UC Procurement
April 2016
Power of our collective spend
In This Issue
UC Procurement Services P200 Program makes the shortlist in the Public Sector category for the 2016 World Procurement Awards! Read more
Bill Cooper - AVP CFO
Sponsor's Corner
As an organization that spans multiple locations, it may be easy for us to lose sight of our individual contributions toward systemwide changes. There are numerous examples of how campuses have and continue to propel the transformation of UC Procurement Services.  Read more  
Bill Cooper 
Associate Vice President  & Chief Procurement Officer
Meet the members of the Procurement Leadership Council (PLC)
Get to know more about the members of the PLC. A different PLC representative is featured in each issue of the newsletter. In this issue, learn more about Jacob Godfrey at UC Santa Barbara. Read more
The Big Chill: Get a deal on research lab ultra-low freezers

A collaboration between Fisher Scientific First for the UC, ThermoFisher Scientific has a deal that is so hot yet so cold- a new, energy-efficient, ultralow-temperature freezer to store research samples available for a special low-price until April 30, 2016. Read more
Valerie Vergara
Life Sciences Commodity Manager, Oakland
Collaboration paving the way: Procure-to-Pay optimization
Representatives from all ten campuses came together in February to share ideas and make recommendations on how to optimize Procure-to-Pay on behalf of the UC system. Read more
Faye McCullough
Risk mitigation trainings ramp up
Understanding how to mitigate risk for the University is extremely important to Procurement. Read about why the in-person Appendix DS training was so successful and how you can participate in upcoming training covering additional risk mitigation topics. 
Read more
Dianne Yoder
Systemwide Strategic Sourcing, Oakland
SCM helps Berkeley launch new service awards program
Service and retirement awards have long been a tradition at University of California campuses. Learn about the new service award program at UC Berkeley that came about through collaboration between HR and Supply Chain Management. Read more
Carol Tady
UC Berkeley/ UC San Francisco
Welcome new Procurement staff 
Our UC Procurement team is growing! Find out who's joined UC Systemwide Procurement Services at our numerous locations since October. Read more

Final Starlight Award nominations due to local PLC members by May 2nd 


Next Prevailing Wage Office Hours: 10-11am on May 4 & June 1. Contact for Ready Talk info.


Andrew Clark, UCB, worked on the BIDS Collaborative through the Berkeley Institute for Data Science. Check out the article starting at section 3.1

Need help or more information?

The next edition of the P200 newsletter will be sent in June 2016.