Miami, FL
April 11, 2018
Volume IX | Issue No. 15
Effect of infants' (6-24 months) watching YouTube videos 
A study of 55 Indian children aged 6-24 months which studied infants watching videos and recorded the infants' ability to interact with a touch screen, to identify people and noted what attracted them most in the videos, indicates that while they are entertained; attracted to music at 6 months of age; appear interested in watching videos at 12 months and press buttons on a screen at 18 months, they do NOT appear to learn anything from the video.

R isk factors for hospitalization due to bacterial respiratory tract infections (bRTI) after tracheotomy
It appears from a retrospective study of 8009 children, 0-17 years of age who underwent tracheotomy that 36% have at least one bRTI which occurs more frequently in young (<30 days), Hispanic infants on Medicaid who have >2 chronic complex conditions and who are discharged home.

Enterovirus (EV) infection and subsequent risk of Kawasaki Disease (KD)
"The relationship between EV infection and KD is still unclear."

A follow-up population-based cohort study of 285,636 children with and without EV infection indicates that KD is significantly higher (56%) in EV-infected children, compared to those non-EV infected.

Did You Know? 
The Fetal Care Center at Nicklaus Children's Hospital
The Fetal Care Center at Nicklaus Children's Hospital
Childhood Obesity Facts 
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Commentary on same-and different-sex parent households

"Roughly 700,000 same-sex couples reside in the USA; approximately 130,000 of those are raising children younger than 18 years."

Recent studies have indicated no significant difference in children's general health, emotional adjustment, coping skills and educational outcomes compared to children from different-sex households.

Parenting stress among same-sex parents is greater however for a number of reasons (division of labor and maintenance of household, marriage recognition, employment status and homosexual stigmatization) in spite of the U.S. Supreme Court granting same-sex couples the right to marry in 2015.

Video Feature
Are children of same-sex parents disadvantaged?
Are children of same-sex parents disadvantaged?
A conservative approach to management of pneumatosis intestinalis (PI) in children >6 months of age

While PI in the premature infant is a pathognomonic sign of necrotizing enterocolitis, in others it may occur secondarily to life threatening bowel ischemia and sepsis. In infants and children it may also be an asymptomatic incidental finding. There appears to be no consensus regarding management or long-term outcomes of
infants /children with PI.

A retrospective review of 18 children (median age: 4.5 years) with radiologically confirmed PI outlines associated medical conditions and symptomatology. 33% present with abdominal distention, 22% with abdominal pain, 17% with bilious vomiting, 11% with diarrhea and 6% with rectal bleeding. 11% are asymptomatic.

It appears from a small clinical sample that PI in non-immunoincompetent children (who may or may not be asymptomatic) may be treated conservatively with good outcomes.

Archives of Disease in Childhood

See related video HERE and HERE.
Using the 24-hour weight (24-HW) as the reference for weight loss calculation in breastfeeding newborns 

"To promote exclusive breast feeding, supplements are not recommended without medical indication such as clinical evidence of dehydration." Normally after birth there is a physiological diuresis which in the first day of life amounts to approximately 5% of birth weight in the full term baby. For babies born by caesarian section, intravenous fluids given for maternal anesthesia may exacerbate placental fluid transfer and inflate the birth weight of the baby thereby increasing the apparent weight loss resulting in supplemental feeds being administered.

A retrospective chart review of 667 healthy full-term newborns delivered by caesarian section in 2, 12 monthly periods; one prior to and one after the introduction of using the 24-HW of the newborn as the babies baseline weight, indicates an overall a supplementation rate decrease from 43.6% to 27.4%, with no increase in maximum weight loss, total bilirubin level, or hospital length of stay.

Routine use of 24-HW as the reference for newborn weight loss calculation reduces supplementation rate without deleterious effect.

Antibody profile of Colostrum post-Holder pasteurization (HoP)

Donor milk (DM) is the preferred feed of preterm infants when a mother's own milk is unavailable (in spite of significant lactation support), primarily as it reduces the incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis and enhances feeding tolerance. Typically DM is pasteurized by using the Holder method (heating at 62.5 C for 30 minutes) to inactivate pathogenic microorganisms.

A study which evaluated the antibody profile of colostrum and their variations in level and specific reactivity following HoP indicates that relevant immunological components remain stable throughout the colostrum stage.
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