Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics
Food Security Group
Quarterly Updates, September 2018

MSU Food Security Group (FSG) invites you to read its latest news and to browse its faculty's publications and presentations.
What's FSG's lead project?
The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy (FSP)
In 3 minutes, this overview video explains what we do, with the example of a policy reform in Zambia. MSU FSG leads this project in collaboration with IFPRI and the University of Pretoria. FSG faculty M. Maredia is FSP's Director.

FSG faculty wins a $1.2 million award: The Evaluation of the Marketplace for Nutritious
Foods Program
The objective of this project is to increase the capacity and willingness of consumers, especially low-income consumers, to acquire and consume more nutritious foods. Lead PI is FSG faculty D. Tschirley.

FSG joins the “Partnership for Enabling Market Environments for Fertilizer in Africa (PEMEFA)”
Project goal: To transform African agriculture and smallholder farmers’ livelihoods by improving access to and use of fertilizers by establishing comprehensive, relevant, and robust national and regional fertilizer policies and regulatory frameworks that facilitate increased private sector investment and participation in fertilizer value chains. FSG faculty member: N. Mason.

"Why the Influence of Agricultural Policy Research is Probably Greater than We Think?"
An Agrilinks blog by FSG faculty T. Jayne, T. Reardon, M. Maredia and D. Tschirley: There are at least three categories of impactful policy-oriented research that development organizations should be promoting,

FSG faculty C. Donovan is Deputy Director of the newly awarded Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Legume Systems Research.
Le d by MSU, this $13.6 million project is supported by USAID. This new award is the continuation of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Grain Legumes, which was also led by MSU, with several FSG faculty members contributing.

"The Transformation of Rural Africa," a new book edited by
FSG faculty T.S. Jayne with Jordan Chamberlin, and Rui Benfica
This edited collection provides a micro economic foundation for understanding the particular growth processes at work within sub-Saharan Africa
rural areas.

FSP policy research framework is applied to food security policies in Zambia: A publication in World Development explains how.
How the Kaleidoscope Model framework has
been used toward food security policy reforms
in Zambia? A publication led by IFPRI partner
D. Resnick.

FSG faculty at ICAE 2018
See our presentations and workshops from the 30th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, July 28-Augsut 2, 2018 in Vancouver.

In-memoriam: Bino Témé
“Bino was an outstanding scholar, mentor, and administrator,” said AFRE chairperson Titus Awokuse. “His many colleagues will miss his keen insights, strong sense of partnership and wonderful sense of humor.”

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