the liberating message of Jesus? How does the liberative message of Jesus inspire our moral theological reflection, teaching and action? In our ministry as ethicists, do we have a 'preferential option' for the poor?
In the Indian context, we may find discrimination and oppression in different forms and ways: Economic poverty; discrimination based on caste, gender, religion, language; exploitation of the masses by political parties; unjust and exploitative structures, etc.
Papers are invited on ethical perspectives on any of such oppression, discrimination or exploitation. Although papers on ethical perspectives in general are welcome, papers on particular contexts or issues are preferred. Besides Plenary sessions, there shall be panel discussions, poster presentations and group discussions. Proposals for papers and posters shall be sent to the secretary latest by July 15, 2018.
Shaji George Kochuthara (President) (Email: [email protected])
Augustine Kallely (Secretary) (Email: [email protected])

Joint Diploma in Integral Ecology 
The Pontifical Universities of Rome now offers a one year joint diploma in Integral Ecology.

In This Issue
Fellowships and Grants
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Send us your announcements, job postings, recent publications, etc. Submit here.

Browse Resources
Check out fellowship, conference announcements, calls for papers, publications, etc.  Visit the resource page.

Jim Keenan S.J.



Jacob McErlean


([email protected])