March 2, 2018

 Snowy scene at Wagon Hill Farm in Durham, NH       Credit: Nancy O' Connor

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Happy March,

We are in the home stretch, with only 18 more days until spring! And if the weather this week has been a precursor for what we can expect after March 20, I am more than just a little excited! While winter might rear its ugly head once more this weekend, I think we can all handle it with 60°+ weather to look forward to. 

Here at SRPC staffers are busy collaborating on improving and integrating our environmental justice program with other MPO efforts, beginning early preparations for the 2018 field work season, and beginning the update process for the City of Rochester's hazard mitigation plan.

In this issue, you will find information about a NHDES grant update, SRPC news you might have missed, an opportunity to comment on the Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling proposal for NH's coast/Gulf of Maine, our latest blog, planning events of interest, an ESRI GIS training opportunity, and community happenings.  

Until next month,

Shayna Sylvia 
Communications and Outreach Specialist
In This Issue
NHDES grant update
In case you missed it: SRPC news
Public opportunity for input
Our latest blog
Planning events of interest
ESRI GIS training
Community Happenings

NHDES grant update

Lamprey River
Lakes, bays, rivers, ponds, and streams are some of the natural features that make the Strafford region a great place to live and visit! Our region is rich in water and these waters feed into our drinking water supply. This water needs protection for public health, quality of life, and environmental purposes. As one of the fastest growing regions in New Hampshire, we have a significant amount of residential and commercial development and infrastructure growth. This development, along with natural occurrences such as major storms and climate change, threatens the general health of our waters. It falls on municipalities to identify and mitigate problems and to have in place best management practices that prevent further damage.

Each year, the Department of Environmental Services (DES) offers funding opportunities to New Hampshire municipalities to support this vital work. A list of some of these grants can be found here: are opportunities for small towns as well as for cities. Most of us know about the big grants from DES,but check out the list for some smaller ones that are easy to miss.These grants provide critical aid for towns and cities to carry out mitigation and protection projects. Grants of $500 - $1,500 could help fund the preparation of drawings that accurately show the location of water system infrastructure or could help fund a water storage tank inspection in a small town. Asset management grants of up to $20,000 can help towns and cities fund the creation of plans for managing water infrastructure that serves 200 or more residents.

In addition, Aquatic Resource Mitigation funds address many of the system failures that municipalities face. These funds ( help protect wetlands from development projects and can be used for stream crossings, culvert replacement, and stormwater management to restore wetlands to their natural state.
There are many opportunities available to support municipalities in protecting our waters. Don't hesitate to reach out to SRPC if you have questions!

In case you missed it: SRPC news

Featured in Foster's

SRPC executive director Cynthia Copeland was featured in an article in Foster's Daily Democrat on Feb. 27. The piece highlights Cynthia's accomplishments over the past 19 years and gives an important introduction for those who may not be familiar with our work.

Check out the article at:

TIP #4 Public Comment Period

As a metropolitan planning organization (MPO), we are collecting comments from the public and holding a public hearing on the proposed Amendment #4 to the adopted 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). 

The TIP, part of the 2015-2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan for the Strafford region, is prioritized list of transportation projects in the region funded by the federal and state governments and programmed for the next four years. The amendment is necessary to account for changes in various projects and to maintain consistency with the 2017-2020 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). 
The public comment period for the amendment began on Wednesday, Feb. 14, and will end at 5 p.m. on Thursday, March 15. A public hearing on the amendment will be held at 9 a.m. on Friday, March 16, at the Strafford Regional Planning Commission.
Public comments may be directed to:

Colin Lentz
Strafford Regional Planning Commission                                         
150 Wakefield Street, Suite 12                                                                       
Rochester, NH 03867                                                                          
Phone:       (603) 994-3500 
Fax            (603) 994-3504                             

Opportunity to share your input: offshore oil and gas drilling proposal for NH's coast/Gulf of Maine
Great Bay wetlands in Newmarket  Credit: Shayna Sylvia

The US Department of Interior's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) will be holding an open house related to its Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling proposal for NH's coast/Gulf of Maine from 3 -7 p.m. on Monday, Mar. 5. This event will take place at the Holiday Inn in Concord, NH. There is lots to consider regarding BOEM's proposal and this event will allow citizens to ask important questions.

