Vol. 9, Iss. 28
October 10, 2019
A message from the BFA PTO president, Mollie Anderson...

Dear Parents,

As we rapidly approach the 2019 BENefit Bash, I want to take a minute and thank you for your support of our school's primary fundraiser this year. The BENefit Bash, sponsored by the BFA Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), is one of the longest standing traditions at our school. Many of the newer families at BFA may not know this, but the first BENefit Bash was actually held months before we broke ground on the school back in 2011. Our school's current eighth grade class was the incoming kindergarten class. Over the years, funds raised at the BENefit Bash gave us the opportunity to purchase big items like playground equipment, books for the library, and the outdoor classroom as well as other items not incorporated into the annual staff budget, including classroom, curriculum, technology and program enhancements. It's the combination of all these things that help make and keep BFA the outstanding school that it is today.

Just like the incoming kindies have grown up over the last nine years, the Bash is growing up a little this year, too. What used to be the silent auction, available only if you purchased a ticket to and attended the main event, is now the online auction. Participation in the online auction, which will run from October 20-24, is free to anyone who registers at Most of the retail donated items and baskets will be available through the online auction. At the main event itself, the old pen and paper bid sheets are being replaced by mobile bidding. And, for the first time, we are now offering an official after party. Truth be told, we really wanted the BENefit Bash to have something for everyone and to be more inclusive of the varied interests of our school community.

This year, our goal is to raise enough funds to make enhancements to the outdoor classroom, such as adding a privacy fence and replacing the ground cover with artificial turf. Further, we hope to be able to continue to support BFA's programs such as Lexia and iReady, licensing for musical productions, performance costumes, as well as fulfill teacher and staff requests.

Additionally, the PTO is happy to announce that included in this year's online auction will be the option to contribute to eighth graders attending the Washington, D.C. trip. The funds collected through this online option will benefit all eighth grade students registered to participate in the trip in May of 2020. Anyone can register for the online auction including members outside of the BFA community. Proceeds from the Spirit Rock, October Spirit Night, and uniform buyback sales will be used to fund the PTO's small group grant account whose designated beneficiaries will be the students attending the Disney Choir Elective trip and students who are headed to the Destination Imagination (DI) Global competition. By offering these two options, we are pleased to help offset some of the costs of BFA's small groups as they go out and represent our fine school.

The BENefit Bash is just one of the things that makes our school community so special. And, like so many other things at BFA, we cannot do it alone. In 2011, and every year since, it has taken our community working together to achieve all of our lofty goals. By supporting each other and working together, I'm confident we can continue the traditions and practices that will promote the success of our students, staff, and school community.

We hope you've purchased your event tickets and plan to join us at one or more of the Bash events this year!


Mollie Anderson
President, Ben Franklin Academy Parent Teacher Organization

There will be  no school for students on Friday, Oct. 11 , as it is a comp day for our teachers. In addition, t here will be  no school from Oct. 14-18  for Fall Break.  Enjoy the long weekend and FALL BREAK!

girls volleyball champs 2019
Congratulations to BOTH of our LEAGUE CHAMPS-girls volleyball and boys soccer!
In girls volleyball, both the A team, coached by Mrs. Haufschild, and the B team, coached by Mrs. Murphy, had a terrific season and made it into the playoffs. The A team had a winning season, only losing two matches all fall--Coach Haufschild said they were an AWESOME group of athletes. The girls volleyball B Team made it to the finals on Tuesday and defeated SkyView Academy to WIN THE CHAMPIONSHIP!
Boys soccer champs 2019
The boys soccer teams also had a great season! The boys on the B team learned a lot from Coach Poleschook; the A team, coached by Ms. Svensen, defeated North Star Academy and made it to the finals this past Tuesday. During the finals, our boys defeated rival SkyView Academy 5-2 to become the LEAGUE CHAMPIONS once again!
GREAT JOB BOLTS! And, thanks to our coaches, as well as all the parents who supported us this season. 


We hope you'll join us at the 2019 BENefit Bash beginning at 
5 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 26, at Palazzo Verdi, and at 9 p.m. for the Casino Night After Party at Max Taps! There are many ticket options to choose from between two the different events, and even an absentee option if you can't attend. 
Purchase your tickets today at  before sales end on Saturday!
Main Event (Oct. 26, 5-9 p.m. at Palazzo Verdi) $50
After Party (Oct. 26, 9 p.m.-12 a.m. at Max Taps Co) $25
Main Event + After Party $70
VIP Ticket (Main Event + After Party, Reserved premium seating, early check in at main event, access to VIP lounge/bar) $100
Absentee Ticket $45
For more information on the BENefit Bash as well as more detailed explanations of the ticket options and packages,  go to the PTO  webpage  and look under 'Fundraising/BENefit Bash.'

