May 17th, 2019
11th of Iyar, 5779 

School Logo


    Parshat Emor 
Candle Lighting at 7:50 PM

Impactful Environments
The Torah tells us in this week's parsha that an animal may be sacrificed in the Beit Hamikdash only if it is at least eight days old. The Torah does not tell us why.  Chizkuni and other pashtanim suggest that once the animal is at least a week old we know that it is healthy and viable and therefore appropriate to bring as a sacrifice. The midrash however suggests that the animal must be eight days old for a different reason. An eight day old animal is guaranteed to have experienced a Shabbat; for that same reason a baby boy's brit milah is on the eighth day since by his eighth day he is also guaranteed to have experienced a Shabbat.  What is the meaning of this midrash? Animals and babies certainly do not understand the meaning of Shabbat, so why do we care if they have experienced it? Perhaps the midrash is teaching us the importance of culture and the subtle impact of our surroundings. We are who we are not only because of the conscious decisions we've made intentionally but also because of what we have absorbed naturally from the environment that surrounds us. I am so proud of the extraordinary culture and the dynamic environment that makes KYHS what it is. Whether commemorating Yom Hazikaron, celebrating Yom Haatzmaut, or just going through the hustle and bustle of a day at KYHS, students are bound to absorb the culture and develop into the next generation of Jewish leaders.
I am grateful to the seniors who have helped create this sort of dynamic culture on the Highlites staff. Led by the indefatigable Akiva Stadlan along with Justin Isaacs, Noa Markovitz, Akiva Groman, Sara Deichman, Shalom Brauser, Adina Hirsch, Daniel Gross, Avi Linzer, Aharon Brandwein, Shmuel Gross, Jackie Zimmerman, Meital Fixler, and Lexi Cohen, our seniors have shown determination, creativity, responsibility and an aesthetic sense as they've highlighted to the broader community what makes KYHS so special.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Jonathan Kroll
Head of School 

Upcoming Events
May 22nd 
  Sports Banquet
May 23rd
Senior Dinner
Lag B'Omer 
May 27th  
Memorial Day No Classes
May 27th-31st 
Senior Trip  
May 28th
History Final
May 31st
Science Final
June 3rd  
Gemara/Tusba Final  
June 4th 
Math Final-Book Collection 
June 5th 
June 6th 
Full Faculty meeting
Reunion for Class of 2008 and Class of 2009
June 7th 
Community Service Hours due 
Good & Welfare

Jordana (Kaminetsky '07) and Simon Bernstein on the birth of their son, Noah William.
From Remembrance to Independence
Students Deliver Moving Yom Hazikaron Ceremony; Swarm Marlins Park to Celebrate Israel
Graphic by Leora Cohn ('20)
Article by Ariella Greenberg ('22)

Last week was Yom Hazikaron, a Memorial Day for Israeli soldiers and terror victims. Our school had a beautiful ceremony Wednesday morning to honor those who died for our country. Students got up in front of the school and told the stories of sacrifice of different individuals, from young soldiers to civilians. We also commemorated Ari Fuld, a hero who served many years in the Israeli army, and was recently murdered by a terrorist. Then we had the honor of hearing a moving message from Rabbanit Henkin, the mother of two Israelis whose lives were taken from them by terrorists in front of their young children. She explained how they did not die in vain; their sacrifice was to protect us and is a part of our special Jewish story. May the memories of all these Israeli hero's be a blessing to us all.

  Last week, KYHS students joined nearly 5,000 students from all over South Florida to celebrate Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israel's Independence Day, at Marlins Park. The program began with every school group parading around the field to their designated spots. Students heard from city officials as well as the organizers of the event who spoke about the road to making the dream into a reality. A video was shown full of Israeli and non-Israeli celebrities and politicians wishing Israel a happy Yom Ha'atzmaut. After the video, Gad Elbaz led everyone in singing accompanied by a video of the incredible Koolulam program which incorporated a medley of Hebrew songs recorded at Jewish schools all over South Florida. After the programs inside the stadium, the high schoolers headed outside for a barbecue all together. The Marlins Park celebration for Yom Haatzmaut was fabulous, Ruach-filled event once again.
Click Here for Yom Ha'atzmaut Slideshow
Click Here for Yom Ha'atzmaut Video
Seniors Sing Final Goodbye
Senior Kumsitz Highlighted by Inspiring Speeches and Incredible Potato Kugel 
Graphic by Chana Schandelson ('22) and Aerin Tripp ('22)
Article by Adina Hirsch ('19)

