October 27 | 4-5:30pm
Trunk or Treat is right around the corner! Hennepin Avenue UMC will host hundreds of kids from the church and neighborhood for this family-friendly event. Help us make this celebration a success by bringing extra candy to the East entry.

To volunteer for this great event, go to haumc.org/register to sign up to be a trunk host, help with indoor hospitality, or do face paintings. Share the event here.
Can You Help Give a Lift?
Hennepin Kids is blessed to have the Bagula family join us regularly as part of our worshiping community, and we need a team of drivers to make sure that they can continue to worship at Hennepin. This family arrived in the United States from a refugee camp last December, and they immediately developed relationships through Sunday School, worship, and summer camp experiences. A small group of Hennepin members has faithfully driven them to and from church on a weekly basis. One of their faithful drivers is currently unable to drive due to some health concerns. If you live on the east side of town, would you be willing to sign up one Sunday a month to drive this family so that they can continue to worship with us? If you can help, please contact Lynne Carroll at lynne@haumc.org.
For any questions regarding Children & Family Ministries,
please contact Lynne Carroll at lynne@haumc.org