Friday, Mar. 9 is the last day for the submittal of public written comments. BOEM requests comments be submitted  via the portal at

*Other public meetings nationwide are listed here:

Our latest blog
SRPC is launching a new blog series titled "SRPC features," in which we will share planning stories and projects from across the region. The first post focuses on preservation in the City of Somersworth.

Over the past four decades, the city has made six additions to the National Register of Historic Places: Hilltop School, U.S. Post Office - Somersworth Main, Queensbury Mill, Lehoullier Building, Green Street School, and Forest Glade Cemetery. SRPC's blog post focuses on planning processes and recent grants to support infrastructure upgrades at Forest Glade Cemetery, which has a unique and important history. 

Learn more by reading the post at:

Planning, planning everywhere: events of interest

Meet Planner Brent Toderian & Hear About Density Done Well 

Portsmouth Smart Growth for the 21st Century (PS21) describes itself as "an independent, volunteer-led nonprofit that presents ideas and encourages discussion and policy development around planning issues in Portsmouth, NH and the Seacoast." The organization is bringing internationally known planner Brent Toderian to both Concord and Portsmouth during the week of Mar. 5. Toderian, a passionate practitioner and advocate for creative, vibrant city-building, will discuss density issues in urban and rural communities. He will be at 3S ArtSpace in Portsmouth on Monday, Mar. 5, at 7 p.m. and at the Red River Theatres in Concord on Tuesday, Mar. 6, from 10 a.m. to noon.

For those who are AICP certified, there are 2.0 AICP CM credits available.

Learn more at

UNH Cooperative Extension's Saving Special Places Conference

Registration is now open for the 2018 Saving Special Places Conference. This UNH Cooperative Extension event will be held on Saturday, Apr. 7, from 8 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. at Prospect Mountain High School in Alton.

Keynote speaker Judy Anderson will discuss "Who Will Care Tomorrow? When Conservation Creates Community." Workshops will focus on community engagement, a new fund to protect water supply lands, planning for trails, basic conservation options, and much more. 

Register, or learn more, at:

NH Planners Association 2018 Spring Conference 

The NH Planners Association (NHPA) will hold its annual spring conference on Thursday, May 31, and Friday, June 1, at the Courtyard Marriott Event Center in Nashua.

The conference will begin Thursday afternoon with an ethics session (3:30-5 .p.m.) and reception (5-7 p.m.). As explained on the NHPA website, the full day (8 a.m.-5 p.m.) Friday session will "highlight new urbanism techniques and emerging trends in planning across the Granite State." NHPA will also be partnering with the Congress of New Urbanism New England (CNU-NE) to bring in sessions on walkability, connectivity, mixed-use & diversity, sustainability, mixed housing, and much more.

Learn more, and register, at:

Amateur map makers take note!

Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) will hold a seven-week course focused on assisting those interested in mapmaking with the tools to become a better and smarter mapmaker. The free online course will run from Wednesday, Apr. 18, to Tuesday, May 29, and will provide 1-2 hours of content each week.

Learn more, or register, online at
 Community Happenings
The Veil, Newmarket Millspace, Mar. 9, at 7 p.m.
Rochester artist Beth Wittenburg will present her collection of paintings titled "The Veil" at the Newmarket Millspace on Friday, Mar. 9. Th collection will be on display through Thursday, Apr. 5. As explained on, "The opening reception for the artist starts at 7 p.m. The work will be featured in the gallery in association with Ignite: Millspace, an evening of dynamic micro-talks on the theme of inspiration at 8 p.m. Wittenberg will also be featured as one the evening's speakers."

Exotic Plant Show, Wentworth Greenhouses, Mar. 10 and 11, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Wentworth Greenhouses in Rollinsford will hold its Exotic Plant Show the weekend of March 10. This event will feature thousand of plants on display. It will include free seminars led by expert and educational displays, as well as Wildlife Encounters from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday.

Figtree Kitchen will provide delicious and unique baked goods, and lunch items will be available for purchase during select hours.

BANFF Mountain Film Festival 2018, Portsmouth City Music Hall, Mar. 14 & 15 at 7 p.m.

The traveling version of the Banff Mountain Film Festival will return to the Portsmouth Music Hall on Wednesday and Thursday, Mar. 14 and 15. As explained on the Music Hall's website, this film festival features "a unique, exhilarating, and provocative exploration of the mountain world." Different documentaries and short films will be shown on both days. Admission is $24.50. 

This event is also a huge fundraiser for Goodwin Community Health in Somersworth. 

Learn more at:

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