Each year, ruach-filled kumsitzes are staples at KYHS, but for seniors, the kumsitz yesterday was even more special than usual. Sitting in the upstairs hallway, students from all grades united to sing their hearts out to their favorite Jewish songs. Following past KYHS tradition, in the midst of singing, seniors were given one last chance to say their final goodbyes and thank yous, while reflecting on their past four years and sharing advice to the underclassmen. Senior Nina Mamrout described this meaningful experience: "As a freshman, my senior kumsitz always felt so far away, but in the blink of an eye, four years came and went- and so did senior kumsitz. It was a great opportunity for the seniors to sort of pass the torch on to the next senior class by reflecting on our own memories and offering our best advice. It was the most moving and meaningful kumsitz for me yet." Though it may have signified the end of the seniors partaking in a KYHS kumsitz, the class of 2019 will forever be KYHS students at heart and will always cherish the kumsitzes and memories they created in high school.

AP Week Comes To A Comedic End 
Students Cleverly Avoid Cancellations of their Scores, Please Report All Violations to the Office of Testing Integrity ( 609-406-5430)
Graphic by Penina Kahane ('22)
Not Your Typical Museum
Students Present Navi Projects in Dazzling Display of STEM Prowess At Navi Museum
Graphic by Liora Mayer ('20)
Article by Molly Seghi ('22)

On Thursday, we had the honor of going to an exhibit created by the girls' Navi classes. The museum took place in the rotunda. Each project in display effortlessly incorporated what was taught this year in Navi (Melachim II) and new technology. Dr. Wolf helped with the incorporation of technologies such as augmented reality. Some were visual, some were interactive. One group created an incredible website while another group created a Navi themed interactive ping pong game. Thank you to Rabbi Wolf and our incredible Navi teachers for helping create this enriching museum for us all.

Students and Faculty Furnish Facial Hair For Sefira
Can You Guess the Scruff?
Graphic by Naomi Reichemberg ('22) and Devora Lome ('22)
Thank You Senior Highliters!
Thanks to These Students For Their Dedication to Highlights, Good Luck in the Future
Graphic by Highlites Staff 
Article by Mayrav Saketkou ('20)
Akiva Stadlan- KYHS has had the zechut for the past four years to have seen your incredible graphics, gifs, and banners but only I and the chevra have seen the tireless dedication you put into the process. It has been a pleasure sharing all of the lunch meetings, Highlites family trips, and commutes to the circle with you. Your style will forever impact the way we draw out our graphic ideas.
Justin Isaacs - Thank you, Justin, for the hilarious and impeccable graphics and YouTube playlists. Your dedication and fun energy have elevated every graphic and Thursday night meeting. You may be leaving, but you will always be remembered because your email is logged into every school computer.
Akiva Groman - To the best Managing Editor yet. You have helped lead Highlites with your immense technical skill for the past few years. Even though your Instagram captions never made it and you frequently left for various, very real, not made up reasons, your graphics made up for it.
Sara - Thank you, Sara, for making sure every article (and Instagram) was always perfect. Every week you made time to edit each article, create an insightful Sara's Scoop, and come to the Monday lunch meetings. We couldn't have done it without you!
Noa Markovitz -  Thank you for always being Avi's babysitter/sidekick graphic maker (and making sure he never went crazy or beat up Justin), and for all the people and objects you would cut out so that others wouldn't have to. We could always count on you to bring the Disney musicals to life at Highlites!
Shalom Brauser - Even when our graphics were a little bit of a stretch, Shalom was always there to come up with terrific, tremendous titles to tie things together. We will fully miss you and your abuse of alliteration.
Adina Hirsch - Only you would complain to me that you are never in Highlites, meanwhile, your flawless journalism has become a staple of this publication. I would like to thank you on behalf of the countless students who you have without a doubt helped with your advice in Ask Adina.
Daniel Gross - Thank you for the countless hours you put into making the weekly videos this year. Your love for film and the Chevra is apparent in the fantastic videos your produce.

To the senior technical and writing staff, thank you for all of the articles, graphics, and time you've all put in to smoothly creating fantastic editions of Highlites every week. You will be missed!

This Week in Pictures

Click Here if you would like to order a yearbook

The Yeshiva Highlites Staff