Volume 10, Issue 104 | June 2018 View as Webpage
Happy Summer!

I hope this newsletter finds you in a good part of your day!

Our theme this month is about the power and importance of role confidence. It's something that ebbs and flows for EVERYONE and something we don't talk about it very much. Role confidence is crucial to job success and daily happiness. In the article below I share reminders and simple, but impactful steps anyone can take to 'keep their swagger strong!' (Note: Swagger is good thing! I explain below.)
Improve Role Confidence and Swagger and Win Like Baseball's Rookie of the Year!
How confident are you in your job? Are you calm, self-assured and focused? When the pressure's on - do you KNOW that you will succeed and do great work? On a scale 1 to 10, with 10 being 'perfect' - how would you rate yourself at this moment?

If you scored less than a '10' right now, or you know someone else who's 'lost their swagger', do you know the best way to quickly improve?

First, know that not having a perfect role 'confidence and swagger score' is normal! If you're consistently learning, evolving and growing, and opening yourself to personal and professional expansion, you're going to have dips in confidence. 

Next, recall that there are so many benefits to having high role 'confidence and swagger'. It helps you perform at your best and makes you more resilient. Also, you're better at managing your time and priorities when it's high. It's key to creating wake up days where you're full of energy and motivation.  (On the flip side - ongoing low role confidence leads to high stress, scattered thinking and dread-filled days.) 

It's important to:
  1. Take note regularly of where you are confidence-wise (high or low)
  2. Remember that it's normal for your role confidence to fluctuate
  3. Know that you can take action to smooth out your highs and lows

What High Role Confidence Looks Like & Why It Matters... At an Atlanta Braves Baseball game, many years ago, I witnessed high role confidence in action. And when I saw it, I knew what the outcome would be.  I don't know a lot about baseball, but I do know what high role confidence looks like and how much it impacts performance, through my use of the science in the TriMetrix Assessment, a tool we use when coaching professionals and in assessing candidates for clients.

With that knowledge in mind, as I watched a baseball game in person, I found it EASY to predict that the Atlanta Braves would STOP their weekend losing streak against the Dodgers. What did I see and how did I know the Braves would win? Continue Reading and Discover Tools to Help Your/Other's Score
What's New - Wake Up Eager Workforce Podcast
We've been adding downloadable transcripts for each our detailed podcasts. Use them for training and development and to ingrain information that's important to you. Check them out on our Podcast Directory Page, here .

While you're there, download our complimentary iPhone or Android App, and listen to our latest episode: #43 What to Do When I'm Angry... an interview with best selling author, John Lee. (Learn the Five Step Detour Method - a key process you can use to help express anger appropriately.)

I Have a Favor to Ask: If you've listened to our podcasts and they've benefited you in some way, could you take a moment and leave a review for us on iTunes? It will help others find us. Thank you!
This Month - A Just for Fun Video...
Our theme this month is about the importance of role confidence and swagger for success and happiness, and how to improve it. 

In this sweet video - kids remind us of the power of confidence in life. It's something simple and profound, that we could forget sometimes.

Suzie Price | Priceless Professional Development | 770-578-6976|