Attention KINDERGARTEN FAMILIES - please help in carpool this October! To help fill crucial carpool volunteer roles, we're asking parents in each grade level to make a special effort to volunteer one month of the school year. In October, we'd like our kindie families to sign up for open volunteer spots in carpool.
Carpool volunteers are critical, and we need your support. Even if you don't have an kindergarten student, we still need you so please consider signing up today. Just log into HelpCounter and click on 'Check for Upcoming Opportunities.'

Each month, a volunteer will be randomly chosen through a drawing to win a fun, surprise gift. All you have to do to be eligible to win, is log at least ONE hour of volunteer service in the month prior to the drawing.
This month, Marta and Paul Cicero are the winners of the PTO's drawing for her volunteer time in September. They have won a $10 gift card to Einstein's. Congratulations, Marta and Paul! And, thank you again for your time and effort at BFA.

Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled again tonight, Oct. 10; but due to the weather conditions, we plan to END CONFERENCES at 6:30 p.m. 

Parents of kids in grades K-4 have been sent a sign up by their teacher, and should have chosen a time to meet with their student's teacher. Please show up on time, and do your best to stay within the time frame allotted for your meeting. You are welcome to schedule a follow up discussion, if needed.
Fifth grade will offer 'drop in' conferences in the Sanders Science Lab, so feel free to come by any time between 4:15 - 6:30 p.m. Teachers will take a half hour break for dinner from 5:30 - 6 p.m. Please note, if your fifth grade teacher is not back in the science lab by 6 p.m., it may be because they were delayed in going to dinner.  
Sixth, seventh, and eighth grade teachers will be available to meet with parents in the Thunder (large) Gym from 4:15 until 6:30 p.m. Parents are welcome to come by during that time and talk to their student's teachers. The teachers will take a half hour break for dinner from 5:30 - 6 p.m. Please note, if your middle school teacher is not back in the Gym by 6 p.m., it may be because they were delayed in going to dinner. Kindly keep your discussions with the teacher to 10 minutes so all parents are able to meet with each teacher.

BFA's Fall Scholastic Book Fair will be open for one more day! Shop the Book Fair TODAY until 6:30 p.m. ( Please remember that the front office is closed during carpool from 3 to 4 p.m.)
If you visit the fair, please take time to enter your child's name in a drawing to be held after the fair, as we will be giving away great books and fun miscellaneous items!

We look forward to seeing you there! 

PTO Trucker Hat
The PTO will be selling spirit wear from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. at parent teacher conferences tonight, so come ready to make your purchases-- credit cards, cash, and check accepted.
This will be your last chance to purchase new spirit wear items until the spring!

BENefit Bash

The BENefit Bash Procurement Team has been working hard on donation items for the online, mobile and live auctions. Registration is FREE! This year's online auction will include the majority of the retail, donated items that previously were only available at the main event.
The auction opens at 8 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 20, and closes at 9 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24. Closing times for the online auction are staggered with the first category closing at 8 p.m. and the last category closing at 9 p.m.
Auction item distribution will take place from 4:30 - 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 29, in the BFA Middle School Commons.

Each year the CEC coordinates an outreach project to support Veterans in our community. This year we will be collecting gloves/mittensscarves, fleece blankets and hand/toe warmers for the VA Hospital from Oct. 21 - Nov. 11. Please place your donation in the designated boxes in the front hallway and label your item(s) with your student's name and grade. The grade with the most donations will receive a special treat!

Please join members of the School Accountability Committee (SAC)  for their next meeting from 4:30-5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24, in the BFA Conference Room. They'll be reviewing the parent communication and scheduling policies. In addition, attendees will get an update about what's happening at the District Accountability Committee. All are welcome!
Contact Cindy Brawley for more information.

BENefit Bash

You can help earn a Dress of Choice Day for your student AND gain access to the online auction. Simply login to the BENefit Bash Online Auction at and register for FREE. Complete your registration by Thursday, Oct. 24, to help qualify your student(s) for an extra dress of choice day. Each K-5 class or Middle School grade with more than 75 percent parent registration will earn an extra Dress of Choice day during the second trimester!  

