Welcome New Families & Incoming Kindergarten Students!                       
June 2019
We are delighted to welcome you and your student to our school community.  We realize the first few weeks of a new school can seem overwhelming...we hope you will find this newsletter helpful.  For our new families, a New Parent Meeting is scheduled on Thursday, August 15...more details below.

Kindergarten students will have the opportunity to see their classroom and meet their teacher at the Kindergarten Get Acquainted Open House on Tuesday, August 20.  For new students in Grades 1-7, please call or come by school on August 20 or 21, if your child would like to visit their classroom prior to the first day.  

The first day of school is Thursday, August 22.  Homeroom assignments will be posted on our website the day before the first day of school...or you can purchase a sneak peek at the FunFest Information Booth on Sunday, August 18, at 3:00 pm.  (A popular option!)

Thank you for choosing St. Mary School.  We know your experiences here will be rewarding.  We look forward to getting to know you and your child in the coming year as well as the years ahead.  Please contact us if we may answer any questions.

Welcome and May God Bless You!



Marianne Rosemond

Dates for Your Calendar 

New Parent Information Meeting
Thursday, August 15 
4:00-5:00 pm  
In the school library 
This meeting will give you an overview of daily procedures and provide a glimpse of what you can expect as SMS Parents. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and meet other new parents.  Please RSVP to the school office at 321-0703 or  Let us know if you will need childcare so that we may plan accordingly. 
The St. Mary FunFest begins that evening with an Adult Night followed by three days of festival fun for the whole family.  You will be sure to find the campus buzzing with activity!
Kindergarten Get Acquainted Open House
Tuesday, August 20
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
For Parents and Children
Meet in the Grotto on Erie Avenue to s ign-in & enjoy refreshments compliments of our PTO.  Proceed from the Grotto into the school to meet your child's teacher and see the classroom. 

First Day of School
Thursday, August 22
School day:  8:40 am-3:30 pm 
Kindergarten and 1st Grade dismiss at NOON the first two days of school; August 22 & 23. 
PTO General Meeting and Meet the Teacher Night Grades K-5
Tuesday, August 27  
7:15 pm
Meet in the gym
This event gives you the chance to visit your child's classroom and learn what to expect academically throughout the school year.  Meet in the gym at 7:15 pm to attend the General PTO Meeting.

Junior High Meet the Teacher Night
Thursday, August 29
6:30 pm
Parents of students in Grades 6-8 have the opportunity to follow their child's daily schedule.  Come early to pick-up your personalized schedule in the front hallway of school.  The first bell begins promptly at 6:30 pm!

  • Fall SAY (Soccer Association for Youth) League - Grades 1-8: contact Molly Bruegge to register: 
  •  St. Mary Summer Soccer Camp - Boys and Girls / 2 sessions:  June 10-13 for ages 5-8 and July 29-Aug 21 for ages 7-15.  
  • Little Cougars - Pre-K and K - September and October  information/registration will be available in the fall 
  • Grades 3-8 - contact Daniel Lessing with questions or to register - practice begins this summer
School Uniform Info
The official vendor of the St. Mary School uniform is Lands' End.   Here is the direct link to St. Mary School approved uniforms from Lands' End .

Here is the uniform policy on our website.

You are also welcome to visit the uniform exchange to take advantage of outgrown gently used uniforms.  The uniform exchange is located in our cafeteria and you can visit during the summer school office hours of 9am-Noon in June and August (school building is closed in July) or after the New Parent Meeting on August 15.
St. Mary Lunch Program
Hot lunch is made on premise by our contracted catering service, Kaldi's Catering.  A monthly lunch menu is posted on our School App and Website. 

St. Mary Lunch Program is a pay ahead program via an online account.  At the New Parent Meeting and Kindergarten Open House in August, you will receive your child's lunch account #  and information on the process for setting up your online lunch payment account.
For your is a link to the lunch menu  from this past May.  The new school year lunch menu for August/September will be posted closer to August 22!

School Supply Lists

School supply lists can be found on the front page News section of our website and school app News link.

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Info

The PTO is the heart and soul of our school.  We invite you to get involved and be a part of our community.  Read about all the volunteer opportunities HERE...and volunteer from the link below.  The PTO will be in touch with you. Thank you!

St. Mary School Family Directory
Every family will receive a 2019-2020 St. Mary School Family Directory as part of the PTO dues ($55) that are paid through your FACTS tuition billing.  Directories will be distributed shortly after the beginning of the school year.
  • Would you like to advertise your business services for FREE in next year's St. Mary School Family Directory?   Complete a BUSINESS DIRECTORY FORM HERE and be included in the Business Directory section of the 2019-2020 Family Directory. 
  • Email any updated personal contact info (email/phone#'s) for the school database to: or check and edit your contact information in your Option C account.

Do you shop at Kroger or Remke?
Help earn easy $$'s for our St Mary School PTO by your daily/weekly grocery shopping. 
St. Mary School earned almost $11,000 this past school year through the Grocery Program!  PTO supports our school in many ways with teacher supply stipends, teacher workshops, and classroom and building enhancements. 

The PTO earns a percentage of spirit wear sales.  The school schedules spirit wear days once a month during the school year.  Spirit wear is available for purchase here:
Box Tops
Be sure to save your box tops.  Box Tops are collected in each homeroom and three times a year we have friendly homeroom collection competitions.   Each box top represents $.10 and last year we raised over $ truly adds up!
Before and After School Childcare - Cougar Care
Return the Registration Form and Fee to:
St. Mary School
2845 Erie Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45208
Attention:  Cougar Care
Archdiocese of Cincinnati Requirement to be a Volunteer with Children - VIRTUS

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati requires EVERY employee and volunteer who helps with children to attend a VIRTUS workshop, complete an online background check, and read monthly bulletins that come to your email inbox.
Online registration is required to attend a session and allows you to create your VIRTUS account. 
  • The online background check link is accessed directly from your VIRTUS account under the Toolbox Tab.
Thank you for your support in keeping our children safe by creating a culture of awareness and for complying with this Archdiocesan mandate.


Download the St Mary School app for Free!

This app is packed with useful information including links to School News, Calendar, and Quick links to: Teacher web pages, Lunch Menu, and much more!


Search: St. Mary School Cincinnati


Faith, Friends, Fellowship, & Fun 
T otus Tuus (a Latin phrase meaning "totally yours") was the motto of Pope St. John Paul II. It signifies our desire to give ourselves entirely to Jesus Christ through the hands of our Blessed Mother Mary. 

Teen Program
Students entering grades 7-12               
Graduated seniors may also attend
Sunday, June 16-Thursday,June 20
7:00 - 9:00 pm

Grade School Program
Students entering grades 1-6
Mon., June 17-Fri., June 21                
9:00 am - 2:30 pm  (Bring a sack Lunch)

$20 /child     $50/3 or more students from same family

For Pre-K to students entering Grade 4
Monday, July 29 - Friday, August 2, 2019
9:30-11:30 am
Welcome to St. Mary School!  
We are glad you are here.  If we may answer any questions please email or call:
Beth Mock at or  Lisa Koslovsky at
or 513-321-0703

The school office is open in the morning during the month of June and August.  The school building is closed in July.

For your later reference, all this information will be posted on our website News section and the school app.

Happy Summer!
Visit us at our website
Follow us on our social sites