Volume XX | June 2019
Your monthly news & updates
OH NO! Another Ageless Beauty treatment modality ! LIGHTWAVE Topical Light Infusion!
Upcoming Events
New Jade Stone Face lift Class with more techniques on scalp massage and Lymphatic facial drainage. PLUS a new stone , much easier to hold and more options to work on other parts of your body.
Classes are filling up, limited seat.

June 4th, Tuesday at 6:00 pm
June 8th, Saturday at 10:00 am
Fee: $49.00
Since there is new information, there is no refresher class. Everybody gets a new stone

CALL or TEXT to reserve your spot
Are you coming to my event?
Winds of Change

06/04/19 6:00pm - 06/04/19 8:00pm

JadeStone Face Lift Class
I'll be there!
I can't make it
Are you coming to my event?
Winds of Change

06/08/19 10:00am - 06/08/19 12:00pm

Saturday Jade Stone Facelift Class
I'll be there!
I can't make it
A year ago I was the first in Whittier to offer the DEP treatments, and it is still my clients favorite for skin firming and neck tightening treatment. Plus I see the GLOW, due to the infusion of the collagen and growth factors deeper into the skin

NOW I have the LIghtwave based on pure Red, and Blue LED light therapy. Plus the Infrared light waves all separate light wave forms. Most machines have a combination of all light waves. I am the only one in Whittier offering this Lightwave treatment. This is NOT a Laser, It is a natural Light therapy that stimulates your body's own repair process to accelerate the replenishment of collagen and elastin and reconstruction of damaged tissue.
Click on the Additional resources to see a short
video on Why I had to get this machine for YOU!

Don't Miss out for June specials
LightWave Special
Valid through Jun 29, 2019
Click on the link for more information on LightWave
LightWave works well as a Prep before using any of the other modalities I use with your facial. LightWave plus DEP Awesome! Clients who tried said they can feel their skin feel tighter. I also purchased the pads so I can place them on your chest or hands for extra skin rejuvenation. As soon as I get the Topical Infusions in, I can start customizing LightWave Anti-age treatments. I hope you get as excited as I did adding this to our Ageless Beauty treatments.

Link to additional resources