In this month's edition we help you: Get smart with cable, invite you to join us and AtlasIED for our next Lunch and Learn, take a new look at unemployment, and provide solutions to stay safe and secure.
How the heck did that happen?
Did you wake up today asking that question like I did? How the heck is it already October? Summer was just here a moment ago!
If you're someone that pays closer attention to the dates than I do you also know what a tight spot we're in when it comes to attracting the right talent these days. Through our piece featuring our friends at Beyond Vision, we'd like to share an idea that may help you overcome your staffing challenges. I hope it opens your eyes to what can happen if you step outside the box... spoiler alert, they're beginning to say there is no more box anymore.
Best to you,  
CAN bus

It's not just buildings that are getting smarter, your vehicles are too!


Join us at next month's Lunch and Learn- We're featuring AtlasIED.


With Wisconsin's unemployment rate at an all-time low, sometimes you must get creative to find ways to improve your work flow.  

Safe &

Check out how AtlasIED effectively uses building communication systems while also helping to maintain a safe work environment with their industry-leading IP communication solutions.

Don't forget to register for next month's Lunch & Learn. You won't want to miss it!
Capital Electric Wire & Cable | 800-227-9473 | [email protected] |  Capital-Electric