Dear golf course owners and operators,

The 2020 summer season has taught us to adapt to change and we must admit that the developments of the last few days regarding the pandemic remind us that the situation is far from being restored and that caution is still required to ensure the health and safety of all.

The golf industry, particularly golf clubs, has acted responsibly since last spring. It is imperative that we continue to do so in the final weeks of the season. Let's continue our joint efforts.

The government announced the intensification of measures in the identified red zones. With these new guidelines in mind, here are some clarifications regarding what this means for golf clubs:  

  • Closure of bars, terraces and clubhouse dining rooms. Temporary or impromptu terraces are prohibited.
  • The operation of the 9 ½ canteen and mobile canteen is allowed.
  • Take-out meal service is permitted, including the sale of alcohol.
  • The practice of individual sports is allowed in free practice. This means that all forms of organized events are prohibited.
  • Travelling between regions is not recommended to or from a red zone.

The Golf Industry Standing Committee is advocating for stricter measures to prevent the outbreak of COVID-19 in clubs. Here are a few reminders of other measures to be maintained and/or reinstated:

  • The distancing of two metres between golfers.
  • Wearing the mask at all times, even outdoors when physical distancing cannot be maintained.
  • Sanitary measures (frequent hand-washing and disinfection of surfaces).
  • Gatherings are prohibited.
  • Arrival of golfers no more than 30 minutes before their tee time.
  • Shotgun starts are still prohibited.

Should you have any questions, please contact:

NGCOA Canada, Québec 
Pierre Pelard, Regional Director
Tel. : 581-989-7600
Email :

Martin Ducharme
Tel.: 514 867-9993

PGA of Québec
Dominic Racine, Executive Director
Tel. : 514-252-2610

Golf Québec
François Roy, Assistant Executive Director
Tel. : 514-349-4653