Communicate 58
News from Downers Grove Grade School District 58
Vol. 9 Issue 10
Thursday, May 10, 2018

District 58 is proud to celebrate its 640 employees during Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week from May 7-11! District 58 is very fortunate to employ skilled staff who work hard each day to educate every child. Thank you, District 58 staff, for your many contributions! 

District 58 invites the community to honor a special teacher or staff member with a Green Apple Award this spring.

  Learn more.  
Highland second grader wins National PTA Reflections award
Highland sixth grader earns State Honorable Mention

Congratulations to Asha Gigani, Highland second grader, for winning an Award of Excellence from the National PTA Reflections contest!

This is the highest award that the Reflections program gives. Asha is one of only three primary students in the nation to receive this particular award, and she is one of only four students from Illinois to receive any national award.

"I was surprised to learn that I won, and I was really proud that I made it to nationals," Asha said.

In addition, congratulations to Ellie Legare, Highland sixth grader, for receiving an Honorable Mention at the State PTA Reflections contest. 

Congrats, Select 58 eighth graders! 

District 58 celebrated this year's Select 58 recipients at a formal awards banquet at Herrick Middle School on Wednesday, May 9. Select 58 is an Education Foundation of Downers Grove District 58 program that honors 58 eighth graders (29 from Herrick; 29 from O'Neill) who provide outstanding service to their school and community.

District seeks applicants for anticipated Board member vacancy

The District 58 Board of Education seeks to appoint a community member to an anticipated vacant Board member position. 

Interested applicants can complete an application online or obtain one in person at the Administrative Service Center, 1860 63rd St. Applications are due Thursday, June 7 by 4 p.m.

In Our Schools
Herrick students advance to state science fair

Congratulations to Charisse and Elisenda, Herrick eighth graders, for advancing to the Illinois State Science Expo! Their project, "Audio, Visual & Written Learning Styles," was the only District 58 Science Fair project to advance to this level. The Illinois Science Expo annually selects the top Science Fair projects from students in grades 7-12 across the state to compete. Great work, girls!
El Sierra, Kingsley, Pierce Downer and Whittier students win fire safety contest

Click the above image to view a short video on the Learn Not to Burn contest.
Four District 58 third graders won this year's DG Fire Department's Home Fire Escape Plan contest. 

The winners are:  Noah O. from Kingsley, Noelle K. from Whittier, Sajan K. from Pierce Downer, and Trent S. from El Sierra. Thank you, students, for your commitment to fire safety!

O'Neill student receives American Legion award

Ensara poses with an American Legion member (left) and social studies teacher Mr. Jones (right). 
Congratulations to Ensara, an O'Neill eighth grader, for winning the local Post 80 American Legion Speech Contest. 
The contest asked youth to speak on the U.S. Constitution for 3-6 minutes. Ensara is a devout Muslim and an immigrant who faced marginalization in her native country. She chose to talk about the importance of the First Amendment and her freedom of religion, using her personal experiences to guide her speech.  Great job, Ensara!
Herrick and O'Neill robotics clubs excel 

Herrick and O'Neill's Robotics Clubs took home two awards each during the recent University of Illinois Extension/4-H Robotics Challenge. 

Herrick received the Team Spirit Award and the Most Creative Award. O'Neill won the Teamwork Award and the Judge's Choice Award. Great work! 

One of a Million Project features Hillcrest teacher

The One of a Million Project recently published an interview honoring Hillcrest sixth grade teacher John Smoke for his contributions to the classroom and community.

Community member Gina Graham started the One of a Million Project this year to document inspirational community members. Mr. Smoke was among her first three featured! 

(scroll down to access it!)
Lester's Mix-It-Up Day featured on WGN

Lester's Our American Voice Club hosted their second Mix-It-Up Day during lunchtime on Thursday, May 3. Students were randomly assigned to different lunch tables, with the aim of getting the kids to interact with and befriend new people. They had a great time! 

They were joined by their teachers, principal, assistant principal, Superintendent Dr. Kari Cremasoli and Rep. David Olsen. Plus, WGN Reporter Erin Ivory stopped by and interviewed several students and Ms. Doreen Arlow, a Lester fifth grade teacher and Our American Voice Club sponsor. 

O'Neill Scholastic Bowl team earns second place

O'Neill's Scholastic Bowl team scored second place in the Class AA State Regionals! Scholastic Bowl is a team-based academic competition, during which students compete to answer questions relating to core academic areas. Nice work to the award-winning Scholastic Bowl team: Zach, Connor, Taran, Sophie, Matt, Leka and Ashley!

Indian Trail staff inspires students with chalk art

Indian Trail staff arrived at school early on April 26 to write a series of inspirational quotes in chalk on the blacktop and sidewalk. When the kids arrived, they were greeted with a happy and positive message. They were so surprised! What a great way to start the day! Thanks, Indian Trail staff, for spreading the seeds of kindness!

Belle Aire third graders share learning at Invention Convention

Belle Aire third graders are learning about "Advancements in Technology" through the new Benchmark Advance ELA resource.

They recently culminated the unit by hosting an exciting Invention Convention! Students researched an inventor, wrote and presented a first-person speech, and created a replica of the inventor's most famous invention! Here are some photo highlights. Great work, Belle Aire third graders!

Kingsley receives nearly 400 new books, thanks to successful PTA book fair

The Kingsley PTA wrapped up its final Scholastic Book Fair of the year during Open House last week. This twice-annual fair earned the PTA more than $5,700 Scholastic dollars! This reward is accumulated when Kingsley students buy and bring books home with them. The rewards were used to donate more than 300 books to the school; in addition, Kingsley families donated more than 80 books directly to classroom libraries during the book fair. Thank you, Kingsley PTA! 

