Acting Director David Do
On The Job Learning
I was delighted to engage with constituents during the recent Tele-Town Hall. The several hundred individuals who dialed in to listen, ask questions, and otherwise find out the latest updates from DFHV were inspiring. I was provided the opportunity to learn what issues our stakeholders feel are important; to hear the passion of for-hire drivers who are trying to make a decent living; and to attempt to resolve problems.
We are proceeding to remove many of the legacy rules that create a burden for our taxi drivers and deliver new streamlined procedures. We intend to learn what is working and what is not. We want your interaction with DFHV to be productive.
In a little over six months, I have learned a lot about the local for-hire industry. My objective is to continue to support our riders and operators to ensure
the District's for-hire industry is a leader in leveraging technology to support innovations that address market failures, and work together so we can make our rides more pleasant and our roads safer.
Acting DFHV Director Do joins staff for Bike To Work Day |