Many of my clients have asked my thoughts and advice regarding the Corona-virus. Many of you also know my position on and my passionate learning and educating others on the role that pathogens play with many of our current chronic and devastating illnesses. Whether you believe it is intentionally spread (I highly recommend the book BITTEN by award winning science writer at Stanford University, Kris Newby for some eye opening and historically verified accounts on that subject), or that it is a complex virulent evolutionary process expressing all on its own, this virus will continue to spread and leave its mark in the world.
If you wish to closely track cases both here and abroad, I recommend this  Online Dashboard  from Johns Hopkins University which adds cases as they are announced. Their Resource Center is very informative as well.

Here are some thoughts I'd like to share at this time. I love to chase and discover the WHY of illness, but at times like this... WHAT TO DO, is fundamental.
As I review published epidemiological data and various media reports (not the fake ones), I share the broad concerns regarding the potential negative impacts of the developing COVID-19 pandemic and are taking measures to mitigate these for myself, my family and patients.
This update summarizes my efforts to keep you informed and to provide clinical support and answer commonly asked questions.

Many of the companies that I am affiliated with are implementing several immediate action plans to respond to the significant increase in orders for products that support immune function. Many companies are increasing production capacity and accelerating the inventory replenishment cycle for all products in this category. They are doing their best to meet the sudden demand increase but have to acknowledge that some of the products and procurement of the ingredients used to manufacture them have fairly long lead times. It is impossible to precisely predict the extent and timing of the demand increase.

As a practitioner that provides Science First guidance for my patients, I have developed an Acute Viral Protocol which outlines preventative measures, and specific product recommendations for immunity support. Log in to your Fullscript Online Dispensary account and search under Catalog and Favorites for the Acute Viral Protocol product recommendations. If any of those products are on back-order, contact me for the best available substitutions. All the teams from manufacturing to distribution are working overtime and tirelessly to fill orders to the best extent possible. If you do not have access and wish to do so, contact me for further instructions.

Today we must Spring Forward , and we must also plan ahead and take proactive measures. It can significantly influence severity and duration of infection, as well as reduce risk for transmission. I personally have an abundance of products, ready at my disposal when occurrences or emergencies come knocking. And they do, I can attest to that fact. I'm a huge proponent of READINESS .

Basic preventative measures and barrier strategies during these times are warranted especially if you need to travel and plan to be around dense populations.
The virus is known to spread through the breath, the mucous membranes including the eyes and other yet unknown routes. Usually from close person to person contact via respiratory droplets.
This means that we should keep our face protected. One strategy is using Anolyte Water spray frequently throughout the day on the face, the mouth, the hands and any other exposed surfaces. It is a naturally occurring substance produced in our bodies by our white blood cells. It is safe, non toxic and lethal to bacteria and viruses. Contact me for details to learn more and on how to procure a bottle. I source mine from the UK.
Antiviral essential oils in a spritzer bottle such as Oregano, Cinnamon and Frankincense along with colloidal silver are also great choices. I also recommend the use of non toxic, antimicrobial products such as CleanWell Natural Foaming Hand Sanitizer.

A variety of herbs, botanicals, and nutrients possess robust antiviral properties, and can improve immune function in the presence of a viral challenge however let's not forget the Power of Food.
Therapeutic Diet and Nutritional Considerations include:
  • Reduce dietary sugar and alcohol
  • Ensure adequate hydration with purified water and herbal medicinal teas
  • Eat culinary and medicinal mushrooms like Shiitake with immune boosting compounds
  • Add fresh garlic and onions to your diet which provide anti viral properties
  • Optimized Omega 3 Fatty Acids with wild caught fatty fish like salmon for their anti inflammatory benefits.

Include the following nutrients:
  • Zinc found in sea vegetables, beans and legumes
  • Vitamin A found in grass fed liver, cod liver oil and fatty fish
  • Vitamin C found in organic fruits and green leafy vegetables
  • Vitamin D found in fatty fish, egg yolks and mushrooms.
By providing foods with these nutrient profiles and with targeted nutritional compounds, we can support a robust immune system function.

I will continue to monitor the situation closely and continue to work to ensure consistency of supply through my online dispensary, the highest product quality standards, and a safe work environment to my clients. Feel free to contact me for clinical support or for any specific questions you may have.

Lastly, I am implementing a Hand Shake Free Zone at my office and have updated it in my Policies and Procedures. I will continue to operate with my uncompromising safety-first mindset.
Thank you, as always, for your support.
Please stay safe and be healthy.

Dr. Val