Lester history featured on  local TV program

Lester Principal   Carin Novak  was featured on a DGTV Channel 6 television program describing the history of Lester School and Fred Lester, the school's namesake. 

This program was produced through a combined effort among   Carin Novak /Lester School, the Village of Downers Grove, Joyce Tumea, the Downers Grove Lions Club, and Lois Starba of the DG Historical Society. 

Belle Aire dazzles audience during Variety Show

Belle Aire students wowed the crowd at The Tivoli during the school's annual Variety Show this spring. 

Students shared their many, many creative talents as they performed, sang, danced, acted and more! Thank you, Belle Aire PTA, for hosting such a great experience for the students!

ACE Stampede promotes character at
El Sierra, Fairmount, Hillcrest and Kingsley
More than 100 Downers Grove South student athletes recently visited  El Sierra, Fairmount, Hillcrest and Kingsley for the ACE Stampede. "ACE" stands for Athletes Committed to Excellence.

Each ACE athlete has committed to being a responsible and dedicated student leader on and off the field of play, while also remaining alcohol and drug free. Groups of ACE students visited classrooms to perform presentations from the Character Counts program, with a goal of reinforcing and demonstrating character through their skits, songs and actions. The high school students presented a message that character counts at every age. Thank you, DGS students!
Community E-flyers
In this issue
Happy Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week, District 58!
Highland second grader wins National PTA Reflections award
Congrats, Select 58 eighth graders!
District seeks applicants for anticipated Board member vacancy
Herrick students advance to state science fair
El Sierra, Kingsley, Pierce Downer and Whittier students win fire safety contest
O'Neill student receives American Legion award
Herrick and O'Neill robotics clubs excel
One of a Million Project features Hillcrest teacher
Lester's Mix-It-Up Day featured on WGN
O'Neill Scholastic Bowl team earns second place
Indian Trail staff inspires students with chalk art
Belle Aire third graders share learning at Invention Convention
Kingsley receives nearly 400 new books, thanks to successful PTA book fair
Lester history featured on local TV program
Belle Aire dazzles audience during Variety Show
ACE Stampede promotes character at El Sierra, Fairmount, Hillcrest and Kingsley
Community E-flyers
Board of Education news
Board Preview
Upcoming Board meetings
Jobs at District 58
District 58 shares points of pride
58 Doing Good - Indian Trail
Reminder: Register by May 18!
Register for summer sports
District 58 on social media

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News from the Board of Education

The Board of Education held a Budget Workshop on Monday, April 23. The meeting reviewed the District's finances and facilities. It also covered the anticipated Board member vacancy and a strategic planning update. 

Board Preview - May 14 meeting

The Board of Education will hold a regular business meeting on Monday, May 14 at 7 p.m. at Downers Grove Village Hall. 

The agenda will include a spotlight on the District's technology refresh plan for the 2018-19 school year and a vote on the District 58 Strategic Plan, among other items. The agenda will be posted on BoardDocs on May 11.
Upcoming Board meetings

Monday, May 14
7 p.m.
Regular Board Meeting at the DG Village Hall

Tuesday, May 15
7 a.m.
Policy Committee Meeting at the ASC

Thursday, May 24
7 a.m.
Meet & Confer Committee Meeting at Longfellow

Monday, June 11
7 p.m.
Regular Board Meeting at DG Village Hall
Jobs at District 58

jobs_and_careers.jpg District 58 is hiring several teaching and staff positions for the 2018-19 school year! We seek dedicated, passionate and hard-working staff to serve our students. Does this sound like you? 

District 58 shares points of pride

District 58 was proud to partner with nearby school districts 60, 61, 66, 68 and 99 during the second annual Realtor Breakfast on April 26.

During the event, District 58 shared its new Points of Pride flyer with local realtors. The flyer provides an at-a-glance look at District 58 achievements.

58 Doing Good

Indian Trail creates birthday bags

The Indian Trail community donated cake mix, party bags, sprinkles, paper goods and more to the Student Council, who assembled the donations into "birthday bags." They donated these birthday bags to the Humanitarian Service Project to help children in need have a happy birthday.

Reminder: Register by May 18!

More than 50 percent of returning students have submitted their 2018-19 school year registration. Have you?

To help plan staffing for the upcoming school year, the District requests that parents register their children by Friday, May 18. Registration information was emailed to all parents on April 16. 

Register for
summer sports

Herrick and O'Neill will offer several summer sports camps for incoming fifth-through-eighth graders who reside within District 58 boundaries.

District Calendar

Thursday, May 10
5:30-7 p.m.
Extend Program Open House at Pierce Downer

Tuesday, May 15
3:45-5:30 p.m.
Distinguished Service Awards Ceremony at Ashyana Banquets

Monday, May 26
Memorial Day - No School

Tuesday, June 5
Last day of school - Half day for students
(11:40 a.m. dismissal for elementary students; 11:53 a.m. for middle school)

Monday, June 11
District 58 Summer School starts


The mission of District 58, in partnership with parents and community, is to challenge and engage each child by providing quality educational programs and support services in a safe, nurturing, and child-centered environment in order to prepare all students to be lifelong learners and contributing members of a global society.  
Communicate 58 shares timely, relevant information about District 58 with parents, community members and others who are interested in how we are living out our mission. If you have any questions/comments regarding Communicate 58, or have an article/photo idea for the publication, please contact Community Relations Coordinator Megan Hewitt at or 630-719-5805.