UC Procurement
March 2014
Power of our collective spend
In This Issue
P200 & UCM: 
Taking Procurement to the Next Level
Central Procurement Services at UC Merced is stepping up its efforts and far surpassing previously established goals as a result of two strategic and complementary initiatives: the Campus 2020 project and the Working Smarter P200 program. Both initiatives are creating transformational opportunities for the procurement services team to extend their core services and value offering in response to new challenges. Read more

Cindi Deegan, C.P.M.

UCM, Executive Business Services

Bill Cooper 8 Sponsor's Corner


I am excited to report we are on track to meet this year's financial goal of contributing $120 million in benefits in support of the University's core missions. While financial benefits are one way we measure our success, the underlying commitment and focus on serving our clients are key factors in our ability to realize the full potential and value of strategic procurement across the UC system. Read more                              

Bill Cooper 

Associate Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer

Strategic Sourcing: Beyond the Contract


The Centers of Excellence (COE) Life Sciences and Facilities teams are establishing new ways to interact with our suppliers and clients. We are seeing great results and incremental value from the strategic partnerships formed as we continue to capitalize on system wide sourcing opportunities. Read more

 Justin Sullivan

Strategic Sourcing Director

Mar 25RFXtra: RFP History & Access Log
Apr 1
Legal Documents Review (@ UCB) 
Apr 7Legal Documents Review (@ UCLA)
Apr 930/30: Custom Reports - Spend by Supplier
Apr 21RFXtra: Analyzing RFx Results 
Apr 22Legal Documents Review (@ UCSD) 


eCOE: Extending the UC Consortium and eCommerce Solutions


How will we succeed in consolidating a business process family across the UC procurement system? The eCOE team is modeling the way with a focus on enabling eCommerce solutions that streamline workflows and maximize contract utilization rates. Read more 

Jenn Glassman

eCOE Team Lead

Strategic Sourcing
Performance Management Update 


On February 12th, procurement staff from each campus came together for the first Quarterly Benefit Review. The group

reviewed procurement benefit from November and December and each organization's progress towards adopting the new benefit methodology. Read more              

Erin Riley

Information, Analytics & Systems Director

Sourcing Technology Update
Members of the Sourcing Technology team along with representatives from a number of campus procurement teams traveled to Florida at the end of February to attend the Next Level 2014 conference. The three-day conference included a range of topics, such as Sourcing & Supplier Management, Contract Management, eProcurement, and User Training. Read more           

Ola Popoola

Business Systems Project Manager

Need help or more information?

The next edition of the P200 newsletter will be sent April 25, 2014.