The Pathway To Learning Bricks are BACK! The PTO will be offering opportunities during ALL of the electronic BENefit Bash auctions (online, mobile and last chance) for families to purchase a commemorative brick for placement in front of the school alongside the existing bricks. This is a great way to leave a lasting memory of your time at our school. 

Purchased bricks are scheduled to be installed Spring 2020 prior to the last day of school. To purchase, simply login/register at

It's time to start getting excited about the BFA Veterans Day celebration taking place at school on Monday, Nov. 11! However, in order to make this years event successful, we need YOUR help. If you want a fun way to earn your volunteer hours, please visit our SignUp Genius!

Veterans Slide Show
We are collecting digital pictures of veterans for our annual slide show. The students always enjoy seeing their loved ones honored on the big screen at the assemblies! You may email your picture to Julie Roper here. Please include the following information in your email:
  • Veteran's Name
  • Branch of the Military
  • Rank
  • Years of Service
  • Name of BFA Student
  • Relationship to Student
  • Student Grade 
In addition, we'd love for students to share a favorite story or memory and/or tell us why they would like to honor their veteran. Also, please let us know if your veteran will be in attendance on November 11!  Please email your photos  no later than Friday, Oct. 25,  to be included in the slide show.
Assembly Programs and Veterans Reception
We invite you to join us at our Veterans Day assemblies at 8:45 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 11, at BFA. (Please note the slight time change.) A reception will be held for veterans in between the two assemblies in the Sanders Science Lab.

Please invite the veterans in your family or neighborhood to attend - it's great for BFA students to be able to honor these veterans at school! Parents, please mark your calendars and plan to attend, as the more  parents and families we have there to honor the veterans, the more meaningful the assemblies will be!
Veterans Wall of Honor
Families who would like to submit information sheets about loved ones who are veterans can download the form  herePlease return it to school no later than Friday, Nov. 1.

If you have any questions, please email the CEC.

The next Box Tops collection day is Wednesday, Oct. 23. So, gather up your Box Tops over break, and send them into school. You can put them in a sealed plastic baggie and send them in with your kiddo. Happy clipping!
Also, please remember to scan your receipts with the Box Tops app. We have earned more than $80 so far this year thanks to the parents using the app!
If you have questions, email Alaina Tinney, Box Tops committee chair. 

The next BFA Board of Directors meeting is from 5:30 - 8 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 22. The agenda will be posted on the Board webpage 24 hours in advance of the meeting. All are welcome to attend the meeting or use the call-in number on the top of the agenda to listen to the meeting.

Have a birthday coming up? Is your child celebrating something special? Or, do you just want to cheer on the Bolts? Rent the rock and shout out your news! The spirit rock is an opportunity to share exciting events with our school community by painting your own message. The daily rate to rent the rock is $15. 

ALL proceeds directly benefit the PTO's grant account, that will be used to support BFA's small group fundraising.
Want to rent the Rock? Here's how:
Step 1: Reserve the date you want by visiting the 'Rent the Rock'  SignUpGenius . Rock reservations are on a first come, first serve basis, so make your reservations NOW!

Step 2: Pay for your reservation through  MySchoolBucks . Payment is due when the reservation is made.
Have questions? You can find answers to frequently asked questions on the PTO  webpage, or  contact  Sara Hope, spirit rock committee manager.
Thursday, Oct. 10

BFA's Fall Scholastic Book Fair will be open until 6:30 p.m. tonight, Oct. 10.  ( Please remember that the front office is closed during carpool from 3 to 4 p.m.

Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held tonight, Oct. 10.  Parents of kids in grades K-4 have been sent a sign up by their teacher; f ifth grade will offer 'drop in' conferences in the Sanders Science Lab between 4:15 - 6:30 p.m.; and s ixth, seventh, and eighth grade teachers will be available to meet with parents in the Thunder (large) Gym from 4:15 until 6:30 p.m.

The teachers will take a half hour break for dinner from 5:30 - 6 p.m. 

BFA's Finance Committee will meet from 6-8 p.m. tonight, Oct. 10, in the BFA Conference Room. All welcome to attend.
Oct. 11- 18

There will be no school for students on Friday, Oct. 11, as it is a comp day for our teachers. In addition, there will be  no school from Oct. 14-18 for Fall Break. Enjoy the long weekend and FALL BREAK!  
Additional Upcoming Events: BFA Calendar
Middle School:  Athletics 
Ben Franklin Academy
2270 Plaza Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Main Office: (720) 383-4519 
Attendance: (720) 432-9239 
Fax: (303) 974-1738
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, and literacy. We will be a data driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering the arts, sports, nature, and character.
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.