February 26, 2020

Coronavirus Update 6
Dear San Marino Unified Staff, Students, Families, and Community,

We remain steadfast in our commitment to providing you information related to news and updates on the coronavirus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a telebriefing press conference yesterday afternoon and shared that the U.S. has been implementing a continued aggressive containment strategy that involves detecting, tracking, and isolating all cases of coronavirus (now also referred to as "COVID-19"). As a result, containment strategies in the U.S. have been largely successful. Continued instances of the coronavirus, however, continue to arise in other countries. In response to this, the CDC shared information about considerations to be taken by the United States to be prepared in the event that coronavirus becomes a more widespread issue than it has been for us in the States.

As of today, there are still very few cases in the U.S. and no spread of the virus in our Los Angeles County or San Marino community. In addition, the risk of transmission remains very low in the U.S. Correspondingly, California still only has 10 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with only 1 confirmed case in Los Angeles County and no instances of transmission.

In light of the CDC briefing, we wanted to let our community know that we will continue to closely monitor coronavirus developments daily to stay informed and to keep our community informed. In addition to receiving guidance from our District Nurse, we will continue to work closely with our Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and Office of Education and the California Department Public Health and Department of Education to receive continued direction, guidance, and support as new developments surrounding COVID-19 arise. 

We have a great working relationship with our county health officials and will continue our work with our County offices to establish protocols for our schools in the event that COVID-19 does spread in Los Angeles. We will absolutely share more information as the plan continues to develop. 

California's Department of Public Health has a great,  informative webpage that can be seen here , and the Department encourages students, parents, and staff to continue taking everyday preventive actions to prevent the spread of illness, including:
  • Staying home when sick
  • Washing hands frequently
  • Covering coughs with a sleeve or tissue
  • Having ample tissues within easy reach, as well as no-touch trash cans
  • Routinely cleaning frequently touched surfaces
  • Separating sick students and staff from others until they can go home
As always, you can access this and all other previous   updates and resources on our webpage that is dedicated to keeping our community informed on coronavirus developments. We thank you so much for continuing to keep your faith in our team as we continue to do all we can to ensure we have healthy learning environments for our students, staff, and schools. 


San Marino Unified School District



學區一直致力於為您提供關於冠狀病毒的新聞和更新信息。美國疾病控制與預防中心(CDC)昨天下午舉行了一個簡短的電視新聞發布會,並分享了美國一直在持續實施積極的遏制措施,其中包括檢測、跟踪和隔離所有的冠狀病毒病例(現也稱為" COVID" -19")。 結果表明,美國的遏制措施是很成功的。 然而,在其他國家持續出現冠狀病毒的病例。 對此,美國疾病預防控制中心分享了一旦冠狀病毒在美國廣泛傳播時,我們現在需要做哪些準備來應對。



我們與縣衛生官員保持著良好的工作關係,一旦證實COVID-19在洛杉磯蔓延,我們將繼續與縣衛生局合作為學校建立一套標準的應對流程。 隨著情況的不斷發展,我們一定會與您共享更多的相關信息。

加州公共衛生部提供了一個內容豐富的網頁,可以點擊 此處 打開,該部門鼓勵學生、家長和工作人員們繼續採取日常的預防措施,以預防疾病的傳播,其中包括:

  • 生病時待在家裡
  • 經常洗手
  • 咳嗽時用衣袖或紙巾遮住
  • 觸手可及的地方有足夠的紙巾,使用無接觸式垃圾桶
  • 定期清潔經常接觸的物體表面
  • 將生病的學生和教職員工與其他人隔離,直到他們回家

與往常一樣,您可以訪問學區的 網頁 ,獲取更新以及所有以前的更新和相關的資訊,以便讓我們的社區隨時了解冠狀病毒的發展。非常感謝您繼續保持對工作團隊的信任,我們將繼續竭盡所能地確保為學生、教職員工和學校提供一個健康的學習和工作環境。

